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Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(2): 4-4, May 6, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-1396752


The purpose of the research is to studythe efficacy of phytotherapeutic, and homeopathic drugs. Phytotherapeutic drugs have been widely used in parasitology for many years. Also, homeopathic drugs such as Cina have anti-helminthicproperties. The possibility of using phytotherapeutic and high dilutiondrugs during the treatment of nematodedisease has been studied. Two experimental parasitological disease models (aspiculuriosis and trichinellosis) were used.Trichinellosisis a common model of nematodesinmice [1,2].Aspiculuris tetrapteraa pinworm of mice is an important parasite in institutions with mice colonies for both research and teaching purposes. The infection is generally asymptomatic. This study aimed to assess the protective efficiency of a homeopathic drug such as Cina C6cH, sphagnum,and its complex against experimental trichinosis and aspiculuriosis. Methods:An assay was carried out on 80 white outbred mice. These were divided into 6 groups of ten mice each. Groups1 and 4 had sphagnum q.s. per os; groups2 and 5 -desoldering dissolved in water Cina C6cH one time a day per os, the groups3 and 6 received complex sphagnum+Cina C6cHone time a day per os. Groups1-3 were inoculated with a dose of 80 ± 5 units of T. spiralislarva per mouse, groups 4-6 had spontaneous aspiculuriosis, and group 7 had T. spiralis, group 8 had Aspiculuris tetraptera. After 60 days of trichinellosis incubation, process the mice were euthanized and dissected for evaluation.Results:Maximum protection was obtained in the group of mice 3: T. spiralisdetected larvae in animals was 650.5±25.1 larva/animal. Group N2 (Cina C6cH) presented 2840.5±183.3 larva/animal. This was less than the control group (4485±430.6 larva/mouse). Also,groups 4-6 of mice with aspiculuriosis showed 75%, 80%,and 86% efficacy against nematodes.

Cina maritima , Trichinella spiralis , Fitoterapia