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Plant Physiol ; 108(3): 1233-1239, 1995 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12228540


An interval on barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) chromosome 7 accounting for significant quantitative trait locus effects for winter hardiness were detected in a winter (Dicktoo) x spring (Morex) barley population (P.M. Hayes, T. Blake, T.H.H. Chen, S. Tragoonrung, F. Chen, A. Pan, and B. Liu [1993] Genome 36: 66-71). Two members of the barley dehydrin gene family, Dhn1 and Dhn2, were located within the region defining the winter hardiness quantitative trait locus effect (A. Pan, P.M. Hayes, F. Chen, T. Blake, T.H.H. Chen, T.T.S. Wright, I. Karsai, Z. Bedo [1994] Theor Appl Genet 89: 900-910). To investigate the possible role of Dhn1 and Dhn2 in winter hardiness, we examined the expression pattern of six barley dehydrin gene family members in shoot tissue in response to cold temperature. Incubation of 3-week-old barley plants at 2[deg]C resulted in a rapid induction of a single 86-kD polypeptide that was recognized by an antiserum against a peptide conserved in the dehydrin gene family. Northern blot analysis confirmed the induction of an mRNA corresponding to Dhn5. The expression patterns of cold-induced dehydrins in shoot tissue for Dicktoo and Morex were identical under the conditions studied, in spite of the known phenotypic differences in their winter hardiness. These results, together with the allelic structure of selected high- and low-survival lines, suggest that the Dicktoo alleles at the Dhn1 and Dhn2 may not be the primary determinants of winter hardiness in barley.

Plant Physiol ; 106(1): 211-215, 1994 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12232321


Poplars (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh) accumulate a 32-kD bark storage protein (BSP) in phloem parenchyma and xylem ray cells during autumn and winter. Accumulation of poplar BSP is associated with short-day (SD) photoperiods. Poplar BSP shares sequence similarity with the product of the wound-inducible poplar gene win4. The influence of nitrogen availability and photoperiod on the levels of BSP, BSP mRNA, and win4 mRNA was investigated. In long-day (LD) plants BSP, BSP mRNA, and win4 mRNA levels were correlated with the amount of NH4NO3 provided to the plant. BSP mRNA and BSP were detected only in bark, whereas win4 mRNA was detected only in leaves. In LD plants treated with NH4NO3, BSP mRNA levels were significantly greater than those of win4. In nitrogen-deficient plants exposed to SD conditions, the accumulation of BSP mRNA and BSP was delayed for 2 weeks. This delay was eliminated by further SD exposure, and after 6 weeks of SD treatment similar levels of BSP and BSP mRNA were detected in the bark of SD plants regardless of the level of NH4NO3 treatment. win4 mRNA levels declined to undetectable levels in young leaves of SD plants but increased in mature leaves. These results indicate that BSP accumulation in both LD and SD plants is influenced by nitrogen availability. Although both BSP and win4 appear to be involved in nitrogen storage, our data suggest that BSP is probably the primary protein involved in both seasonal and short-term nitrogen storage in poplar. These results also suggest that nitrogen cycling and storage in poplar could involve a two-component system. In this system the win4 gene product may modulate accumulation and mobilization of leaf nitrogen, whereas BSP is involved in seasonal and short-term nitrogen storage during periods of excess nitrogen availability.

Plant Physiol ; 102(1): 53-59, 1993 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12231797


In poplar (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh), a 32-kD bark storage protein (BSP) accumulates in the bark during autumn and winter and declines during spring shoot growth. We investigated the physiological and environmental factors necessary for the degradation of poplar BSP. Poplar plants were exposed to short-day (SD) photoperiods for either 28 or 49 d. Plants exposed to short days for 28 d formed a terminal bud but were not dormant, whereas exposure to short days for 49 d induced bud dormancy. BSP accumulated in bark of plants exposed to both SD treatments. The level of BSP declined rapidly when nondormant plants were returned to long days. BSP levels did not decline in dormant plants that were exposed to long-day (LD) conditions. If dormant plants were first treated with either low temperatures (0[deg]C for 28 d) or with 0.5 M H2CN2 to overcome dormancy and then returned to long days, the level of BSP declined. Removal of buds from non-dormant or dormant plants in which dormancy had been overcome inhibited the degradation of BSP in LD conditions. BSP mRNA levels rapidly declined in plants exposed to long days, irrespective of the dormancy status of the plants or the presence or absence of buds. These results indicate that the buds of poplars are somehow able to communicate with bark storage sites and regulate poplar BSP degradation. These results further support an association of BSP mRNA levels with photoperiod because short days stimulate BSP mRNA accumulation, whereas long days result in a decline of BSP mRNA abundance.