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Biodivers Data J ; 12: e115000, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38314121


Background: Soil animal communities include more than 40 higher-order taxa, representing over 23% of all described species. These animals have a wide range of feeding sources and contribute to several important soil functions and ecosystem services. Although many studies have assessed macroinvertebrate communities in Brazil, few of them have been published in journals and even fewer have made the data openly available for consultation and further use. As part of ongoing efforts to synthesise the global soil macrofauna communities and to increase the amount of openly-accessible data in GBIF and other repositories related to soil biodiversity, the present paper provides links to 29 soil macroinvertebrate datasets covering 42 soil fauna taxa, collected in various land-use systems in Brazil. A total of 83,085 georeferenced occurrences of these taxa are presented, based on quantitative estimates performed using a standardised sampling method commonly adopted worldwide to collect soil macrofauna populations, i.e. the TSBF (Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Programme) protocol. This consists of digging soil monoliths of 25 x 25 cm area, with handsorting of the macroinvertebrates visible to the naked eye from the surface litter and from within the soil, typically in the upper 0-20 cm layer (but sometimes shallower, i.e. top 0-10 cm or deeper to 0-40 cm, depending on the site). The land-use systems included anthropogenic sites managed with agricultural systems (e.g. pastures, annual and perennial crops, agroforestry), as well as planted forests and native vegetation located mostly in the southern Brazilian State of Paraná (96 sites), with a few additional sites in the neighbouring states of São Paulo (21 sites) and Santa Catarina (five sites). Important metadata on soil properties, particularly soil chemical parameters (mainly pH, C, P, Ca, K, Mg, Al contents, exchangeable acidity, Cation Exchange Capacity, Base Saturation and, infrequently, total N), particle size distribution (mainly % sand, silt and clay) and, infrequently, soil moisture and bulk density, as well as on human management practices (land use and vegetation cover) are provided. These data will be particularly useful for those interested in estimating land-use change impacts on soil biodiversity and its implications for below-ground foodwebs, ecosystem functioning and ecosystem service delivery. New information: Quantitative estimates are provided for 42 soil animal taxa, for two biodiversity hotspots: the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes. Data are provided at the individual monolith level, representing sampling events ranging from February 2001 up to September 2016 in 122 sampling sites and over 1800 samples, for a total of 83,085 ocurrences.

Neotrop. entomol ; 33(4): 457-462, July-Aug. 2004. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-512898


Laboratory studies were carried out to develop a methodology for the mass production of Telenomus podisi Ash. and Trissolcus basalis (Woll.) on eggs of Euschistus heros (Fabr.) and to compare it with the methodology presently used in the biological control program of soybean stink bugs in Brazil [T. basalis reared on Nezara viridula (L.) eggs]. In a first experiment, egg masses randomly distributed were shown the most adequate method of exposure of E. heros to parasitism. In a second experiment, egg masses of E. heros were randomly glued on cardboard cards and exposed to parasitism by T. podisi and T. basalis. The parasitoids multiplied on E. heros eggs showed parasitism (ca. 99 percent) similar to that observed with T. basalis reared on N. viridula eggs (99.7 percent). Emergence rates were higher than 80 percent for T. podisi and T. basalis multiplied on E. heros eggs and 95 percent for T. basalis reared on N. viridula eggs. Later, similar emergence rates (> 78 percent) were observed on cardboard cards tied on soybean plants. No differences were detected between courtship behavior of T. podisi and T. basalis emerged from E. heros eggs compared to T. basalis emerged from N. viridula eggs. The sex ratios in the offspring of T. podisi and T. basalis emerged from E. heros eggs were similar to that exhibited by the offspring of T. basalis emerged from N. viridula eggs. The results suggest that the developed methodology is simple, efficient and can be an important tool in biological control program of soybean stink bugs.

Estudos de laboratório foram conduzidos com o objetivo de desenvolver uma metodologia de multiplicação massal de Telenomus podisi Ash. e Trissolcus basalis (Woll.) em ovos de Euschistus heros (Fab.) e compará-la à metodologia utilizada no programa de controle biológico dos percevejos-pragas da soja no Brasil [T. basalis criado em ovos de Nezara viridula (L.)]. Em um primeiro experimento, foi determinado que massas de ovos aleatoriamente distribuídas foi o método mais adequado de exposição dos ovos de E. heros ao parasitismo. Em um segundo experimento, massas de ovos de E. heros foram aleatoriamente coladas em cartelas de papelão e expostas a T. podisi e T. basalis. Os parasitóides multiplicados nos ovos de E. heros apresentaram índices de parasitismo (cerca de 99 por cento) similares ao observado para T. basalis multiplicado em ovos de N. viridula (99,7 por cento). As taxas de emergência foram superiores a 80 por cento para ambos parasitóides em ovos de E. heros e superior a 95 por cento para T. basalis em ovos de N. viridula. Posteriormente, índices de emergência similares (> 78 por cento) foram observados nas cartelas de papelão amarradas nas plantas de soja. O comportamento de cópula dos parasitóides não variou. A razão sexual da geração subsequente de T. podisi e T. basalis gerados em ovos de E. heros foi igual à de T. basalis criado em ovos de N. viridula. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que a metodologia desenvolvida é simples, eficiente e pode tornar-se importante ferramenta no programa de controle biológico dos percevejos da soja.

Neotrop. entomol ; 31(1): 109-113, Jan.-Mar. 2002. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-513754


Damage on soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] caused by Euschistus heros (Fabricius) parasitized by Hexacladia smithii Ashmead was studied in greenhouse. Soybean plants, cultivar BR-37, were covered with nylon screen net and artificially infested with two bugs/plant, for a 15-day period, from the stage corresponding to the end of pod development (R4) up to filled seeds (R5-R6). Plants infested by non-parasitized bugs were compared with plants infested by bugs parasitized by H. smithii and with non-infested plants (control), with 20 replicates per treatment. The yield (g/plant), total number of pods and number of failed pods per plant did not differ between plants attacked by non-parasitized as well as by parasitized bugs, but they both differed from the control. Similarly, the qualitative analysis of seeds (good, medium and bad) and the tetrazolium test (punctured seeds, damaged seeds and vigor) demonstrated the same effect. However, the germination potentiality of the seeds attacked by parasitized bugs was higher than those seeds attacked by non-parasitized ones, indicating that a lower damage was caused by parasitized bugs.

O dano causado à soja [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] por Euschistus heros (Fabricius) parasitado por Hexacladia smithii Ashmead, foi estudado em casa-de-vegetação. Utilizaram-se plantas de soja da cultivar BR-37, cobertas com tela de filó, infestadas com dois percevejos/planta por um período de 15 dias, do final do desenvolvimento de vagens (R4) até o estádio de enchimento de grãos (R5-R6). Plantas infestadas com percevejos parasitados por H. smithii foram comparadas a plantas infestadas com percevejos sadios e a plantas livres do ataque de insetos (testemunha), com 20 repetições por tratamento. Pelos resultados obtidos, o rendimento (g/planta), o número total de vagens e o número de vagens chochas por planta foram semelhantes entre as plantas atacadas por percevejos sadios e parasitados por H. smithii, diferindo ambas da testemunha. Da mesma forma, a análise qualitativa dos grãos, através do teste visual (sementes boas, médias e ruins) e do tetrazólio (sementes picadas, sementes inviabilizadas e vigor), demonstrou que percevejos sadios e parasitados causaram danos estatisticamente iguais entre si e diferentes da testemunha. Entretanto, o potencial germinativo das sementes atacadas por percevejos parasitados foi maior do que o das sementes sugadas por percevejos sadios, demonstrando que ocorre menor dano quando os percevejos estão parasitados.

Neotrop. entomol ; 30(4): 535-540, Dec. 2001. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-514502


Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial de Euschistus heros (Fabr.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) como hospedeiro na multiplicação de parasitóides de ovos, através da determinação do desempenho de ninfas e de adultos, de laboratório e campo, de E. heros, comparativamente a Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), em condições massais. A partir de 100 ovos colocados entre as folhas de uma planta de soja contida em gaiola (50x50x70 cm), determinou-se o número de ninfas que atingiram a fase adulta e o tempo de desenvolvimento ninfal. As ninfas foram alimentadas com vagens verdes de soja e grão secos de soja e amendoim. Para estudar a sobrevivência e o desempenho reprodutivo, 100 casais de E. heros e N. viridula, provenientes do campo e laboratório, foram alocados em gaiolas contendo a mesma dieta das ninfas e observados durante 13 semanas (fevereiro a maio - 1999). Verificou-se que o tempo de desenvolvimento das ninfas de E. heros e N. viridula foi 33,0 e 34,0 dias e que 65,0 por cento e 71,3 por cento das ninfas atingiram a fase adulta, respectivamente. Adultos de E. heros criados em laboratório produziram 2,5 vezes mais ovos (5547,0 ovos/gaiola) do que aqueles provenientes do campo (2262,7 ovos/gaiola). Os adultos de E. heros provenientes do campo apresentaram redução na sobrevivência e no número de ovos produzidos devido ao elevado índice de parasitismo por Hexacladia smithii Ash. (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Os adultos de N. viridula provenientes do campo apresentaram produção de ovos 1,7 vezes maior (6304,9 ovos/gaiola) do que a dos percevejos criados em laboratório (3609,2 ovos/gaiola). E. heros criado em laboratório é um promissor hospedeiro na multiplicação de parasitóides de ovos, quando comparado com N. viridula coletado no campo.

This research aimed to evaluate the potential of Euschistus heros (Fabr.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) as host for multiplication of egg parasitoids, by determining the nymphal and adult performance of E. heros from laboratory and the field, comparing with Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), under mass conditions. One hundred eggs of E. heros and N. viridula were placed among the leaves of soybean plants contained in cages (50x50x70 cm) and observation were made until adult emergence. The nymphs fed on soybean pods, dry soybean and peanuts seeds. The number of nymphs that reached adulthood and the development time were calculated. The survivorship and reproduction performance of laboratory and field populations of E. heros and N. viridula were evaluated during 13 weeks in February-May 1999. The number of eggs produced by 100 pairs of stink bugs per cage containing the same diet was recorded. Nymphal development time of E. heros and N. viridula was 33.0 and 34.0 days and 65.0 percent and 71.3 percent of nymphs reached adulthood, respectively. Adults of E. heros reared under laboratory conditions produced 2.5 times more eggs (5547.0 eggs/cage) than those collected in the field (2262.7 eggs/cage). The adult field population of E. heros had reduced reproduction and longevity due to parasitism by Hexacladia smithii Ash. (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). The N. viridula adults collected in the field produced 1.7 times more eggs (6304.9 eggs/cage) than those reared in the laboratory (3609.2 eggs/cage). E. heros laboratory reared is a promising host for egg parasitoids multiplication when compared with N. viridula collected in the field.