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Physis (Rio J.) ; 24(3): 831-849, Jul-Sep/2014.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-727140


As controvérsias em ciência e tecnologia são cada vez mais reconhecidas como questões éticas e morais, e não somente técnicas. É o caso da experimentação animal, foco deste trabalho. Visando clarificar quais grupos tiveram seus interesses e reivindicações atendidos e quais foram ignorados, foi efetuada uma análise da legislação do estado de São Paulo sobre o assunto, a partir do referencial teórico dos Estudos Sociais da Ciência e Tecnologia. O estudo abordou aspectos como a relação entre a comunidade científica, a camada política e o público leigo, a autoridade da ciência e as estratégias para inclusão/exclusão de grupos. Concluiu-se que, apesar dos crescentes questionamentos sobre as consequências sociais, éticas e morais da prática científica, a ciência ainda desempenha um papel central na resolução de controvérsias, ocupando um lugar privilegiado dentro do core set...

Controversies in science and technology are increasingly recognized as ethical and moral issues, not just technical. It is the case of animal experimentation, the central issue of this work. Using the theoretical framework of Social Studies of Science and Technology, the work analyses the law of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, about animal experimentation, aiming to clarify which groups had their interests and demands met, and which were ignored. The study addressed issues such as the relationship between the scientific community, the lay public and the policy layer, the authority of science and the strategies for inclusion/exclusion of groups. It was concluded that, despite the growing doubts about the social, moral and ethical consequences of scientific practice, science still plays a central role in the resolution of controversies, occupying a privileged place within the core set...

Animais , Normas Jurídicas , Experimentação Animal/ética , Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade , Brasil , Percepção Pública da Ciência
Dados rev. ciênc. sociais ; 49(1): 159-191, 2006.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-433943


International nonprofit foundations are acknowledged for their role in supporting scientific research, training human resources (physicians, public health professionals, and nurses), and creating science institutions and health services in developing countries. Focusing on the work of foreign institutions like the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, the current study aims to highlight several innovative and pioneering initiatives, considering their areas of action, priorities, diversification of activities, changes in guidelines, and partnerships with international and Brazilian institutions during the Pre- and Post-War periods. The study also analyzes how these foundations readjust their agendas as a function of the presence of new players, institutions, and objectives.