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Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 48: e71, 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39286658


The Region of the Americas has historically experienced social inequalities rooted in colonialism, which are reflected and reproduced in the area of health. The COVID-19 pandemic affected the entire Region, but the most socially disadvantaged groups were hit hardest, intensifying health inequities. Under the premise that pandemics are not socially neutral phenomena, this special report analyzes the unequal impacts of the pandemic from different perspectives: historical, epidemiological, political, social, economic, environmental, and population-related. Critical reflections are offered here on the negative impacts of inequalities on well-being, not only in the most affected populations, but across society as a whole. Strategic recommendations are made for progress toward health equity in the post-pandemic context. This report highlights the importance of advancing toward mature information systems to monitor health equity, developing more resilient health systems, and implementing explicit policies and practices aimed at eliminating health inequities. All of this should pave the way for prosperity and sustainable development in the Region.

Historicamente, a Região das Américas vivencia desigualdades sociais enraizadas no colonialismo, que estão refletidas e se reproduzem no campo da saúde. A pandemia de COVID-19 afetou toda a Região, mas atingiu com mais força os grupos mais desfavorecidos do ponto de vista social, agravando as iniquidades em saúde. Sob a premissa de que as pandemias não são fenômenos neutros em termos sociais, este relatório especial analisa os impactos desiguais da pandemia a partir de diferentes perspectivas: histórica, epidemiológica, política, social, econômica, ambiental e populacional. São apresentadas reflexões críticas sobre as implicações negativas das desigualdades para o bem-estar, não apenas das populações mais afetadas, mas da sociedade como um todo. Conclui-se com recomendações estratégicas para avançar em direção à equidade em saúde no cenário pós-pandemia. Destaca-se a importância de avançar na maturidade dos sistemas de informação para monitorar a equidade em saúde, a resiliência dos sistemas de saúde e a implementação de políticas e práticas explícitas voltadas para a eliminação das iniquidades em saúde. Espera-se que os pontos mencionados abram caminho para a prosperidade e o desenvolvimento sustentável na Região.

Int J Equity Health ; 22(1): 121, 2023 06 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37381010


BACKGROUND: The enduring threat of maternal mortality to health worldwide and in the Americas has been recognized in the global and regional agendas and their targets to 2030. To inform the direction and amount of effort needed to meet those targets, a set of equity-sensitive regional scenarios of maternal mortality ratio (MMR) reduction based on its tempo or speed of change from baseline year 2015 was developed. METHODS: Regional scenarios by 2030 were defined according to: i) the MMR average annual rate of reduction (AARR) needed to meet the global (70 per 100,000) or regional (30 per 100,000) targets and, ii) the horizontal (proportional) or vertical (progressive) equity criterion applied to the cross-country AARR distribution (i.e., same speed to all countries or faster for those with higher baseline MMR). MMR average and inequality gaps -absolute (AIG), and relative (RIG)- were scenario outcomes. RESULTS: At baseline, MMR was 59.2 per 100,000; AIG was 313.4 per 100,000 and RIG was 19.0 between countries with baseline MMR over twice the global target and those below the regional target. The AARR needed to meet the global and regional targets were -7.60% and -4.54%, respectively; baseline AARR was -1.55%. In the regional MMR target attainment scenario, applying horizontal equity would decrease AIG to 158.7 per 100,000 and RIG will remain invariant; applying vertical equity would decrease AIG to 130.9 per 100,000 and RIG would decrease to 13.5 by 2030. CONCLUSION: The dual challenge of reducing maternal mortality and abating its inequalities will demand hefty efforts from countries of the Americas. This remains true to their collective 2030 MMR target while leaving no one behind. These efforts should be mainly directed towards significantly speeding up the tempo of the MMR reduction and applying sensible progressivity, targeting on groups and territories with higher MMR and greater social vulnerabilities, especially in a post-pandemic regional context.

Mortalidade Materna , Humanos , América/epidemiologia , Feminino