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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35936929


Background. The bond strength of the materials used as a cervical barrier in the pulp regeneration is essential for the success of treatment. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of triple antibiotic paste (TAP), double antibiotic paste (DAP), and simvastatin as intracanal medicaments on the dislodgement resistance of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and calcium-enriched mixture (CEM). Methods. A total of 160 extracted human single-rooted teeth were selected, and root canal preparation was carried out. The teeth in each group were randomly divided into four subgroups: TAP, DAP, simvastatin, and the control group (without intracanal medicament). Four weeks after placing the medicaments, it was removed by sodium hypochlorite, and MTA and CEM were placed in the coronal third of the root canals. After a week, 2-mm-thick dentin disks were prepared from the coronal third of the roots, and the push-out test was performed using a universal testing machine. The data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and independent t-test at a significance level of 0.05. Results. Regardless of the intracanal medicament, there was no significant difference between the overall bond strength of MTA (59.3±10 MPa) and CEM (55.8±11 MPa) (P=0.6). Furthermore, there were no significant differences in bond strength between the two intracanal medicament groups and the control group (P>0.05). Conclusion. Under the limitations of the current study, DAP, simvastatin, and TAP, as intracanal medicaments, did not adversely affect the push-out bond strength of CEM and MTA.

J Dent (Shiraz) ; 19(2): 150-154, 2018 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29854889


STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: Macrophages are the target of attention in numerous diseases. Many studies reported them as the regulators of the growth, dissemination, and clinical behavior of various lesions. There are relatively scarce data regarding the role of macrophages in oral lesions, particularly odontogenic lesions. PURPOSE: This study investigated the macrophage density in odontogenic lesions of diverse biologic performance. MATERIALS AND METHOD: In this comparative analytical study, 60 cases of odontogenic lesions including ameloblastoma, keratocystic odontogenic tumor, dentigerous cyst, and radicular cyst were immunohistochemically stained with anti-CD68 antibody. One-way ANOVA and Tukey's HSD test were used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: The results showed that the macrophage density in keratocystic odontogenic tumor (35.72±7.74) and ameloblastoma (46.12±9.84) was not significantly different from that in dentigerous cyst (43.87±8.13). Interestingly, the macrophage density in keratocystic odontogenic tumor was lower than that in dentigerous cyst. No significant difference was observed in macrophage density between the ameloblastoma and much less aggressive lesions like dentigerous cyst (p= 0.59). Macrophage density in radicular cyst (81.53±11.04) was significantly higher than other odontogenic lesions (p< 0.001). CONCLUSION: The lack of significant differences in macrophage density between the known aggressive odontogenic tumors and much less aggressive lesions implied that macrophages might not contribute to the biological behavior of the odontogenic lesions. Therefore, it could support the notion that targeted therapy would not have prominent clinical potential to decrease the extent of mutilating surgeries in odontogenic lesions.

J Dent (Shiraz) ; 19(4): 295-300, 2018 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30680302


STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is the most prevalent ulcerative condition of the oral mucosa. Many studies have emphasized on immunologic factors as the reason of inducing RAS; however, the exact etiologic cause of RAS has not been identified yet. Vitamin D has an endocrine function and regulatory effects on the immune system. It has potential therapeutic effects on autoimmune diseases, psoriasis, and neoplasms. Vitamin D deficiency has been detected in some autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arteritis. PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was to compare the serum and salivary levels of vitamin D in patients with RAS and healthy individuals. MATERIALS AND METHOD: In this cross sectional study, patients with RAS, referring to the Department of Oral Medicine, Tabriz Faculty of Dentistry, were evaluated after taking medical history, clinical examinations, and completing an informed consent form. The serum and salivary vitamin D levels were compared between case (n=26) and control (n=26) groups. RESULTS: The mean serum vitamin D levels in the case and control groups were 33.0.7±12.41 and 50.89±9.30 (ng/dL), respectively, with a statistically significant difference (p<0.001). On the other hand, the mean salivary vitamin D levels in the case and control groups were 17.36± 8.01 and 20.79±6.31 (ng/dL), respectively, with no statistically significant difference (p= 0.09). In addition, the correlation between the serum and salivary levels of vitamin D was 56%, being statistically significant (p< 0.001). CONCLUSION: The serum levels of vitamin D in patients with RAS were significantly less than that in healthy individuals; however, there were no significant differences in salivary vitamin D levels between patients with RAS and healthy individuals. In addition, there was a significant and positive correlation between serum and salivary levels of vitamin D in all patients.