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Plant Dis ; 100(7): 1446-1453, 2016 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30686183


Cottony leak is an important disease of snap bean in Oklahoma and nearby states. Oomycete pathogens isolated from diseased pods collected from commercial fields and research plots consisted of both Pythium spp. (n = 131) and Phytophthora spp. (n = 46). Isolates were identified to species by morphological characteristics and by sequencing a portion of the internal transcribed spacer region of representative isolates. The most common Pythium spp. were Pythium ultimum var. ultimum; Pythium 'group HS', a self-sterile form of P. ultimum that produces hyphal swellings in lieu of sporangia (n = 74); and P. aphanidermatum (n = 50). Phytophthora spp. included Phytophthora drechsleri (n = 41) and P. nicotianae (n = 5). Nearly all of the isolates (95%) and all species were pathogenic on detached pods but Pythium ultimum var. ultimum and Pythium 'group HS' were most aggressive. Phytophthora drechsleri was most aggressive on seedlings, causing preemergence damping off and seed rot. Pythium ultimum var. ultimum, Pythium 'group HS', and P. aphanidermatum were intermediate in virulence to seedlings, causing root rot, stunting, and limited postemergence damping off. Phytophthora nicotianae and Pythium diclinum (n = 4) were not pathogenic on seedlings. Most (87%) isolates were sensitive to metalaxyl-M (concentration that caused a 50% reduction in mycelial growth [EC50] < 1 µg/ml) and the rest were intermediate in sensitivity (EC50 > 1 to < 100 µg/ml). Phytophthora drechsleri was the most sensitive species (EC50 = 0.06 µg/ml) compared with Pythium aphanidermatum, which was least sensitive (EC50 = 1.3 µg/ml). Cottony leak is a disease complex caused by several oomycete species that should include Phytophthora drechsleri, a newly reported pathogen of snap bean in the United States.

Plant Dis ; 98(7): 864-875, 2014 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30708845


Existing crop monitoring programs determine the incidence and distribution of plant diseases and pathogens and assess the damage caused within a crop production region. These programs have traditionally used observed or predicted disease and pathogen data and environmental information to prescribe management practices that minimize crop loss. Monitoring programs are especially important for crops with broad geographic distribution or for diseases that can cause rapid and great economic losses. Successful monitoring programs have been developed for several plant diseases, including downy mildew of cucurbits, Fusarium head blight of wheat, potato late blight, and rusts of cereal crops. A recent example of a successful disease-monitoring program for an economically important crop is the soybean rust (SBR) monitoring effort within North America. SBR, caused by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi, was first identified in the continental United States in November 2004. SBR causes moderate to severe yield losses globally. The fungus produces foliar lesions on soybean (Glycine max) and other legume hosts. P. pachyrhizi diverts nutrients from the host to its own growth and reproduction. The lesions also reduce photosynthetic area. Uredinia rupture the host epidermis and diminish stomatal regulation of transpiration to cause tissue desiccation and premature defoliation. Severe soybean yield losses can occur if plants defoliate during the mid-reproductive growth stages. The rapid response to the threat of SBR in North America resulted in an unprecedented amount of information dissemination and the development of a real-time, publicly available monitoring and prediction system known as the Soybean Rust-Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education (SBR-PIPE). The objectives of this article are (i) to highlight the successful response effort to SBR in North America, and (ii) to introduce researchers to the quantity and type of data generated by SBR-PIPE. Data from this system may now be used to answer questions about the biology, ecology, and epidemiology of an important pathogen and disease of soybean.

Plant Dis ; 91(5): 509-516, 2007 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30780694


In five field trials over 3 years, control of aphid-transmitted, nonpersistent virus diseases on pumpkin, caused mostly by the potyviruses Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) and Papaya ringspot virus type-W (PRSV-W), was achieved by intercropping with grain sorghum, as opposed to clean tillage. Reductions in disease incidence ranged from 43 to 96% (P ≤ 0.05). Surrounding pumpkin plots with borders of peanut, soybean, or corn was not effective. Borders of grain sorghum were effective, but disease control was generally less than for the intercrop treatment. Intercropping soybean and peanut with pumpkin reduced disease incidence by 27 to 60% (P ≤ 0.05), but disease control generally was less than for grain sorghum. Peak periods of alate aphid immigration generally preceded virus disease outbreaks by 7 to 14 days. However, alate landing rates, as measured in green tile traps, did not differ among treatments. Marketable yield was not increased by the intercrop treatments, and yield was reduced by up to 50% for the intercrop treatment with grain sorghum in two trials. The use of grass-selective herbicide applied along pumpkin rows, reduced seeding rates of the intercrops, or mowing did not alleviate the adverse effects of competition between pumpkin and the grain sorghum intercrop on yield.

Plant Dis ; 87(8): 923-928, 2003 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30812796


Weather-based advisory programs were developed and evaluated for timing of fungicide applications to control white rust of spinach (Spinacia oleracea) in three field trials using a susceptible cultivar. The advisory programs were based on previous studies that defined periods of temperature (T) and wetness (relative humidity ≥90%, W) that favored disease development. The protectant fungicides mancozeb or maneb (ethylene bisdithiocarbamates; EBDCs) and the systemic fungicide azoxystrobin were applied after 3, 6, 12, 24, and 36 cumulative hours of wetness weighted by temperature (T*W). T*W programs were compared with an advisory program based on 12 h of continuous wetness (12-h W), a 7-day calendar program, and a nonsprayed control treatment. Except for the 3-h T*W program, the number of fungicide applications per trial was reduced for all advisory programs compared with the 7-day program. Averaged over the three trials, applications were reduced from 2.7 per trial for the 6-h T*W program to 3.7 per trial for the 36-h T*W and the 12-h W programs. For the EBDC fungicides, all advisory programs except the 36-h T*W and 12-h W programs reduced incidence and severity of white rust compared with the nonsprayed control. Disease incidence and severity for the 3-h and 6-h T*W programs did not differ from the 7-day program. Compared with the EBDC fungicides, azoxystrobin resulted in reduced disease incidence for each of the spray programs and reduced disease severity for all spray programs except the 7-day program. For azoxystrobin, all advisory programs reduced disease incidence and severity compared with the nonsprayed control. Incidence and severity of white rust did not differ from the 7-day program for the 3-h, 6-h, and 12-h T*W programs. Based on reductions in the number of fungicide applications and the level of disease control, the 6-h and 12-h T*W programs were most efficient advisory programs for the EBDC fungicides and azoxystrobin, respectively.

Plant Dis ; 86(7): 753-758, 2002 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30818572


Experiments were conducted in controlled environments to determine the influence of temperature and duration of wetness on development of white rust of spinach. Plants of the susceptible cv. Kent were exposed to temperatures of 6 to 28°C and interrupted wetness periods that totaled 3 to 84 h following inoculation. Disease severity was assessed following further incubation in a greenhouse at 20 to 30°C. Disease was observed at all temperatures and increased with wetness duration. The optimum temperature for disease development ranged from 12 to 18°C. Only 3 h of wetness were required for disease development at 12 to 22°C. A minimum wetness period of 6 to 12 h was required for disease development at suboptimal temperatures. A multiple regression model describing the response surface of arcsine square root transformed disease severity was developed that had significant quadratic wetness effects, cubic temperature effects, and interaction between temperature and wetness. The resulting polynomial model provided a good fit to the observed data, accounting for 89% of the variation in transformed disease severity.

Phytopathology ; 89(8): 653-9, 1999 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18944677


ABSTRACT The effects of temperature and duration of wetness (relative humidity >/=95%) on infection of three peanut cultivars by Cercospora arachidicola were determined under controlled conditions. Plants of the Spanish cv. Spanco and the runner cvs. Florunner and Okrun were exposed to constant temperatures of 18 to 30 degrees C during 12-h periods of wetness each day that totaled 12 to 84 h following inoculation of leaves with conidia. Severity of disease, measured by either lesion density (number per leaf) or lesion size (diameter), was greatest for 'Spanco', intermediate for 'Florunner', and lowest for 'Okrun' in each of two experiments. Lesion density was evaluated further because it was an indicator of both the occurrence and degree of infection. Nonlinear regression analysis was employed to evaluate the combined effects of temperature (T) and wetness duration (W) on lesion density (Y). In the regression model, the Weibull function characterized the monotonic increase of Y with respect to W, while a hyperbolic function characterized the unimodal response of Y with respect to T. Parameters for the intrinsic rate of change with respect to W (b), the intrinsic rate of change with respect to T (f), the optimal value of T (g), and the upper limit (e) when T is optimum (T = g) were estimated for each cultivar and experiment. The effect of cultivar was characterized primarily by differences in the upper limit parameter e. In each experiment, e was greatest for 'Spanco', intermediate for 'Florunner', and least for 'Okrun'. The effect of cultivar on b followed a pattern similar to that for e in experiment 1, but not in experiment 2. Differences among cultivars for estimates of f and g were small and inconsistent. Estimates for g were precise for each cultivar and experiment and fell within the range of 22.3 to 23.2 degrees C. Cultivar responses to T and W were further evaluated using data pooled over the two experiments. Parameter e was estimated for each cultivar, but common values of b, f, and g were estimated. At e = 22.8 degrees C, lesion density approached an upper limit of 96, 17, and 6 lesions per leaf for the cvs. Spanco, Florunner, and Okrun, respectively. These fitted values approximated the observed values of 86, 25, and 9 lesions per leaf for the respective cultivars. Cultivars varied in their response to W at a given T. At 22.8 degrees C, one lesion per leaf was expected following 26, 30, and 36 h of wetness for 'Spanco', 'Florunner', and 'Okrun', respectively. If temperature was increased to 28 degrees C, one lesion per leaf was expected following 36, 44, and 54 h of wetness for the respective cultivars.

Plant Dis ; 83(11): 1072, 1999 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30841286


During April 1999, bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) from a commercial hydroponics greenhouse in Oklahoma County, OK, were severely affected by powdery mildew caused by Leveillula taurica (Lév.) Arnaud (anamorph Oidiopsis taurica (Lév.) Salmon). Defoliation levels (50 to 75%) were similar for cvs. Valencia, Lavender Islander, Sweet Chocolate, Aladdin, Purple Beauty, Golden Summer, Chocolate Beauty, Early Sunsation, Fat N'Sassy, Lilac, Sweet Rainbow Mix, and Ivory. Fruit from infected plants were small and unmarketable. Newly infected leaves exhibited light powdery colonies that were visible on abaxial leaf surfaces. On older leaves, abaxial leaf surfaces were completely covered by powdery mildew. Severely infected leaves developed chlorotic and necrotic patches on adaxial leaf surfaces prior to leaf drop. L. taurica was identified by the presence of endophytic mycelia, often-branched conidiophores, and dimorphic conidia borne singly or in short chains (1). In 50 measurements of each type, pyriform conidia averaged 67.8 ± 5.3 × 17.9 ± 2.2 µm and cylindrical conidia averaged 62.7 ± 6.2 × 15.7 ± 2.0 µm. Although conidia were slightly longer and narrower than those reported for isolates of L. taurica from pepper in California (2), dimensions were within the range reported for the species (1). The teleomorph of this powdery mildew pathogen was not observed. Peppers were grown from seed on the site. The source of L. taurica for the outbreak and the potential impact of powdery mildew on field production of peppers are unknown. Tomatoes in another hydroponics greenhouse within 100 m were not affected. This is the first report of L. taurica in Oklahoma. References: (1) H. J. Boesewinkel. Bot. Rev. 46:167, 1980. (2) J. C. Correll et al. Plant Dis. 71:248, 1987.

Environ Pollut ; 48(2): 117-30, 1987.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15092691


The single and combined effects of ozone (O(3)) and Fusarium oxysporum on growth and disease expression of soybean genotypes differing in foliar sensitivity to O(3) were studied in the greenhouse. O(3) had no effect on root and hypocotyl rot severity of PI 153.283 (O(3)-sensitive, S) or PI 189.907 (O(3)-tolerant, T) maturity group I soybean lines. Plants of both genotypes infected with F. oxysporum and exposed to O(3) had greater reductions in relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR), and had more stippled leaves per plant than Fusarium-free plants exposed to O(3). O(3) alone had a greater impact on shoot dry weight, RGR, and NAR of PI 153.283 (S) than of PI 189.907 (T). O(3) alone reduced shoot and root dry weights primarily through a depression in NAR and less through reduced leaf area. F. oxysporum alone reduced root dry weight at 35 days; however, infected plants responded with increases in root dry weight from 49 to 63 days. Similarly, F. oxysporum alone lowered early RGR but subsequent RGR decline was less rapid while NAR remained high, particularly during later sampling intervals. Infection by F. oxysporum that causes root and hypocotyl rot increased soybean sensitivity to O(3) by prolonging active vegetative growth.