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Can Prosthet Orthot J ; 4(1): 35213, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37614936


BACKGROUND: Lab-based simulators can help to reduce variability in prosthetics research. However, they have not yet been used to investigate the effects of sweating at the residuum-liner interface. This work sought to create and validate a simulator to replicate the mechanics of residual limb perspiration. The developed apparatus was used to assess the effects of perspiration and different liner designs. METHODOLOGY: By scanning a cast, an artificial residuum was manufactured using a 3D-printed, transtibial bone model encased in silicone, moulded with pores. The pores allowed water to emit from the residuum surface, simulating sweating. Dry and sweating cyclic tests were performed by applying compressive and tensile loading, while measuring the displacement of the residuum relative to the socket. Tests were conducted using standard and perforated liners. FINDINGS: Although maximum displacement varied between test setups, its variance was low (coefficient of variation <1%) and consistent between dry tests. For unperforated liners, sweating increased the standard deviation of maximum displacement approximately threefold (0.04mm v 0.12mm, p<0.001). However, with the perforated liner, sweating had little effect on standard deviation compared to dry tests (0.04mm v 0.04mm, p=0.497). CONCLUSIONS: The test apparatus was effective at simulating the effect of perspiration at the residual limb. Moisture at the skin-liner interface can lead to inconsistent mechanics. Perforated liners help to remove sweat from the skin-liner interface, thereby mitigating these effects.

Can Prosthet Orthot J ; 3(2): 34610, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37614406


BACKGROUND: Excessive sweating of the residual limb has a substantial effect on the daily activities of people with lower limb amputation. Prosthetic liners offer protection and comfort to sensitive areas but often exacerbate perspiration. They act as insulators, trapping sweat on the skin's surface to the detriment of skin health. Recently, liners with perforations have been developed, allowing the moisture to escape. The goal of this study was to assess the impact of such liners. METHODS: A sample group of 13 patients with unilateral transtibial amputation, who wore a perforated liner (PL) as part of their current prescription, was compared to 20 control patients who wore non-perforated liners (NPL). During their routine appointments, they completed a survey of scientifically validated outcome measures relating to their limb health, pain and the impact on daily life over a 12-month period. RESULTS: Patients using the PL had healthier residual limbs, reporting higher scores on questions relating to limb health, experiencing fewer skin issues (p<0.001) and estimating a 61.8% lower rating in perceived sweat (p=0.004). Perhaps consequentially, there was a lower incidence of residual (p=0.012) and phantom (p=0.001) limb pain when compared to the control group. The prevalence of individual issues affecting the residual limbs of PL users was also lower. Of the issues that remained, only 23% were attributed to sweating in PL users, compared to 49% for the NPL group (p=0.066). PL users missed fewer days of work in the year (2.4 vs 11.6, p=0.267) and were also limited on fewer days (1.4 vs 75.4, p=0.009). CONCLUSION: The use of perforated liners shows much promise within prosthetic care, significantly improving the health of the residual limb. The observed effects on perceived sweat reduction, residual skin health, pain levels and patient limitation suggest that perforated liners are highly beneficial to patients.

Can Prosthet Orthot J ; 2(2): 33517, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37614771


BACKGROUND: Lower limb amputees have a high incidence of comorbidities, such as osteoarthritis, which are believed to be caused by kinetic asymmetries. A lack of prosthetic adaptation to different terrains requires kinematic compensations, which may influence these asymmetries. METHOD: Six SIGAM grade E-F trans-tibial amputees (one bilateral) wore motion capture markers while standing on force plates, facing down a 5° slope. The participants were tested under three prosthetic conditions; a fixed attachment foot (FIX), a hydraulic ankle (HYD) and a microprocessor foot with a 'standing support' mode (MPF). The resultant ground reaction force (GRF) and support moment for prosthetic and sound limbs were chosen as outcome measures. These were compared between prosthetic conditions and to previously captured able-bodied control data. RESULTS: The distribution of GRF between sound and prosthetic limbs was not significantly affected by foot type. However, the MPF condition required fewer kinematic compensations, leading to a reduction in sound side support moment of 59% (p=0.001) and prosthetic side support moment of 43% (p=0.02) compared to FIX. For the bilateral participant, only the MPF positioned the GRF vector anterior to the knees, reducing the demand on the residual joints to maintain posture. CONCLUSIONS: For trans-tibial amputees, loading on lower limb joints is affected by prosthetic foot technology, due to the kinematic compensations required for slope adaptation. MPFs with 'standing support' might be considered reasonable and necessary for bilateral amputees, or amputees with stability problems due to the reduced biomechanical compensations evident.