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Chemistry ; 26(13): 2914-2926, 2020 Mar 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31667889


The mechanistic platform for a novel nickel0 -catalyzed anionic cross-coupling reaction (ACCR) of lithium sulfonimidoyl alkylidene carbenoids (metalloalkenyl sulfoximines) with organometallic reagents is reported herein, affording substituted alkenylmetals and lithium sulfinamides. The Ni0 -catalyzed ACCR of three different types of metalloalkenyl sulfoximines, including acyclic, axially chiral and exocyclic derivatives, with sp2 organolithiums and sp2 and sp3 Grignard reagents has been studied. The ACCR of metalloalkenyl sulfoximines with PhLi in the presence of the Ni0 -catalyst and precatalyst Ni(PPh3 )2 Cl2 afforded alkenyllithiums, under inversion of configuration at the C atom and complete retention at the S atom. In a combination of experimental and DFT studies, we propose a catalytic cycle of the Ni0 -catalyzed ACCR of lithioalkenyl sulfoximines. Computational studies reveal two distinctive pathways of the ACCR, depending on whether a phosphine or 1,5-cyclooctadiene (COD) is the ligand of the Ni atom. They rectify the underlying importance of forming the key Ni0 -vinylidene intermediate through an indispensable electron-rich Ni0 -center coordinated by phosphine ligands. Fundamentally, we present a mechanistic study in controlling the diastereoselectivity of the alkenyllithium formation via the key lithium sulfinamide coordinated Ni0 -vinylidene complex, which consequently avoids an unselective formation of an alkylidene carbene Ni-complex and ultimately racemic alkenyllithium.

Chemistry ; 25(35): 8371-8386, 2019 Jun 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30994213


In this article, the cross-coupling reaction (CCR) of exocyclic, axially chiral, and acyclic alkenyl (N-methyl)sulfoximines with alkyl- and arylzincs is described. The CCR generally requires dual Ni catalysis and MgBr2 promotion, which is effective in diethyl ether but not in THF. NMR spectroscopy revealed a complexation of alkenyl sulfoximines by MgBr2 in diethyl ether, which suggests an acceleration of the oxidative addition through nucleofugal activation. The CCR of alkenyl sulfoximines generally proceeds in the presence of Ni(dppp)Cl2 as a precatalyst and MgBr2 with alkyl- and arylzincs with a high degree of stereoretention at the C and the S atom. CCR of axially chiral alkenyl sulfoximines with Ni(PPh3 )2 Cl2 as a precatalyst and ZnPh2 does not require salt promotion and is stereoretentive. The reaction with Zn(CH2 SiMe3 )2 , however, demands salt promotion and is not stereoretentive. CCR of axially chiral α-methylated alkenyl sulfoximines afforded persubstituted axially chiral alkenes with high selectivity. Alkenyl (N-triflyl)sulfoximines engage in a stereoretentive CCR with Grignard reagents and Ni(PPh3 )2 Cl2 . Ni-Catalyzed and MgBr2 -promoted CCR of E-configured acyclic alkenyl sulfoximines and aminosulfoxonium salts with ZnPh2 and Zn(CH2 SiMe3 )2 is stereoretentive with Ni(dppp)Cl2 and Ni(PPh3 )2 Cl2 . CCRs of acyclic alkenyl sulfoximines and alkenyl aminosulfoxonium salts, carrying a methyl group at the α position, take a different course and give alkenyl sulfinamides under stereoretention at the S and C atom. CCR of acyclic, exocyclic, and axially chiral alkenyl sulfoximines has been successfully applied to the stereoselective synthesis of homoallylic alcohols, exocyclic alkenes, and axially chiral alkenes, respectively.