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Iran J Microbiol ; 6(2): 104-11, 2014 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25705361


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Phosphlipases are a group of enzymes that breakdown phosphatidylcholine (phospholipids) molecules producing second products. These produced products have a divers role in the cell like signal transduction and digestion in humans. In this research the effect of phosphatidylcholine on the expression of plc genes of A. fumigatus was studied. The plc genes of this fungus were also interrogated using bioinformatics studies. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Real-time PCR was performed to study the expression of plc genes and these genes were interrogated using bioinformatics studies. RESULTS: There was more significant expression for all three plc genes when A. fumigatus was grown on the presence of phosphatidylcholine in the medium. The sequence of plc genes of A. fumigatus was also interrogated using bioinformatics analysis and their relationship with the other microorganisms was investigated. CONCLUSION: Real-time PCR revealed that afplc1, afplc2 and afplc3 were up-regulated in the presence of phosphatidylcholine. In this study we suggest either the plc's of A. fumigatus were present in an ancestral genome and have become lost in some lineages, or that they have been acquired from other organisms by horizontal gene transfer. We also found that plc's of this fungus appeared to be more closely related to the plant plc's than the bacterial plc's.