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Nat Commun ; 14(1): 318, 2023 Jan 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36658139


The quantum Hall (QH) effect in two-dimensional electron systems (2DESs) is conventionally observed at liquid-helium temperatures, where lattice vibrations are strongly suppressed and bulk carrier scattering is dominated by disorder. However, due to large Landau level (LL) separation (~2000 K at B = 30 T), graphene can support the QH effect up to room temperature (RT), concomitant with a non-negligible population of acoustic phonons with a wave-vector commensurate to the inverse electronic magnetic length. Here, we demonstrate that graphene encapsulated in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) realizes a novel transport regime, where dissipation in the QH phase is governed predominantly by electron-phonon scattering. Investigating thermally-activated transport at filling factor 2 up to RT in an ensemble of back-gated devices, we show that the high B-field behaviour correlates with their zero B-field transport mobility. By this means, we extend the well-accepted notion of phonon-limited resistivity in ultra-clean graphene to a hitherto unexplored high-field realm.

Nanoscale ; 14(19): 7242-7249, 2022 May 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35514294


The nature of the low-frequency 1/f noise in electronic materials and devices is one of the oldest unsolved physical problems (f is the frequency). The fundamental question of the noise source-fluctuations in the mobility vs. number of charge carriers-is still debated. While there are several pieces of evidence to prove that the 1/f noise in semiconductors is due to the fluctuations in the number of the charge carriers, there is no direct evidence of the mobility fluctuations as the source of 1/f noise in any material. Herein, we measured noise in an h-BN encapsulated graphene transistor under the conditions of geometrical magnetoresistance to directly assess the mechanism of low-frequency electronic current fluctuations. It was found that the relative noise spectral density of the graphene resistance fluctuations depends non-monotonically on the magnetic field (B) with a minimum at approximately µ0B ≅ 1 (µ0 is the electron mobility). This observation proves unambiguously that mobility fluctuations are the dominant mechanism of electronic noise in high-quality graphene. Our results are important for all proposed applications of graphene in electronics and add to the fundamental understanding of the 1/f noise origin in any electronic device.

Opt Lett ; 46(13): 3061-3064, 2021 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34197379


We report on the enhancement of responsivity by more than one order of magnitude of a silicon-based sub-terahertz detector when a mesoscopic dielectric particle was used to localize incident radiation to a sub-wavelength volume and focus it directly onto the detector. A strained-silicon modulation field-effect transistor was used as a direct detector on an incident terahertz beam at 0.3 THz. A systematic study in which Teflon cubes were placed in front of the detector to focus the terahertz beam was performed. In this study, cubes with different sizes were investigated, and an enhancement of the responsivity up to 11 dB was observed for a cube with an edge length of 3.45 mm (or 3.45λ). Electromagnetic simulation results were in good agreement with the experimental ones and demonstrated that the size of the mesoscopic particle plays an important role in focalizing the electric field within an area below the diffraction limit. This approach provides an efficient, uncostly, and easy to implement method to substantially improve the responsivity and noise equivalent power of sub-terahertz detectors.