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Sci Adv ; 10(33): eadn5941, 2024 Aug 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39141744


Rapid demographic growth in tropical islands can exacerbate conflicts and pressures on natural resources, as illustrated by the French island of Mayotte where resources are limited. In only 10 years, uncontrolled migration and population growth (+80% of population between 2002 and 2021) have led to a pronounced 3600% increase in deforestation rates (2010-2014) and an intensification of agricultural practices, escalating conflicts over limited land, water, and biodiversity resources. Implementing an original multi-proxy approach to sediment cores, our study reveals a staggering 300% acceleration in erosion during the first wave of migration (2011-2015), followed by a further 190% increase (2019-2021) under sustained migratory and demographic pressures. Sedimentary DNA analysis provided insights into increased connectivity and community changes. By 2050, the population of this region will increase by 74 and 103%, in Comoros and Madagascar islands, respectively. Urgent conservation measures are needed to avoid major socio-environmental crises and to protect resources for future generations.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ilhas , Crescimento Demográfico , Clima Tropical , Biodiversidade , Humanos , Madagáscar , Comores/epidemiologia , Agricultura/métodos , Ecossistema
Sensors (Basel) ; 7(10): 2458-2483, 2007 Oct 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28903238


Soil moisture is a key parameter in different environmental applications, suchas hydrology and natural risk assessment. In this paper, surface soil moisture mappingwas carried out over a basin in France using satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR)images acquired in 2006 and 2007 by C-band (5.3 GHz) sensors. The comparisonbetween soil moisture estimated from SAR data and in situ measurements shows goodagreement, with a mapping accuracy better than 3%. This result shows that themonitoring of soil moisture from SAR images is possible in operational phase. Moreover,moistures simulated by the operational Météo-France ISBA soil-vegetation-atmospheretransfer model in the SIM-Safran-ISBA-Modcou chain were compared to radar moistureestimates to validate its pertinence. The difference between ISBA simulations and radarestimates fluctuates between 0.4 and 10% (RMSE). The comparison between ISBA andgravimetric measurements of the 12 March 2007 shows a RMSE of about 6%. Generally,these results are very encouraging. Results show also that the soil moisture estimatedfrom SAR images is not correlated with the textural units defined in the European Soil Geographical Database (SGDBE) at 1:1000000 scale. However, dependence was observed between texture maps and ISBA moisture. This dependence is induced by the use of the texture map as an input parameter in the ISBA model. Even if this parameter is very important for soil moisture estimations, radar results shown that the textural map scale at 1:1000000 is not appropriate to differentiate moistures zones.