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Dalton Trans ; 53(21): 9216-9223, 2024 May 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38747059


Potassium manganese fluoride phosphate, KMnPO4F, has been obtained through mild hydrothermal synthesis and characterized by scanning electron microscopy, microprobe analysis and X-ray diffraction. The compound possesses an orthorhombic symmetry and chiral space group P212121 with a = 4.7884(2), b = 9.0172(4), c = 9.5801(4) Å, and Z = 4. Its crystal structure is composed of Mn3+O4F square pyramids sharing vertices with PO4 tetrahedra. This anionic framework is neutralized by K+ cations. As the temperature decreases, a short-range correlation state (Tmax ∼ 35 K) of KMnPO4F is formed, followed by the establishment of antiferromagnetic (AFM) long-range order at TN = 25 K. The latter is marked by sharp λ-type anomalies in both Fisher's specific heat d(χ‖T)/dT and heat capacity Cp. Pulsed magnetic field measurements on the single crystals identify the a axis as the easy magnetic axis and reveal a spin-flop transition at µ0Hspin-flop = 19 T. Density functional theory indicates that in variance with the three-dimensional network of KMnPO4F, it is a two-dimensional Ising magnetic system represented by buckled layers of integer spins S = 2 of Mn3+ ions. The strongest AFM exchange interaction, J1 ∼ -13 K, couples Mn3+ ions into linear chains running along the a axis. The chains themselves are ferromagnetically connected (J3 ∼ -4 K) within the ab plane. The interplane AFM exchange interaction (J2 ∼ -1 K) is weak and frustrated.

Inorg Chem ; 62(35): 14180-14190, 2023 Sep 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37595259


ortho-Pyrovanadate (or ortho-diorthovanadate) K2Mn23+Mn2+O(OH)(VO4)(V2O7) synthesized hydrothermally crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pnma with a = 17.9155(5), b = 5.8940(2), c = 10.9971(3) Å, V = 1161.23(6) Å3, and Z = 4. Its crystal structure features linear chains of edge-sharing Mn3+O6 octahedra with every second pair of Mn3+O6 octahedra condensed with a Mn2+O6 octahedron on one side of a chain in a sawtooth pattern so that each sawtooth chain consists of a triangular trimer. These sawtooth chains, running parallel to the b axis and linked by the VO4 and V2O7 groups, form a framework with channels populated by K atoms. The new compound is a structural analogue of the mineral zoisite Ca2Al3O(OH)(SiO4)(Si2O7), showing a striking example of very different chemical compositions. K2Mn3O(OH)(VO4)(V2O7) undergoes a phase transition into an ordered antiferromagnetic (AFM) state at TN = 14.4 K, which was detected by high-frequency electron spin resonance as well as by both specific heat Cp and Fisher's specific heat d(χT)/dT measurements. However, this phase transition was not detected by magnetic susceptibility measurements. The origin of this puzzling observation was resolved by evaluating the spin exchanges of K2Mn3O(OH)(VO4)(V2O7), which revealed that each triangular trimer is a ferromagnetically coupled cluster, and the observed ordering involves an AFM ordering between the ferromagnetic (FM) clusters. This ordering is shrouded in magnetic susceptibility measurements due to the susceptibility contributions from the individual FM triangular trimers even below TN. We showed that the magnetic susceptibility of K2Mn3O(OH)(VO4)(V2O7) between ∼30 K and room temperature is satisfactorily described by an AFM chain made up of ferromagnetically coupled triangular clusters, as described by a few spin-exchange parameters.

Acta Crystallogr B Struct Sci Cryst Eng Mater ; 79(Pt 1): 24-31, 2023 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36748895


The synthesis and characterization of a first salt-inclusion aluminophosphate oxocuprate, (Na,Li)3(Cl,OH)[Cu3OAl(PO4)3], obtained as single crystals, is reported. A novel phase, with a strongly pseudo-orthorhombic structure, is described as a monoclinic crystal structure established by the study of a pseudomerohedric microtwin. It was investigated using scanning electron microscopy, microprobe analysis and low-temperature X-ray diffraction. The composite crystal structure represents an original framework assembled from Cu-centered polyhedra, AlO6 octahedra and PO4 tetrahedra with channels, which incorporate the Na/Li salt component [(Na,Li)3(Cl,OH)]2+ that ensures electroneutrality of the compound. Layers of strongly corrugated chains of Cu-centered octahedra with shared edges and linked by PO4 tetrahedra are shown to be topologically identical with the layers also built from Cu-centered polyhedra and AsO4/VO4 tetrahedra forming the crystal structure of a fumarolic mineral aleutite, (M0.5Cl)[Cu5O2(AsO4)(VO4)] [Siidra et al. (2019). MinMag, 83, 847-853]. `Sawtooth chains' and pairs of Cu-centered octahedra inherent in the title structure may be of interest in solid-state physics, engaging studies in the field of low-dimensional and frustrated magnetism.

Acta Crystallogr C Struct Chem ; 78(Pt 5): 287-294, 2022 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35510434


Two new compounds, sodium copper nickel diorthophosphate, Na2CuNi(PO4)2 (I), and dimanganese copper diorthophosphate, Mn2Cu(PO4)2 (II), were synthesized hydrothermally, yielding single crystals, and were studied by X-ray diffraction. In the crystal structures, various transition metals of d-elements occupy symmetrically independent crystallographic positions with different coordination geometries. In the crystal structure of Na2NiCu(PO4)2, NiO6 and CuO6 octahedra share edges to form chains that PO4 groups link into a framework with cavities filled with Na atoms. Layered cationic fragments formed from dimers of MnO5 trigonal bipyramids and CuO4 square planes, sharing vertices, are connected through PO4 tetrahedra into a 3-periodic Mn2Cu(PO4)2 crystal structure. Structural correlations between Na2NiCu(PO4)2 and NaCuPO4 are discussed, and crystal-chemical details of the currently known exclusively synthetic mixed Mn/Cu and Ni/Cu phosphates are presented.

Inorg Chem ; 61(12): 4879-4886, 2022 Mar 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35298134


We synthesized single crystals of Na0.55Ni6(OH)3(H0.61PO4)4 (I) and polycrystals of (Na, Ni)0.64Ni5.68(OH)3(H0.67PO4)4 (II) with ellenbergerite-like structures using the hydrothermal method. The phases crystallize in the hexagonal space group P63mc with the following unit cell parameters: a = 12.5342(1) Å, c = 4.9470(1) Å, and V = 673.08(2) Å3 for I; a = 12.4708(2) Å, c = 4.9435(2) Å, and V = 665.82(2) Å3 for II; and Z = 2. Their crystal structures are based on a 3D framework built from NiO6 octahedra and PO4 tetrahedra. The difference between I and II lies in the way the structural channels are filled along the [001] direction. These channels accommodate segments of Na- and (Na, Ni)-centered chains of face-sharing octahedra in the structures I and II, respectively. The magnetic susceptibility χ and the specific heat Cp evidence pronounced low-dimensional magnetic behavior at elevated temperatures and the formation of the weakly ferromagnetic long-range order at TNI = 61 K and TNII = 63 K. Analysis of the χ(T) data within both chain and dimer spin models allows the estimation of the leading exchange interaction parameters in the compounds under study.

Inorg Chem ; 60(15): 11450-11457, 2021 Aug 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34264636


A novel sodium bismuth oxo-cuprate phosphate chloride, Na6Cu7BiO4(PO4)4[Cl2.23(OH)0.77], containing square-kagomé layers of Cu2+ has been synthesized by hydrothermal techniques. The compound crystallizes in the tetragonal space group P4/nmm, a = 10.0176(4), c = 10.8545(6), Z = 2, V = 1089.3(1) Å3, R1 = 0.021, wR = 0.053, S = 1.32. Its composite crystal structure includes [O4Cu6Bi]7+ layers, which are formed by the clusters of oxygen-centered tetrahedra [OCu3Bi]. These positively charged two periodic fragments are intercalated in a negatively charged [CuNa6Cl3(PO4)4]7- matrix built by Na-centered polyhedra, PO4 tetrahedra, and CuO4Cl pyramids. The composite character of the crystal structure of Na6Cu7BiO4(PO4)4[Cl2.23(OH)0.77], as well as the way of its self-assembly, are discussed in close connection with the sulfohalite Na6ClF(SO4)2 salt. It is shown that the "host-guest" model of the formation of the tetragonal Na6Cu7BiO4(PO4)4[Cl2.23(OH)0.77] phase is due to the group-subgroup symmetry relation with the cubic crystal structure of mineral sulfohalite and is also supported by the crystallization condition in excess sodium chloride. The magnetic subsystem of Na6Cu7BiO4(PO4)4[Cl2.23(OH)0.77] is represented by a dense square-kagomé network of 2Cu1 and 4Cu2 ions, decorated with weakly bonded Cu3 ions. Measurements of magnetization and heat capacity indicate the absence of long-range order up to 2 K, which makes this compound a candidate for a highly demanded spin liquid.

Inorg Chem ; 60(13): 9461-9470, 2021 Jul 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34128644


A novel modification of the KCoPO4, δ-phase has been prepared by hydrothermal synthesis at 553 K. The compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic system with the unit-cell parameters a = 8.5031(8), b = 10.2830(5), c = 54.170(4) Å. The crystal structure was determined based on synchrotron low-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction data obtained from an inversion twin in the space group P212121 and refined to R = 0.077 for 5156 reflections with I > 3σ(I). The δ-KCoPO4 possesses a new structure type which is based on a framework built from sharing vertices Co- and P-centered tetrahedra. The {CoPO4-}∞ construction of tetrahedra may be described as assembled from networks formed by two topologically diverse six-membered rings of tetrahedra stacked together through vertex-bridging contacts along the a axis. The ratio of the (UUUDDD) and (UUDUDD) rings, where (U) and (D) denote the orientation of the tetrahedra in the six-membered rings up and down relative to the plane grids, is equal to 5:1. The (UUDUDD) rings form bands parallel to the [010] direction each surrounded from both sides along the c axis by slabs of five ribbons width having alternative (UUUDDD) topology. Open in the [100] direction channels incorporate K+ ions; this structural feature permits to suppose ion-conductive and/or electrochemical properties of the title compound. The possible mechanism of the δ → γ phase transition is discussed on the basis of the crystal chemical analysis of the KCoPO4 polymorphs. The title compound orders magnetically at TN = 24.8 K.

Acta Crystallogr B Struct Sci Cryst Eng Mater ; 77(Pt 2): 232-240, 2021 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33843731


The synthesis and characterization of a new aluminophosphate, Na6[Al3P5O20], obtained as single crystals in the same experiment together with Cl-sodalite, Na8[Al6Si6O24]Cl2, is reported. Na6[Al3P5O20], with a strongly pseudo-orthorhombic lattice, is described by the monoclinic crystal structure established in the study of a pseudomerohedric microtwin. The design of Na6[Al3P5O20] can be interpreted as an alternative to sodalite, with a monoclinic (pseudo-orthorhombic) 2×4×1 super-structure and unit-cell parameters multiples of those of sodalite: a ≃ 2as, b ≃ 4bs and c ≃ cs. The triperiodic framework is built by AlO6, AlO4 and PO4 polyhedra having vertex-bridging contacts. While all the oxygen vertices of the Al-centred octahedra and tetrahedra are shared with phosphate groups, some of the PO4 tetrahedra remain `pendant', e.g. containing vertices not shared with other polyhedra of the aluminophosphate construction. Na atoms occupy framework channels and cavities surrounded by eight-, six- and four-membered windows with maximal effective pore widths of 4.86 × 3.24 and 4.31 × 3.18 Å. The generalized framework density is equal to 19.8, which means that the compound may be classified as a microporous zeolite. The Na6[Al3P5O20] crystal structure is discussed as being formed from octahedral rods arranged in two perpendicular directions, similar to the rods elongated in one direction in the NASICON-type compounds, which have been intensively investigated as promising materials for batteries. Analogous properties can be expected for phases with a modified composition of the Na6Al3P5O20 topology, where the Al atoms at the centres of octahedra are replaced by Fe, V or Cr.

Dalton Trans ; 49(47): 17368-17374, 2020 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33211032


Single crystals of dinickel diphosphate dihydrate, Ni2(H2O)2[P2O7], have been synthesized by a hydrothermal method. Its structure was refined in the monoclinic P21/n space group (unit cell parameters a = 6.2517(1) Å, b = 13.7892(3) Å, c = 7.2894(2) Å, ß = 94.507(2)°, V = 626.45(2) Å3, and Z = 4) based on low-temperature X-ray diffraction data until R- 0.016. Corrugated chains of NiO5(H2O) octahedra sharing edges are aligned in the [101[combining macron]] direction. They are linked into a three-dimensional framework through diphosphate groups and hydrogen bonds. A detailed crystal chemical analysis of the family Me2(H2O)2[X2O7] revealed correlations between the unit-cell parameters of the isotypic transition metal phosphates and arsenates, their structural features and the sizes of structure forming cations. Despite the isolation of the cis and trans edge-sharing infinite zigzag chains of Ni-centered octahedra from each other no pronounced low dimensionality is seen in the magnetic response of Ni2(H2O)2[P2O7]. The magnetic susceptibility χ evidences a short range correlation maximum at Tmax = 11.9 K accompanied by the onset of long-range magnetic order at TN = 9.4 K. Below TN, the title compound exhibits the features of an archetype three-dimensional easy-axis antiferromagnet which experiences a sequence of spin-flop and spin-flip phase transitions. Basing on specific heat Cp and magnetization M studies, the magnetic phase diagram of Ni2(H2O)2[P2O7] has been established.

Acta Crystallogr C Struct Chem ; 76(Pt 3): 302-310, 2020 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32132289


Two novel K/Mn phosphate hydrates, namely, dipotassium trimanganese dipyrophosphate dihydrate, K2Mn3(H2O)2[P2O7]2, (I), and potassium manganese dialuminium triphosphate dihydrate, KMn(H2O)2[Al2(PO4)3], (II), were obtained in the form of single crystals during a single hydrothermal synthesis experiment. Their crystal structures were studied by X-ray diffraction. Both new compounds are members of the morphotropic series of phosphates with the following formulae: A2M3(H2O)2[P2O7]2, where A = K, NH4, Rb or Na and M = Mn, Fe, Co or Ni, and AM2+(H2O)2[M3+2(PO4)3], where A = Cs, Rb, K, NH4 or (H3O); M2+ = Mn, Fe, Co or Ni; and M3+ = Al, Ga or Fe. A detailed crystal chemical analysis revealed correlations between the unit-cell parameters of the members of the series, their structural features and the sizes of the cations. It has been shown that a mixed type anionic framework is formed in (II) by aluminophosphate [(AlO2)2(PO4)2]∞ layers, with a cationic topology similar to the Si/Al-topology of the crystal structures of feldspars. A study of the magnetic susceptibility of (II) demonstrates a paramagnetic behaviour of the compound.

Acta Crystallogr B Struct Sci Cryst Eng Mater ; 75(Pt 5): 903-913, 2019 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32830770


Single crystals of Rb2CaCu6(PO4)4O2 were synthesized by a hydrothermal method in the multicomponent system CuCl2-Ca(OH)2-RbCl-B2O3-Rb3PO4. The synthesis was carried out in the temperature range from 690 to 700 K and at the general pressure of 480-500 atm [1 atm = 101.325 kPa] from the mixture in the molar ratio 2CuO:CaO:Rb2O:B2O3:P2O5. The crystals studied by single-crystal X-ray analysis were found to be monoclinic, space group C2, a = 16.8913 (4), b = 5.6406 (1), c = 8.3591 (3) Å, ß = 93.919 (3)°, V = 794.57 (4) Å3. The crystal structure of Rb2CaCu6(PO4)4O2 is similar to that of shchurovskyite and dmisokolovite and is based upon a heteropolyhedral open framework formed by polar layers of copper polyhedra linked via isolated PO4 tetrahedra. The presence of well-isolated 2D heteropolyhedral layers in the title compound suggests low-dimensional magnetic behavior which is masked, however, by the fierce competition between multiple ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic exchange interactions. At TC = 25 K, Rb2CaCu6(PO4)4O2 reaches a magnetically ordered state with large residual magnetization.

Acta Crystallogr C Struct Chem ; 74(Pt 8): 936-943, 2018 08 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30080169


Caesium manganese hexahydrate phosphate, CsMn(H2O)6(PO4), was synthesized under hydrothermal conditions. Its crystal structure was determined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. The novel phase crystallizes in the hexagonal space group P63mc and represents the first manganese member in the struvite morphotropic series, AM(H2O)6(TO4). Its crystal structure is built from Mn(H2O)6 octahedra and PO4 tetrahedra linked into a framework via hydrogen bonding. The large Cs atoms are encapsulated in the framework cuboctahedral cavities. It is shown that the size of the A+ ionic radius within the morphotropic series AM(H2O)6(XO4) results is certain types of crystal structures and affects the values of the unit-cell parameters. Structural relationships with Na(H2O)Mg(H2O)6(PO4) and the mineral hazenite, KNa(H2O)2Mg2(H2O)12(PO4)2, are discussed.

Inorg Chem ; 57(12): 6799-6802, 2018 Jun 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29877690


The bismuth(III) oxophosphate Bi3(PO4)O3 was obtained by hydrothermal synthesis. The unit cell has a = 5.6840(6) Å, b = 7.0334(7) Å, c = 9.1578(9) Å, α = 78.958(2)°, ß = 77.858(2)°, γ = 68.992(2)°, V = 331.41(6) Å3, space group P1̅, and Z = 2. The crystal chemical formula that reflects the presence of oxo-centered tetrahedra and triangles is 2D[OIIIOIV2Bi3](PO4). The crystal structure contains [O3Bi3]3+∞∞-heteropolyhedral corrugated layers parallel to (001), which alternate along [001] with isolated (PO4) tetrahedra. The structural complexity parameters are v = 22 atoms, IG = 3.459 bits/atoms, and IG,total = 76.107 bits/unit cell, and thus Bi3(PO4)O3 is the simplest pure bismuth(III) oxophosphate.

Dalton Trans ; 46(26): 8680-8686, 2017 Jul 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28650503


The manganese end member of triplite-triploidite series of compounds, Mn2(PO4)OH, is synthesized by a hydrothermal method. Its crystal structure is refined in the space group P21/c with a = 12.411(1) Å, b = 13.323(1) Å, c = 10.014(1) Å, ß = 108.16(1), V = 1573.3 Å3, Z = 8, and R = 0.0375. Evidenced in measurements of magnetization M and specific heat Cp, Mn2(PO4)OH reaches a long range antiferromagnetic order at TN = 4.6 K. As opposed to both triplite Mn2(PO4)F and triploidite-type Co2(PO4)F, the title compound is magnetically frustrated being characterized by the ratio of Curie-Weiss temperature Θ to Néel temperature TN of about 20. The large value of frustration strength |Θ|/TN stems from the twisted saw tooth chain geometry of corner sharing triangles of Mn polyhedra, which may be isolated within tubular fragments of a triploidite crystal structure.

Dalton Trans ; 46(9): 2957-2965, 2017 Feb 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28197612


The novel borophosphate Rb2.3(H2O)0.8Mn3[B4P6O24(O,OH)2] was prepared under hydrothermal conditions at 553 K. Its crystal structure was determined using single-crystal X-ray diffraction data obtained from a non-merohedral twin and refined against F2 to R = 0.057. The compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pbcn, with unit-cell parameters a = 20.076(2) Å, b = 9.151(1) Å, c = 12.257(1) Å, V = 2251.8(2) Å3, and Z = 4. The title compound is the first example of a borophosphate with manganese ions adopting both octahedral and tetrahedral coordinations. Its unique crystal structure is formed by borophosphate slabs and chains of Mn2+-centered polyhedra sharing edges and vertices. These 2D and 1D fragments interconnect into a framework with open channels that accommodate Rb+ cations and water molecules. Topological relationships between borophosphates built from three-membered rings of two borate and one phosphate tetrahedra sharing oxygen vertices, amended by additional PO4 and HPO4 tetrahedra, are discussed. The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility of Rb2.3(H2O)0.8Mn3[B4P6O24(O,OH)2] reveals predominant antiferromagnetic exchange interactions and the high-temperature effective magnetic moment corresponding to the high-spin S = 5/2 state of Mn2+ ions. At 12.5 K, a magnetic transition is evidenced by ac-susceptibility and specific heat measurements. A spin-trimer model with the leading exchange interaction J ∼ 3.2 K is derived from density-functional band-structure calculations and accounts for all experimental observations.

Inorg Chem ; 56(3): 1186-1192, 2017 Feb 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28067505


Single crystals of two new iodide-iodates, Bi3[IO3]12·Ag4I and Tb3[IO3]12·Ag4I, are synthesized in hydrothermal systems. The anionic parts in both iodide-iodates are characterized as a complex charged framework of isolated IO3 umbrella-like groups and large Bi(Tb)-O polyhedra similar to those previously found in La3[IO3]12[IO3](Pb3O). Broad channels along the c-axis contain compensators: (Ag3I)2+ umbrella-like groups and additional Ag+ ions which form Ag44+ tetrahedral clusters augmented with I- halogen. New iodates possess significantly higher second-order nonlinear optical characteristics compared to the previously known lead-containing compounds REE3[IO3]12[IO3](Pb3O), REE = La, Pr, Nd. The difference is related to the polar ordering of umbrella-like (Ag3I)2+ groups in the channels in the new iodide-iodate. Additionally, planar-coordinated Ag atoms add three Ag atoms in umbrellas forming [Ag4I]3+ polar clusters in the channels.

Dalton Trans ; 45(6): 2598-604, 2016 Feb 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26732062


The novel phosphate RbCuAl(PO4)2 was prepared by hydrothermal synthesis at 553 K. Its crystal structure was determined using single-crystal X-ray diffraction data and refined against F(2) to R = 0.026. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/c, with unit-cell parameters a = 5.0723(8) Å, b = 14.070(2) Å, c = 9.352(1) Å, ß = 100.41(1), V = 656.4(2) Å(3), and Z = 4. The crystal structure is based on an open 3D aluminophosphate framework built by AlO5 bipyramids and PO4 tetrahedra sharing oxygen vertices. Channels in the [100] and [001] directions accommodate Rb(+) cations and chains of Cu-centered octahedra alternatively sharing cis- and trans-edges. The new phase is characterized by the structure type established for isotypic iron phosphates KMFe(PO4)2, where M = Fe/Ni, Ni, Mg or Co. It also shows topological relationships with Pb2Ni(PO4)2 and Fe(3+)Fe(2+)0.5(H2O)2(HPO4)2 structures. The RbCuAl(PO4)2 exhibits rather peculiar physical properties evidenced in specific heat and magnetization measurements. It releases a significant part of magnetic entropy well above the Neel temperature TN = 10.5 K and possesses a spontaneous magnetic moment at lower temperatures. The origin of the spontaneous moment is ascribed to the canting of a pristine antiferromagnetic structure due to the interchain Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya exchange interaction.

Acta Crystallogr C Struct Chem ; 71(Pt 6): 465-73, 2015 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26044328


New decavanadate minerals, the products of the leaching or metasomatic processes, are possible in nature via Na/Rb removal/inclusion reactions. As part of our search for novel vanadate phases with varying functionalities, a new phase, tetrarubidium hexaaquasodium hydrogen decavanadate tetrahydrate, Rb4[Na(H2O)6][HV10O28]·4H2O, has been synthesized by the hydrothermal technique at 553 K. Ten shared edges of V-centred octahedra form monoprotonated decavanadate cages, which are joined together via hydrogen bonds into one-dimensional chains parallel to the [101] direction. Within these chains, H atoms are sandwiched between neighbouring polyanions. Na and Rb atoms and H2O molecules occupy interstices flanked by the anionic chains providing additional crosslinking in the structure. This compound is the second decavanadate with P2/n symmetry. Structural relationships among protonated and deprotonated decavanadates with inorganic cations, including minerals of the pascoite group, are discussed.

Dalton Trans ; 44(26): 11827-34, 2015 Jul 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26052895


The novel phase Na2-xCo6(OH)3[HPO4][Hx/3PO4]3 (x≈ 1.1) was prepared by hydrothermal synthesis at 553 K. Its crystal structure was determined using single-crystal X-ray diffraction data and refined against F(2) to R = 0.052, including positions of all hydrogen atoms. The compound crystallizes in the hexagonal space group P63mc, with unit-cell parameters a = 12.630(3) Å, c = 5.017(1) Å, V = 693.1(3) Å(3), and Z = 2. The crystal structure is based on a 3D framework built from CoO6 octahedra and PO4 tetrahedra. Channels in the [001] direction accommodate columns of Na-centered octahedra sharing faces. The compound is a new structural representative of the topology shown by aluminosilicate mineral ellenbergerite and its numerous natural and synthetic varieties. Magnetic susceptibility measurements revealed a strong antiferromagnetic interaction and magnetic transition to low temperature spin-canted phase at TN = 44 K. The physical properties of the title compound are found to be very similar to those of the structurally related arsenate Co1-xCo6(OH)3[H2x/3AsO4]3[HAsO4] and vanadate Co7(OH)2(H2O)[VO4]4.