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J Org Chem ; 66(11): 3671-7, 2001 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11374983


We report the determination of the absolute configuration (AC) of the chiral sulfoxide, 1-(2-methylnaphthyl) methyl sulfoxide, 1, using vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectroscopy. The VCD of 1 has been measured in the mid-IR spectral region in CCl(4) solution. Analysis employs the ab initio DFT/GIAO methodology. DFT calculations predict two stable conformations of 1, E and Z, Z being lower in energy than E by <1 kcal/mol. In both conformations the S-O bond is rotated from coplanarity with the naphthyl moiety by 30-40 degrees. The predicted unpolarized absorption ("IR") spectrum of the equilibrium mixture of the two conformations permits assignment of the experimental IR spectrum in the mid-IR spectral region. The presence of both E and Z conformations is clearly evident. The VCD spectrum predicted for S-1 is in excellent agreement with the experimental spectrum of (-)-1, unambiguously defining the AC of 1 as R(+)/S(-).

Chirality ; 13(5): 258-65, 2001 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11317347


The series of phenylsubstituted 1,2-diphenylethane-1,2-diols 2a-h was prepared in high chemical (70--80%) and optical yields (approximately 90%) by Sharpless syn-dihydroxylation of the corresponding (E)-1,2-diarylethenes, in turn obtained by McMurry or Wittig reactions. The enantiomeric excesses of the samples were determined by HPLC analysis using Chiralcel OD chiral stationary phase (CSP). This CSP was able to resolve all the diols, except for 2g, with alpha values ranging between 1.10--1.64. In all cases the (R,R) antipode was eluted first. (R,R) absolute configuration was assigned to the dextrorotatory (CHCl(3)) diols 2a--h by analyzing the CD spectra of their 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolanes 3a--h. In fact, the CD spectra of all these dioxolanes present a positive couplet (210--180 nm range) which can be nonempirically related to an (R,R) absolute configuration of the two stereocenters.

Chemistry ; 7(1): 72-9, 2001 Jan 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11205028


The absorption and circular dichroism (CD) data for a series of alkyl aryl sulfoxides 1-16 of known S configuration have been analyzed. The strong bathochromic effect exerted by the nitro group in the para position of the phenyl sulfoxides indicates that the sulfur atom acts as an electron donor moiety towards the phenyl ring. Such behavior requires a significant 2p(C)-3sp3(S) overlap, and therefore the phenyl (and p-substituted phenyl) sulfoxides 1-12, as well as the 2-naphthyl sulfoxides 15 and 16, must assume a conformation which permits such orbital overlap. The steric effect of the peri hydrogen in 1-naphthyl-substituted compounds 13 and 14 does not allow a conformation of this type, and in these compounds the above-mentioned 2p(C) and 3sp3(S) orbitals are positioned in almost orthogonal planes. This conformational difference is clearly shown by the absorption spectra: compounds 1-12, 15, and 16 show the lowest energy sigma --> sigma* transition of the sulfoxide chromophore at approximately 250 nm, indicating the existence of a conjugated S=O chromophore. In contrast, the corresponding absorption in 13 and 14 occurs at about 200 nm, indicating the presence of an isolated S=O chromophore. The CD spectra of 13 and 14 show a negative, couplet-like feature between 250 and 200 nm. This spectral feature can be interpreted in terms of exciton coupling between the allowed sigma --> sigma* transition of the isolated S=O chromophore at 200 nm and the 1B transition of the naphthalene chromophore. In fact, the Harada-Nakanishi rule predicts a negative CD couplet for an S-configured sulfoxide in the conformation found by UV analysis, as found experimentally. The CD spectrum of 13 is quantitatively reproduced by DeVoe coupled-oscillator calculations, strongly implying that a coupled-oscillator mechanism is operative in determining the optical activity of 13 and 14. This approach has also tentatively been extended to the conjugated sulfoxides 1-12, taking into account the coupling of the benzene chromophore 1La transition with the sigma --> sigma* transition of the S=O chromophore. In this case the Harada-Nakanishi rule also predicts a negative CD couplet for the S-configured sulfoxides, as found experimentally.