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J Pediatr Urol ; 2(5): 518-21, 2006 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18947672


OBJECTIVE: Complex hypospadias surgery requires abundant and stretchable tissues for urethroplasty. Genital skin is ideal for this purpose but is often unavailable in re-do cases. Extragenital tissues have their drawbacks such as the limited length of buccal and bladder mucosa, and contracture of skin grafts. Tubularization and on-lay techniques comprise one or two longitudinal suture lines that are the source of complications. We investigate the possibility of using a saphenous vein graft to construct a long, wide, stretchable and pre-tubularized neourethra that is not compromised by the longitudinal suture line. PATIENT AND METHOD: A male patient with proximal hypospadias for which surgical correction had failed underwent the operation. The patient had a penoscrotal meatus and was circumcised. A saphenous vein graft was passed through a tunnel created on the ventral aspect of the penis, and was anastomosed to the urethra proximally and the distal opening of the tunnel at the tip of the penis. RESULTS: After 12 months, the patient had a forward stream, no dilatation of the neourethra, and no penile curvature upon morning erection (as reported by the parents). CONCLUSION: This initial experience with saphenous vein urethroplasty shows that the technique is feasible, and may provide a reliable and practical alternative to the current techniques.
