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PNAS Nexus ; 3(1): pgad451, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38222467


Dense suspensions exhibit the remarkable ability to switch dynamically and reversibly from a fluid-like to a solid-like, shear-jammed (SJ) state. Here, we show how this transition has important implications for the propensity for forming fractures. We inject air into bulk dense cornstarch suspensions and visualize the air invasion into the opaque material using time-resolved X-ray radiography. For suspensions with cornstarch mass fractions high enough to exhibit discontinuous shear thickening and shear jamming, we show that air injection leads to fractures in the material. For high mass fractions, these fractures grow quasistatically as rough cavities with fractured interfaces. For lower mass fractions, remarkably, the fractures can relax to smooth bubbles that then rise under buoyancy. We show that the onset of the relaxation occurs as the shear rate induced by the air cavity growth decreases below the critical shear rate denoting the onset of discontinuous shear thickening, which reveals a structural signature of the SJ state.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 86(6 Pt 2): 066118, 2012 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23368015


We describe a model for the simulation of extended two-dimensional in-plane dynamical ruptures and for the rapid calculation of statistical properties of repeated model-seismicity events. The discretization involves first- and second-nearest neighbors and is isotropic in both compression and shear properties. All rupture events obey a fracture criterion in the appropriate coordinate frame and numerical oscillations in slip velocity at crack tips due to discretization are minimized. The rupture velocities of fractures, in cases of homogeneous stress drop equal to the strength, are the supershear P-wave velocity in the direction of the prestress and the S-wave velocity in the perpendicular direction. We use the model to study the growth and healing of individual faults to understand the formation of propagating slip pulses. We confirm two mechanisms for the generation of isolated rupture pulses that have been proposed, namely, (1) a decrease in the dynamical friction with accelerating slip and (2) the encounter of the growing crack with extended regions of large difference between the threshold fracture stress and the prestress. We describe a third mechanism which is that of a velocity-dependent friction that operates equally on both the phases of increasing and decreasing slip velocities and has a characteristic length scale. It is a proxy for energy loss by radiation in a three-dimensional medium. In the case of an elongated rectangular model fault with an upper free surface and lower rigid boundary, pulses develop due to the influence of stress waves reflected from the rigid bottom boundary. In general, the excess of strength over stress drop controls crack fracture speeds; if it is too large, the crack stops. Under homogeneous stress conditions, isolated slip pulses are controlled by the spatial distribution of heterogeneities and by the velocity-dependent friction parametrization.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 84(3 Pt 2): 036104, 2011 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22060453


We study the average velocity of crack fronts during stable interfacial fracture experiments in a heterogeneous quasibrittle material under constant loading rates and during long relaxation tests. The transparency of the material (polymethylmethacrylate) allows continuous tracking of the front position and relation of its evolution to the energy release rate. Despite significant velocity fluctuations at local scales, we show that a model of independent thermally activated sites successfully reproduces the large-scale behavior of the crack front for several loading conditions.

Nature ; 441(7097): 1135-8, 2006 Jun 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16810253


Earthquakes have been observed to affect hydrological systems in a variety of ways--water well levels can change dramatically, streams can become fuller and spring discharges can increase at the time of earthquakes. Distant earthquakes may even increase the permeability in faults. Most of these hydrological observations can be explained by some form of permeability increase. Here we use the response of water well levels to solid Earth tides to measure permeability over a 20-year period. At the time of each of seven earthquakes in Southern California, we observe transient changes of up to 24 degrees in the phase of the water level response to the dilatational volumetric strain of the semidiurnal tidal components of wells at the Piñon Flat Observatory in Southern California. After the earthquakes, the phase gradually returns to the background value at a rate of less than 0.1 degrees per day. We use a model of axisymmetric flow driven by an imposed head oscillation through a single, laterally extensive, confined, homogeneous and isotropic aquifer to relate the phase response to aquifer properties. We interpret the changes in phase response as due to changes in permeability. At the time of the earthquakes, the permeability at the site increases by a factor as high as three. The permeability increase depends roughly linearly on the amplitude of seismic-wave peak ground velocity in the range of 0.21-2.1 cm s(-1). Such permeability increases are of interest to hydrologists and oil reservoir engineers as they affect fluid flow and might determine long-term evolution of hydrological and oil-bearing systems. They may also be interesting to seismologists, as the resulting pore pressure changes can affect earthquakes by changing normal stresses on faults.