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Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-972365


Background@#As of September 21, 2021, 65.3 percent of Mongolia's population was vaccinated at full dose. However, as of COVID-19 confirmed cases, Mongolia is in the top five countries in the West Pacific. This indicates that there is a lack of practice to prevention from coronavirus infection in the population.@*Goal @#This survey aims to compare the level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the population towards coronavirus infection with the results of the baseline survey results @*Material and Methods@#This is a cross-sectional study. A total of 1896 people aged 15-60 years old participated in the study. The survey data were collected using quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative (observation) methods. The research methodology was approved at the Scientific Committee of the National Center for Public Health on November 9, 2021 (Protocol № 5) and the Medical Ethics Review Committee of the Ministry of Health on January 20, 2022 (Resolution №261) was issued the Ethical permission of the survey. @*Results@#Out of 14 knowledge questions that should be known about coronavirus infection, survey participants had known in an average of 8.27 ± 3.73 (95%CI: 8.12-8.43) correct answers, which was lower than the results of the baseline study. The average knowledge score of the surveyed participants of the follow-up survey (9.23±3.2, 95%CI: 9.09-9.38) was smaller than the baseline survey by 0.96 percent. 54.5 percent of surveyed participants believed that the pandemic is “very dangerous”. However, it has decreased by 25.6 percent compared to the baseline survey. Positive attitudes toward the right place at the onset of symptoms of COVID-19 and non-discrimination against infected people are more prevalent in a population with a high average knowledge score. In the baseline study, the average duration to wear a mask was 29 hours, while in the follow-up survey, it was 4.2 hours, which shows improvement in the correct behavior. @*Conclusions@#As the population’s level of education increased, the average knowledge score on the coronavirus infection has increased, and the statistically significant high of the participant with higher education levels was 8.81±3.53 (p=0.0001). In the baseline survey, 64.9 percent of the participants had an attitude toward a discriminant person infected with COVID-19, whereas it was declined by 41.9 percent in the follow-up survey. The practice of wearing masks in crowded places and outdoors were increased by 6.8 percent from the baseline survey. Compared to the baseline survey results, in the follow-up survey, practices of wearing masks in the workplace or indoor environment (73.0%) had increased.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-972886


Introduction@#Mongolia’s capital hosts about half the country’s total population, and its air pollution ranks among the highest in the world during winter. Air pollution is linked to reduced fetal growth, preterm birth, low birth weight, impaired cognitive intra-uterine development, impaired cognitive development, and even spontaneous abortion. Antenatal care includes fetal development monitoring, prevention of anemia, immunization against infectious diseases, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, and any health risk factors such as environmental pollution. </br>Health care measures for pregnant women and children under one year of age have the potential to be highly effective because they are directly aimed at reducing pneumonia in children. As such, we need to conduct this survey to determine whether pregnant women were satisfied with the information and advice on air pollution prevention provided by health facilities and to take evidence-based measures.@*Materials and Methods @#The survey data were collected using quantitative and qualitative research methods. In this study, a total of 958 pregnant women participated from Songinokhairkhan district, Bayanzurkh district, and Bayankhongor province center. The overall satisfaction of health services is calculated using the three dimensions namely: satisfaction with health service, operation, and environment of the Health Organization. Satisfaction scores were assessed using an even-point scale. These are “Very Dissatisfied-1 point”, “Dissatisfied-2 point”, “Satisfied-3 point”, “Very satisfied-4 point”. The results were calculated after entering the survey data into SPSS-23, creating a database, and performing error control. The research methodology was discussed at the meeting of the Academic Council of the National Center for Public Health on December 25, 2019, and the methodology was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of the MOH (Stagnant №2).@*Results @#The survey covered 958 pregnant women aged 16-45 in Bayanzurkh district Songinokhairkhan district, and Bayankhongor province. During antenatal care visits, the majority of pregnant women (BZD- 56.9%, SKHD- 68.3%, BKH province - 86.7%) were advised by their health specialists to go outside for fresh air, while women in Ulaanbaatar (BZD- 18.9%, SKHD- 24.7%) received the information and advice at the lowest percentage. Pregnant women in Ulaanbaatar were less involved in air pollution training than in Bayankhongor. Participants in the air pollution prevention training rated it as “satisfied” regardless of location. 37.2% of pregnant women obtained information on protecting their health from air pollution from the board of Family Health Center and 34% from their district health centers. 86.1% of the participants were able to obtain information on air pollution on their own, while 86% of them got information from their family and friends. @*Conclusion @#The percentage of pregnant women getting medical advice, training, and information on air pollution prevention from hospitals during their antenatal care visits was the highest in rural areas. Moreover, their level of satisfaction with counseling had been rated as “satisfied”. Pregnant women often seek information on air pollution prevention from non-professional sources, such as their family and friends.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-974326


Introduction@#Within the framework of health sector reform, the development of the organization, the responsibility of doctors and medical professionals, and the improvement of ethics, quality and safety of care and services are top priorities. Customer satisfaction is important for the implementation of this operation based on results and quality. The WHO Recommendation states that health professionals have a key role to play in providing information and advice to citizens and their families on how to prevent, mitigate and address air pollution, and how to inform the general public and decision-makers. ADB, the Ministry of Health, and UNICEF report that information and promotional materials on air pollution prevention are scarce and do not provide advice to clients. Therefore, it is the reason for conducting a survey to determine the level of satisfaction of clients receiving child health care.@*Materials and methods@#The survey data were collected using quantitative and qualitative research methods. In this study, totally 1160 guardians of children aged 0-5 participated from Songinokhairkhan and Bayanzurkh district and Bayankhongor aimag center. The overall satisfaction of health services is calculated using the three dimensions namely: satisfaction with health service, operation and environment of Health Organization. Satisfaction scores were assessed using an even-point scale. These are “Very Dissatisfied-1 point”, “Dissatisfied-2 point”, “Satisfied-3 point”, “Very satisfied-4 point”. The results were calculated after entering the survey data into SPSS-23, creating a database, and performing error control. Research methodology discussed at the meeting of the Academic Council of the National Center for Public Health on December 25, 2019, and the methodology was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of the MOH (Stagnant №2).@*Results@#84.7 percent of the respondents were parents of children aged 0-5 years. Their average age is 34, most of them have higher education, and 43.0 percent of them have a household income of 500,000-1 million MNT. Guardians of children aged 0-5 years in Bayanzurkh District were “dissatisfied” with the Family Health Center’s dressing room, wardrobe, toilet and parking lot. Guardians of children aged 0-5 years in Songinokhairkhan district were “dissatisfied” in the parking lot and toilet of the health organization. Guardians of children aged 0-5 years in Bayankhongor aimag were satisfied with the services, operation and environment of the health organization. Studies have shown that 76.5 percent of the guardians did not receive air pollution risk training. As for difficulties in preventing air pollution, 31.4 percent of the surveyed population answered that they cannot change their living and working environment to prevent air pollution.@*Conclusion@#It shows the health care organizations need to improve the hospital environment as well as to provide training how to protect children from air pollution risk for guardians.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-973397


Introduction@#Soum and family health care centers (primary health care centers) provide public health services to reduce the negative effects of air pollution on health. In order to decrease the risk factors due to air pollution, it is crucial for health professionals, who are providing health care services to the public, to have the knowledge, attitude and practice to give an advice for residents on how to protect their health from air pollution. The “Air pollution and child health” report from WHO recommended that responsibility of health professionals must include knowing the latest information on air pollution, doing a research, spreading the knowledge, educating families and community and learning from them as well, proposing solutions, and finding a solution for policy developers and decision makers in other sectors. Therefore, we conducted this survey with purpose to determine the long-term effects of air pollution on population psychology and lifestyle and to evaluate the level of knowledge, attitude, and practice of health professionals on how to protect a health from air pollution.@*Goal@#Evaluate the level of knowledge, attitude, and practice of health professionals on air pollution.@*Material and Methods@#In 2019, this study conducted a cross-sectional design and collected quantitative and qualitative data. 88.4% of (n=532) health professionals from 48 secondary health care centers (SHCC) and 64 family health care centers (FHCC), which are agents that implement UNICEF project, in Bayanzurkh, Songinokhairkhan districts and Bayankhongor aimag were participated in the survey.@*Results@#97.4% of the participants agreed that air pollution has negative effects on human health. 99.5% of participants did not know the Mongolian standard for the acceptable level of air pollutant particulate matter (PM) and 73.1% of all participants did not receive information about air quality index. 82.1% of participants regularly give prevention advice with the purpose of protecting maternal and child health from air. The participants who worked for more than 21 years and who are older than 51 years old were more likely to give advice (p<0.05). As for the reasons for not giving advice about air pollution for protecting the maternal and child health, 29.2% of participants answered the service time is not enough, and 22.9% mentioned the lack of knowledge and information. 30.5% (162) of participants were not satisfied with their skill to give an advice on how to protect maternal and child health from air pollution. 86.8% of participants indicated that they did not receive proper training on air pollution and prevention from air pollution.@*Conclusion@#There is a need to provide training and information on how to protect maternal and child health from air pollution for health professionals.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-975615


BackgroundTobacco use is responsible for a considerable number of morbidity and mortality in the World. It isconsidered to be one of the main preventable risk factors of non-communicable diseases. The tobaccosmoke contains more than 4000 substances that are harmful to health, and at least 43 of them arecarcinogenic. Globally, there are 1.3 billion smokers and nearly 5 million persons die every year fromtobacco-related illness. Based on current smoking trends, tobacco will soon become the leading causeof death worldwide. Most people begin using tobacco before the age of 18 years. Recent trends nowindicate earlier age of initiation and increasing prevalence of smoking among children and adolescents.In recent years the number of teenagers and women who smoke has grown significantly, with an averageage of initiation of 16 years.MethodsSurvey uses a global standardized methodology that includes a two-stage sample design with schoolsselected proportional to enrollment size. The classrooms within selected schools are chosen randomlyand all students in selected classes are invited to participate in the survey. The survey uses a standardglobal core questionnaire with a set of optional questions that permits adaptation to meet the needsof the country on tobacco use and key tobacco control indicators. A total of 7,298 eligible students ingrades 7-10 completed the survey, of which 6,178 were aged 13-15 years. The overall response rate ofall students surveyed was 92.3%.ResultsA total of 7298 students were covered in the survey. Amongst surveyed schoolchildren, 77.5% werestudents in grades 8-9 and 53.3% were females. 14.3% [95%CI: 4.7-6.7] of surveyed students (n=5775)currently used any tobacco product. Male students were as twice as more likely than female studentsto smoke daily [20.3%, 95%CI: 17.6-23.4 vs. 8.3%, 95%CI: 6.9-10.1]. 15.6% of students were havingever smoked cigarettes. Among those who have ever smoked, 8.6 percent reported to have first triedcigarette smoking before the age of 10-11 years. Male students were more likely to have earlier triedsmoking than female students (р>0.001). The percentage of students who currently use any tobaccoproduct is increased with the student’s age and it was the highest among students aged 15 years oldat 17.8% [95%CI: 15.2-20.8]. 28.6% of all surveyed students, 28.8% of male students and 31.8% offemale students smoked less than one cigarette per day. 37.4% of students smoked one cigarette perday, 25.5% smoked 2-5 cigarettes per day, 3.5% 6-10 cigarettes per day, 1.0% 11-20 cigarettes perday, and 3.9% smoked 20 or more cigarettes per day. 88.6% of those who tried to stop smoking did itbecause they wanted to be healthy. Of the current smokers, 84.3% think that they can stop smoking ifthey wanted to and most of the current smokers never received help or advice when trying to quit stopsmoking.Conclusion:The survey findings would serve as a baseline information database for undertaking a comparativeanalysis of tobacco smoking across the regions of the country; for evaluating of interventions and activitiesfor prevention and control of smoking related diseases; for establishing of surveillance system anddatabase on tobacco smoking; and for implementing of evidence based public health interventions anddecision making. Students had tried to stop smoking and wanted to quit smoking, however, programs,organizations and professionals who can help them to quit smoking are in shortage.

Mongolian Medical Sciences ; : 107-111, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-631172


Background Mongolia has been undergoing an epidemiological transition since 1990s. As a result, lifestyle and health behavior related diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and injuries are growing steadily and have become the leading causes of population mortality. According to the Mongolian STEPS Survey on the Prevalence of NCD Risk Factors (2009), the summary of combined NCD risk factors demonstrates that 1 in 5 (26.4%) Mongolian adults have three or more common modifiable NCD risk factors and consumption of alcohol in the past 30 days was reported by 38.6% of the population. Goal The goal of the survey was to determine the prevalence of alcohol consumption among Bugat soum population of Bulgan province. Materials and Methods The cross-sectional survey used a questionnaire of the WHO STEPS survey and adapted it to the local specifics. Alcohol consumption was assessed using the concept of “standard drinks”. A total of 201 randomly selected 15-64 year old residents of both sexes of Bugat soum were involved in the survey. The survey data was collected in September, 2011. The survey data was fully collected using small handled computers (PDAs). Results The survey respondents, 30.3% consisting of males (16.9%) and females (41.2%) were past 12 months abstainers. Of the alcohol users, 69.7% (males 83.1% and females 58.8%) reported drinking during the past 12 months and 47.3% were current drinkers or reported alcohol use during the past 30 days. In contrary, 60.9% of males and 36.8% of females were current drinkers or reported alcohol use during the past 30 days. In terms of the frequency of alcohol use by respondents reporting drinking in the past 12 months, 39.3% drank occasionally, 21.4% drank alcohol for 1-3 days a month, 2.5% drank 1-4 days a week, 4.5% drank 5-6 days a week, and 2.0% reported daily consumption of alcohol. Conclusions The survey results showed that current drinking or consumption of alcohol in the past 30 days was reported by 47.3% in herdsmen of Bugat soum. Of these 60.9% are men and 36.8% are women. As for the quantity of consumption, the current drinkers consumed 13.3 standard drinks for men and 5.0 for women. Frequency of alcohol drinking was higher in males compared to females. The prevalence of binge drinking was 2.5% in men and 0.4% in women, and binge drinking was 6 times more common in males compared to females.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-975714


IntroductionAccording to the World Health Organization (WHO), non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), diabetes, chronic pulmonary diseases and cancers accounted for 60 percent of mortality in the global population and 80 percent of mortality in low and middle income countries in 2008.Mongolia has been undergoing an epidemiological transition since 1990s. As a result, diseases related to lifestyles and health behavior, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and injuries are growing steadily and have become the leading causes of population mortality.PurposeTo determine the prevalence of common risk factors for non-communicable diseases among civil servants in Bulgan aimag.Materials and MethodsA total of 300 randomly selected 22-64 years-olds of staff from 9 organizations of Bulgan aimag participated in the study. The prevalence and measures of average distribution of NCD risk factors were estimated.ResultsOut of all participants, 135 were males and 165 were females. Most respondents (96.3%) knew that smoking harms their health. With respect to the frequency of smoking, 15.5 % (95% CI 11.4-19.7) of the respondents were regular smokers, 10.5% (95% CI 6.9-13.9) were irregular smokers and 65.5% (95% CI 60.1-70.9) were non-smokers. 47.1% of the population strongly agreed to the statement that the Mongolians tend to drink too much alcohol at one time and another 47.8% agreed with this judgment. The attitude of the community related to the daily consumption of fruit demonstrated that only 28.2% (95%CI 23.1-33.3) of the respondents considered having fruits daily as “very important” and 58.7%(95%CI 53.1-64.3) considered it as “important”. According to the study results, the prevalence of people engaged in moderate levels of physical activity was 48.5% with significantly more males (60.9%) (95%CI 52.5-69.3) engaged in such activities than females (38.4%) (95%CI 30.9-45.9).Conclusions:1. The samples examined by this study demonstrated a good knowledge on the harms of smoking (96.3%) and second hand smoking (99%).2. The majority of the respondents (94.9%) agreed that the Mongolians tend to drink large amounts of alcohol at once.3. In general, many Bulgan civilians are lack a health promotion attitude in regards of daily consumption of fruits and vegetables, with only about 28.2% of the respondents considering it as very important.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-975719


The research on the smoking habits among 8th-to-12th grade students of schools was conducted using a random sampling method among the 13-18 years old school students.Materials and MethodsThe research was performed using a combination of both qualitative and quantitative methods. The quantitative part of the research was performed by conducting surveys among randomly selected secondary school students according to prepared and approved questionnaires. The qualitative study was performed by organizing focus groups based on prepared discussion guidelines. Sampling: the survey participants were students in grades 8-12 from both public and private schools in Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia. A total of 1190 students from the 12 secondary schools of 6 districts were selected through random sampling.Resultsto the question of whether the participants have tried to smoke once or twice, 36,1% (407) responded positively. Among these respondents, 49.6% (272) are male and 23.2 (135) are female. This confirms the statistical data that male students are more exposed to the habit of smoking than female students (x2=57.8, p<0.01). The percentage of the currently smoking students is 11.2% (77) of whom 17.9% are male and 4.8% are female. Of the current smokers, 6.8% smoke every day (x2=48.3, p<0.01). The average age of taking up smoking was 14.0[±1.8] of which males students began using tobacco at 13.9[±1.8] years and females at 14.3[±1.6]. Among the smoking students, 10[±2.1]% were from public schools and 17.3[±2.8]% were from private schools (x2=8.1, p<0.01).

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-631217


Introduction Worldwide, numerous studies have been conducted and many papers have been published about the impact of climate change on human health, and the correlations between air temperature, precipitation, droughts, and floods, and their adverse health effects such as respiratory and water-borne diseases. Scientific evidence on this issue continues to mount, showing that the effects of climate change are mostly adverse to human health. In Mongolia however, scientific research on the effects of climate change on health is at its starting point and only a few studies have been conducted. Goal Determine and assess risk factors and effects of climate change on human health Materials and Methods The study area included Zavkhan, Selenge, Dornod, Umnugovi aimags (provinces) and Ulaanbaatar city, each representing one of the five climatic zones of Mongolia. Daily meteorological variables for temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind speed, highest wind speed, precipitation and relative humidity of the selected study sites from 2009 to 2011 were acquired from the Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environmental Monitoring. Statistical analysis of the collected data was done using the SPSS18 program and 95%CI was used to determine inter-zonal differences of weather and climatic variables. Results In order to determine climate risk factors, the analysis used the number of days when temperature exceeded mean annual air temperature by +25°С/-25°С, and their sequences, the number of days when the absolute temperature exceeded +30°С in summer months, and -30°С in winter months, and their sequences, the number of days when daily fluctuations in atmospheric pressure exceeded 30 hPa and the number of days when relative humidity was lower than 30 percent or greater than 80 percent, and their percentage of the total number of days.

Artigo | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-975827


BackgroundHuman-induced climate change will affect the lives of most populations in the next decade and beyond. The impact of meteorological conditions on human health has been reported globally. There is a need to conduct surveys for correlation between climate change and human health.GoalTo study the impact of air temperature on human health in selected aimags and city districts.Materials and MethodsIn order to study how climate change and air quality parameters affect human health we selected Zavhan, Selenge, Dornod, and Umnugobi aimags which represent different climate zones and 2 districts of Ulaanbaatar city during 2009-2011. All data for respiratory system disease J00-J99, circulatory system disease I00-I99, were collected from soum, district’s hospital, and aimag and soum’s Department of health.ResultsDuring the study period, a total number of 8649 incidences of respiratory disease are registered. From them 74.2 percent are influenza and pneumonia (J09-J18), 17.6 percent are other acute lower respiratory infections (J20- J22), and 8.2 percent are asthma (J45-J45.9). For cardiovascular disease 15288 incidences are registered. From them 65.6 percent are hypertensive disease (I10-I15), 23.6 percent are ischemic heart disease, and 10.8 percent are cerebrovascular diseases (I60-I69). The lower the air temperature, higher the incidence of influenza and pneumonia, acute lower respiratory infections, hypertensive, and ischemic heart disease.ConclusionsCold weather is correlated with a higher incidence of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-975828


IntroductionClimate change has already been started in Mongolia. The frequency of natural disaster such as drought, zud disaster, snow storm, hot and cold extreme weather, and earthquake has increased every year. As per daily information of meteorological stations, annual air temperature has been increased since 1960. Children is more sensitive in varies environmental impacts compared with adults and adverse effects caused by climate changes can be remained in all lives and it can be irreversible. Relation between climate change and children’s health is one of the issues which have not been studied yet. The purpose of this study was to investigate relationship between respiratory diseases of children and climate change as well as some air pollution parameters.Materials and MethodsStudy was carried out by cross-sectional study design. According to the regional climate classification of Mongolia, Zavkhan, Selenge, Dornod and Umnugovi provinces was selected as a target area of the study. The relationship between respiratory disease of children and climate change as well as some air pollution parameters were analyzed based on statistical data of Health Departments and Family doctors’ documentation of those provinces for prevalence and incidence of respiratory disease among the children aged 0-16 and daily information of climate parameters such as air temperature, air pressure, relative humidity and precipitation status taken from selected provinces Meteorological Departments and data for air quality basic parameters (SO2, NO2, CO2, PM 10) taken from Air Quality Department of Ulaanbaatar city.ResultsRespiratory diseases among the target ages were registered highly (70.7%) in age of 0-5 years. According to the comparison results in incidence rate of respiratory diseases by region, upper respiratory tract diseases (J09-J18) and lower respiratory tract diseases (J20-J22) were registered in Umnugovi aimag (254.75 and 50.42cases per 10000 children)which belong to very dry and warm regions and Dornod aimag (121.62 and 26.11 cases per 10000 children) which belong to dryish cold regions in 2010. Respiratory tract diseases (J09-J18, J20-J22) were correlated weak indirectly with average air temperature and minimum average air temperature. It was correlated weak directly with wind speed and air pressure. Respiratory tract diseases (J09- J18, J20-J22) were correlated directly with SO2 concentration in air (r=0.269, p>0.001) and NO2 (r=0.286, p>0.001).ConclusionClimate change and air pollution could be influenced on the increase of morbidity of respiratory tract infections. Some air pollution parameters such as SO2, NO2 and PM2.5 and air temperature, air pressure, relative humidity and wind speed are the causes of respiratory tract infections among the children aged 0-16.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-975829


BackgroundClimate change, as defined by the United Nations Convention on Climate Change, is a “Change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and is observed over time”. In 2001 an Initial Communication on Climate Change was prepared by the Government as part of its obligations under the UNFCCC. One of its recommendations was for “creating public awareness among a wide range of stakeholders including public, private and community sector organizations”. GoalThe main goal of the study was to develop recommendations and measures on prevention from diseases and adaptation to climate change by assessing knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of population towards climate change. Based on the main goal the following objectives were setup. Therefore addressing the different levels of knowledge and types of attitudes and practices people have towards climate change must initially be dealt with at the local level where site specific variations can be accounted for. Once research has been undertaken at the local level it can later inform decisions and policy at the regional, continental and global levels on how to incorporate site specific variations with in the greater context of the global threat.Objectives:1. To determine knowledge and attitude of population towards climate change;2. To determine practice of population on some adverse consequences of climate change;3. To develop recommendations and measures on prevention from and adaptation to climate change;Materials and MethodsThe study was at once carried out by means of questionnaire. In order to assess KAP of population, the data was collected using a card with 38 questions in three chapters which previously produced and ratified. The questionnaire was structured into 4 sections; demographics, knowledge, attitudes and practices. Two sums in an aimag from each climate zone of Mongolia were selected. In total, 2258 respondents aged 15 to 64 were involved from eight sums in four aimags (Zavkhan, Selenge, Dornod and Umnugovi), and two districts in Ulaanbaatar. The study data was input to computer using EPIDATA-3.6 software and statistically analyzed using SPSS-18.0 software.ResultsA total of 2258 individuals were interviewed. 44.1% 44.1% (995) of the participants was residents of Ulaanbaatar city and remained percentages accounted for residents living in the center of aimags and soums. 56.7% (1281) of participants were women and 43.3% (977) were men aged with 35.2±15.1 in average. Most of the study participants had educated with medium level (34.8%) and high level (30.0%). Employment percentage is 47.5% (1073). However, most respondents interpreted the meaning of climate change as “a change in weather,” “a change in normal climate conditions,” or “a change in temperature” – answers that requires more common sense than climate change savvy. Global warming is one of the evident of climate change. To know study participants awareness about climate change we used terminology of global warming. 25.3% (571) of the total participants answered that climate change revealed by the overheating or warming earth surface. 42.4% of the respondents answered the climate change could affect to health, 33.2% to environment and 16.3% to economy. 84.5% (1908) of the study participants agreed with that climate change has been started. Most of them (71.3%, 1824) allowed that people’s improper use of nature tend to global warming. When ranging the protection practices during the strong storm means of timbering the houses or gers accounted for 42.5% (960). Study participants supported the following activities; 41.2% (931) agreed that is it necessary to increase health services and 34.1% (769) suggested that it is better to enhance training and propagation for increasing awareness of population about climate change adaptation procedures and some information on climate changes and protection events. 85.2% (1923) of the study participants answered that they want to get the information on climate change from public TV.ConclusionsAlthough knowledge on global warming as the climate change was poor among the respondents, they agreed the climate change has already been started worldwide as well as in Mongolia. Only half of the respondents have had practice to prevent themselves from natural disaster.

Asia Pac J Public Health ; 12(1): 27-31, 2000.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11200214


In 1996, the Mongolian Government pledged to eliminate iodine deficiency disorders by 2001 using salt iodization as its primary strategy. Iodine content in salt was set at 50 +/- 10 PPM based on an assumption of 5 g of daily salt intake. In 1998, the authors suspected that salt intake was more than 5 g and that pregnant women consumed more salt than non-pregnant women. Over 1,600 adults of both sexes were studied in five provinces. In this study we estimated salt intake based on urinary excretion of sodium and creatinine. A formula was used to calculate salt intake from excreted volumes of sodium and creatinine. Average values for pregnant women, non-pregnant women, and men, were found to be 15.6 g (n = 499), 12.6 g (n = 598), and 14.6 g (n = 571), respectively. We concluded that appropriate iodine content in salt should range from 20 to 40 PPM. It is recommended that health education regarding proper levels of salt intake be carried out with the general public, with emphasis on pregnant women.

Comportamento Alimentar , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Iodo/administração & dosagem , Iodo/deficiência , Cloreto de Sódio na Dieta/administração & dosagem , Adolescente , Adulto , Creatinina/urina , Deficiências Nutricionais/prevenção & controle , Feminino , Humanos , Iodo/urina , Masculino , Mongólia , Gravidez , Sódio/urina
Asia Pac J Public Health ; 12(2): 79-84, 2000.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11836923


In 1992, the Mongolian government conducted a nationwide palpation study of the thyroid glands, and the study showed an overall goiter rate of 30%. As a result of this, the Mongolian Government launched its Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) Elimination Programme in 1996 and its primary strategy was salt iodization. In 1998 and 1999, we carried out programme monitoring studies in 11 provinces. The results showed: among schoolchildren, a goiter rate was 22.8% (n = 6,535), median values of urinary iodine excretion ranged from 11 micrograms/l to 256 micrograms/l (n = 1,930), and usage rates of iodized salt (> 20 PPM iodine content) in their households ranged from 3% to 82%. We concluded that severe iodine deficiency in 1992 was improved from moderate to mild severity a few years later by salt iodization. However, stronger official commitments and community participation are needed to improve the programme so that iodized salt will be made more widely available.

Bócio/prevenção & controle , Iodo/deficiência , Criança , Deficiências Nutricionais/epidemiologia , Deficiências Nutricionais/prevenção & controle , Bócio/diagnóstico , Bócio/epidemiologia , Programas Governamentais , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Iodo/uso terapêutico , Iodo/urina , Mongólia/epidemiologia , Inquéritos Nutricionais , Avaliação de Programas e Projetos de Saúde , Cloreto de Sódio na Dieta/uso terapêutico , Tireotropina/sangue