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Innovation ; : 14-17, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-976415


Background@#The lower socioeconomic status and long distance to eye care facility of the rural dwellers in many communities in developing countries accounts for the increase in the number of preventable and avoidable causes of blindness. It is widely believed that the best option to reduce blindness and visual impairment in these communities is to bring eye care services to their doorsteps in the form of outreach programs. @*Aims@#To assess the pattern of eye diseases presenting at a free eye outreach in a rural community of Mongolia.@*Methods@#A retrospective, descriptive study was carried out on the findings of 2-day outreach programs at Medical Center of Ulziit village, Arkhangai province of Mongolia. Patient history including sociodemographic data and comprehensive eye examination were done in the study group.@*Results@#The most common ocular disorder in the study group was external eye diseases including conjunctivitis. There were more females seen at the free eye outreach clinic and majority of participants were 45-59 years old. @*Conclusion@#In sparsely densely countries like Mongolia, outreach screening programs for ocular morbidity is crucial to decrease low vision and blindness.

Health Laboratory ; : 12-15, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-975929


Introduction:When a central nervous system disorder (meningitis, encephalitis, hemorrhage, leukemia infltration and other neoplasma) is present, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shows various changes that reflected the condition. Therefore it is essential to test CSF. Different types of CSF tests include cell count; cell differentiation; chemistry; immunology; microbiology and molecular biology. CSF cell count and cell differentiation in particular, are crucial in differentiating diagnosing various CNS disorder needing immediate care and in evaluating the treatment. The patient’s prognosis largely depends on how accurate diagnosis was done and how early treatment was provided. There for CSF test require high precision and accuracy. In Mongolia until now 2st and 3st level hospital using manual method for CSF cell count and cell differentiation test. In this test has 2 actual problems, which is depends on the analytical techniques, skills and sample stability specific problem. But in Japan in 2011 newly designed Sysmex XN Series hematology analyser with body fluid mode (CSF,pleural effusion, peritoneal and synovial fluid). On The First Central Hospital of Mongolia In 2013 frst timeinstalled Sysmex XN-2000 hematology analyser andpossible use of body fluid automatic testing methods.Materials and methods:We evaluated the basic assay performance of the body fluid mode on the automated hematology analyzer XN-2000, which is used for analysis of CSF fluid. We compared between the manual method and XN-2000 analysis for nucleated (WBC), mononuclear (MN) and polymorphonuclear (PMN) cells was also randomly studied using 10 CSF samples of inpatient section our hospital.Results:In CSF samples the coeffcient correlation(r) for WBC/µl, MN%, PMN% were respectively 0.83, 0.95 ба 0.95.Discussion:The correlation for MN%, PMN% were between automate and manual method was good, that is similar to the other researchers. Whereas the correlation for WBC/µl slightly low, this was probably correlation relatively weak or show discrepancies. In introduction inscriptive in analysis accuracy can to affect analytical techniques skills, sample stability and specifc many problems. Therefore scientifc studied and proven ability specifcity, sensitivity, reproducibility, quality, personnel low cost and spend less time, automatically Sysmex XN series hematology analyzer is desirable to domesticate an appropriate level of medical laboratories.

Innovation ; : 36-39, 2015.
Artigo em Mn | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-975518


Otosclerosis is a disease that involves the cochlea and it is developed when the structure ofconnecting tissue in the area of stapedius and the oval window has changed and become unmovable.Consequently, conductive hearing loss and therefore severe sensorineural hearing loss are caused.The causes of otosclerosis have not been discovered yet but many factors impact on this disease. Anyresearch works has not been done on otosclerosis in Mongolia until now and we have conducted theresearch in 2008-2013. Therefore, we aimed to identify the hearing condition after surgery treatmentof otosclerosis.41 patients /47 ears/ who were diagnosed of having otosclerosis with conductive hearing loss, nomiddle ear infection through the comprehensive ear and hearing examinations were selected in thisstudy which was done at EMJJ Clinics between 2007 and 2013. The hearing improvement after thesurgery has been tested under bone and air conduction frequency 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 Hzand the results before and after the surgery were statistically processed on Excel 2010 and SPSS 17.0software programs. Stapedotomia and Stapedoectomia surgery approaches were applied and afteropening of attics, the hearing bones are palpated and the diagnosis of stapes otosclerosis is confirmedby the surgeon, who removes the stapes. Then a titanium K-piston (prosthese or implant) is thenplaced into this opening and connected to the malleus, or the incus.Out of 41 patients (85.4% female) involved in the study and 36 people had one ear side otosclerosisand 5 people had both ear otosclerosis. After the surgery 25 patients did not have dizziness andvomiting symptoms and 14 patients did not have dizziness with movement after 12 hours, andfor 4 patients all symptoms were disappeared after 24 hours. As for the result from the hearingexamination after 21, 60 days of the surgery, bone conduction was normal, air conduction, andhearing for 32 patients improved completely, and after 120 days of the surgery, the hearing of 33patients improved completely, bone conduction became 2000 Hz at 4000 Hz frequency 12-15 dB,average of air conduction 15,4±10,1 dB, bone-air gap 10,4±3,1 dB for 5 people, and bone conduction2000 Hz-4000 Hz, at 8000 Hz frequency 20-40dB, air conduction became 25-45dB 10,4±5,1db for 9patients and all patients had no hearing loss except for 4 people who still had tinnitus.After surgery stapedotomia and stapedoectomia for the otosclerosis, the hearing improvement was95.2% and it has been concluded that there is full possibility to perform surgeries of stapedotomia andstapedoectomia for the otosclerosis in Mongolian situation.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-975708


IntroductionThere are an estimated 246 million people with diabetes mellitus globally and this figure is predictedto rise to 380 million by 2025, with the most rapid growth in developing countries, among the workingage group of the population.Now in Mongolia, the more than half of population live in cities and settlements, following thisurbanization the population`s diet and lifestyle has been changed to more western style and morepeople affected by diabetes mellitus.Diabetic retinopathy is the most common chronic and devastating complication of diabetes whichleads to visual impairment and blindness. Diabetic retinopathy develops in nearly all persons withtype 1 diabetes and in more than 77% those with type 2 who survive over 20 years with disease. Thecurrent estimates of the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy vary in different countries. The WHO hasestimated that diabetic retinopathy is responsible for 4.8% of 37 million cases of blindness throughoutthe world.Significant independent predictors of proliferative diabetic retinopathy determined by multivariableanalysis were fasting plasma glucose level, duration diabetes, plasma cholesterol, systolic bloodpressure and therapeutic regimen.In recent years a number of randomized clinical trials have shown that interventions to improvemetabolic control, careful monitoring and treatment reduce late diabetic complications.GoalTo establish the prevalence, severity and risk factors of diabetic retinopathy type 2 diabetic patientsin Ulaanbaatar.Materials and MethodsThe study conducted by cross sectional study. Randomly selected 235 patients type 2 diabetic patientsfrom Bayanzurh districts of city Ulaanbaatar. Participants provided a detailed medical and personalhistory, underwent an ocular examination including funduscopy. Fasting blood glucose-FBG, totalcholesterols, triglyceride, HDL were determined by methods of laboratory in venous plasma.ResultsThe prevalence of diabetic retinopathy among people with type 2 diabetes was 37.4%. The prevalencenon-proliferative diabetic retinopathy was 17% (40), pre-proliferative diabetic retinopathy was 8.1%(19), and of proliferative diabetic retinopathy was 12.3 %( 29).The mean age of participants with diabetic retinopathy was 57.4 years (range 26-79). The meanage of participants with non-diabetic retinopathy was 53.6 years (range 26-76). The prevalence of diabetic retinopathy did not vary significantly with age. Retinopathy was positively associated with alonger reported duration of diabetes and with higher fractions of blood glucose (p<0.05).Progression of diabetic retinopathy positively associated with high level fasting blood glucose (6.2mmol/l), total cholesterol (4.5 mmol/l), systolic pressure (130 mm Hg) diastolic pressure (90 mm Hg),triglyceride (2.2 mmol.l) and low level HDL (1.1 mmol/l).ConclusionRisk factors for diabetic retinopathy were found to be high level of blood glucose, longer duration ofdiabetes. Diabetes poor control was significantly associated with progression of diabetic retinopathy.

Mongolian Medical Sciences ; : 107-111, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-631172


Background Mongolia has been undergoing an epidemiological transition since 1990s. As a result, lifestyle and health behavior related diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and injuries are growing steadily and have become the leading causes of population mortality. According to the Mongolian STEPS Survey on the Prevalence of NCD Risk Factors (2009), the summary of combined NCD risk factors demonstrates that 1 in 5 (26.4%) Mongolian adults have three or more common modifiable NCD risk factors and consumption of alcohol in the past 30 days was reported by 38.6% of the population. Goal The goal of the survey was to determine the prevalence of alcohol consumption among Bugat soum population of Bulgan province. Materials and Methods The cross-sectional survey used a questionnaire of the WHO STEPS survey and adapted it to the local specifics. Alcohol consumption was assessed using the concept of “standard drinks”. A total of 201 randomly selected 15-64 year old residents of both sexes of Bugat soum were involved in the survey. The survey data was collected in September, 2011. The survey data was fully collected using small handled computers (PDAs). Results The survey respondents, 30.3% consisting of males (16.9%) and females (41.2%) were past 12 months abstainers. Of the alcohol users, 69.7% (males 83.1% and females 58.8%) reported drinking during the past 12 months and 47.3% were current drinkers or reported alcohol use during the past 30 days. In contrary, 60.9% of males and 36.8% of females were current drinkers or reported alcohol use during the past 30 days. In terms of the frequency of alcohol use by respondents reporting drinking in the past 12 months, 39.3% drank occasionally, 21.4% drank alcohol for 1-3 days a month, 2.5% drank 1-4 days a week, 4.5% drank 5-6 days a week, and 2.0% reported daily consumption of alcohol. Conclusions The survey results showed that current drinking or consumption of alcohol in the past 30 days was reported by 47.3% in herdsmen of Bugat soum. Of these 60.9% are men and 36.8% are women. As for the quantity of consumption, the current drinkers consumed 13.3 standard drinks for men and 5.0 for women. Frequency of alcohol drinking was higher in males compared to females. The prevalence of binge drinking was 2.5% in men and 0.4% in women, and binge drinking was 6 times more common in males compared to females.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-975887


Goal: To determine schoolchildren’s growth and nutrition situationMaterials and MethodsThe descriptive and cross sectional study was carried out in 4 districts of Ulaanbaatar city (750 schoolchildren from each district) and 2 aimags (889 schoolchildren from Uvurkhangai and 925 from Dornod) of Mongolia. The study was conducted in two steps, Step 1 or beginning of school year covered totally 4760 schoolchildren and in end of school year totally 4108 schoolchildren. Data for the survey was collected by using questionnaire and clinical examintions and antropometric measurements. Weight of schoolchildren was used UNISCALE electrical scales with precision to 100g and height was used standard measurement with precision to 1mm. Schoolchildren’s growth was assessed by method “Sigma” and compared to the survey “Growth means of schoolchildren up to 16 years of Mongolia” (PHI, 2006). The nutritional status of schoolchildren were taken in accordance with the Z score calculated with relation to WHO average population anthropometric reference (WHO, 1995). Also determined current nutrition situation of surveyed schoolchildren by using 24 hours recall method and assessed. Nutrition assessment was used the standard indicators of Technical Committee, WHO [3, 7, 8].ResultsA total of 4760 (46.6% boys and 53.4% girls) school children were present beginning of the school year and 4108 (46.0% boys and 54% girls) of their were end of school year during the visit. Almost 60 of the total school children were from districts of UB beginning and end of school year. Beginning of the school year, 5.1 percent of total surveyed schoolchildren were assessed underweight and 14.1 percent is stunting, 1.7 percent is wasting and end of school year it was 4.7 percent underweight, 13.9 percent stunting and 1.2 percent wasting.71.7 percent of total respondents have breakfast sometimes, 83.2 of them have a lunch only one time per day, and 38.3 percent of total daily energy takes from dinner and have not any difference between age groups. Consumption of food products such as green vegetables, beef liver which are rich with vitamin A is inadequate. Example; among 7-10 years old 184.9 mcg, 11-14 years 247.2 mcg, above 15 years old was 241.6 mcg. Amount minerals such as calcium and phosphorium per day was among 7-10 years old 398.2mg and 756.1мг, 11-14 насанд кальци 277.8-301.5мг, фосфор 688.6-899.5мг, above 15 years old was calcium 366.4-378.3mg, phosphorium 875.3-978.8mg. Dairy consumption was analyzed by urban and rural areas among schoolchildren and it was among urban schoolchildren is more by 16.6-21.4 percent from rural areas.Conclusion:1. The progress made improving gradually the nutritional status of schoolchildren from previous study. The prevalence of underweight, stunting and wasting is “low” level among schoolchildren by WHO. There is statistically significant lower nutritional status among schoolchildren in rural area than in urban.2. Micronutrient deficiency is main reason of undernutrition among schoolchildren. In other words, the vitamins (C, A, D), and minerals (Ca, Fe) which are essential for schoolchildren growth and fiber is insufficient in their food. The consumption of diary is inadequate among schoolchildren of rural area compared to urban.3. Consumption of fruits and vegetables and diary products is inadeguate among total surveyed schoolchildren especially in rural area.