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Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 18(1): 63-77, jan.-mar. 2006.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-485149


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A monitorização de funções vitais é uma das mais importantes e essenciais ferramentas no manuseio de pacientes críticos na UTI. Hoje é possível detectar e analisar uma grande variedade de sinais fisiológicos através de diferentes técnicas, invasivas e não-invasivas. O intensivista deve ser capaz de selecionar e executar o método de monitorização mais apropriado de acordo com as necessidades individuais do paciente, considerando a relação risco-benefício da técnica. Apesar do rápido desenvolvimento de técnicas de monitorização não-invasiva, a monitorização hemodinâmica invasiva com o uso do cateter de artéria pulmonar (CAP) ainda é um dos procedimentos fundamentais em UTI. O objetivo destas recomendações é estabelecer diretrizes para o uso adequado dos métodos básicos de monitorização hemodinâmica e CAP. MÉTODO: O processo de desenvolvimento de recomendações utilizou o método Delphi modificado para criar e quantificar o consenso entre os participantes. A AMIB determinou um coordenador para o consenso, o qual escolheu seis especialistas para comporem o comitê consultivo. Outros 18 peritos de diferentes regiões do país foram selecionados para completar o painel de 25 especialistas, médicos e enfermeiros. Um levantamento bibliográfico na MedLine de artigos na língua inglesa foi realizado no período de 1966 a 2004. RESULTADOS: Foram apresentadas recomendações referentes a 55 questões sobre monitorização da pressão venosa central, pressão arterial invasiva e cateter de artéria pulmonar. Com relação ao CAP, além de recomendações quanto ao uso correto foram discutidas as indicações em diferentes situações clínicas. CONCLUSÕES: A avaliação da pressão venosa central e da pressão arterial, além das variáveis obtidas com o CAP permite o entendimento da fisiologia indispensável para o cuidado de pacientes graves. Entretanto, a correta utilização dessas ferramentas é fundamental para os possíveis benefícios decorrentes do uso.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Monitoring of vital functions is one of the most important tools in the management of critically ill patients. Nowadays is possible to detect and analyze a great deal of physiologic data using a lot of invasive and non-invasive methods. The intensivist must be able to select and carry out the most appropriate monitoring technique according to the patient requirements and taking into account the benefit/risk ratio. Despite the fast development of non invasive monitoring techniques, invasive hemodynamic monitoring using Pulmonary Artery Catheter still is one of the basic procedures in Critical Care. The aim was to define recommendations about clinical utility of basic hemodynamic monitoring methods and the Use of Pulmonary Artery Catheter. METHODS: Modified Delphi methodology was used to create and quantify the consensus between the participants. AMIB indicated a coordinator who invited more six experts in the area of monitoring and hemodynamic support to constitute the Consensus Advisory Board. Twenty-five physicians and nurses selected from different regions of the country completed the expert panel, which reviewed the pertinent bibliography listed at the MEDLINE in the period from 1996 to 2004. RESULTS: Recommendations were made based on 55 questions about the use of central venous pressure, invasive arterial pressure, pulmonary artery catheter and its indications in different settings. CONCLUSIONS: Evaluation of central venous pressure and invasive arterial pressure, besides variables obtained by the PAC allow the understanding of cardiovascular physiology that is of great value to the care of critically ill patients. However, the correct use of these tools is fundamental to achieve the benefits due to its use.

Unidades de Terapia Intensiva , Monitoramento Ambiental
Rev Bras Ter Intensiva ; 18(1): 63-77, 2006 Mar.
Artigo em Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25310330


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Monitoring of vital functions is one of the most important tools in the management of critically ill patients. Nowadays is possible to detect and analyze a great deal of physiologic data using a lot of invasive and non-invasive methods. The intensivist must be able to select and carry out the most appropriate monitoring technique according to the patient requirements and taking into account the benefit/risk ratio. Despite the fast development of non invasive monitoring techniques, invasive hemodynamic monitoring using Pulmonary Artery Catheter still is one of the basic procedures in Critical Care. The aim was to define recommendations about clinical utility of basic hemodynamic monitoring methods and the Use of Pulmonary Artery Catheter. METHODS: Modified Delphi methodology was used to create and quantify the consensus between the participants. AMIB indicated a coordinator who invited more six experts in the area of monitoring and hemodynamic support to constitute the Consensus Advisory Board. Twenty-five physicians and nurses selected from different regions of the country completed the expert panel, which reviewed the pertinent bibliography listed at the MEDLINE in the period from 1996 to 2004. RESULTS: Recommendations were made based on 55 questions about the use of central venous pressure, invasive arterial pressure, pulmonary artery catheter and its indications in different settings. CONCLUSIONS: Evaluation of central venous pressure and invasive arterial pressure, besides variables obtained by the PAC allow the understanding of cardiovascular physiology that is of great value to the care of critically ill patients. However, the correct use of these tools is fundamental to achieve the benefits due to its use.