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J Phys Chem A ; 127(42): 8892-8899, 2023 Oct 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37823800


The thermochemistry of the Si-O-H system has been extensively studied both experimentally and theoretically due to its importance in chemical processes, degradation of silica-protected materials in combustion, and geological processes. In this paper, we review past studies and use quantum mechanical methods to generate a new data set. Molecular geometries were generated with DFT using the B3LYP functional. Energetics were calculated with RCCSD(T) methods extrapolated to the complete basis set (CBS/45) limit. Particular attention was given to the treatment of the vibrational modes. A rigid rotor model was used, corrections for anharmonicity were applied, and the Pitzer-Gwinn treatment of the hindered rotation of the M-OH groups was applied. The generated enthalpies of formation at 298 K are compared to those of experiments and other calculations. Generally, the agreement is good. A set of thermodynamic data (enthalpy of formation at 298 K, entropy at 298 K, and heat capacity polynomial to 3000 K) is presented for SiOH, SiO(OH), Si(OH)2, SiO(OH)2, Si(OH)3, Si(OH)4, Si2O(OH)6, and Si3O2(OH)8. These can be added to any of the common computational thermodynamics packages. The application of these data to high-temperature corrosion and geological problems is discussed.

Geochim Cosmochim Acta ; 316: 1-20, 2022 Jan 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35001943


The chemical and isotopic signatures of moderately volatile elements are useful for understanding processes of volatile depletion in planetary formation and differentiation. However, the fractionation factors between gas and melt phases during evaporation that are required to model these planetary volatile depletion processes are still sparse. In this study, twenty heating experiments were conducted in 1 atm gas-mixing furnaces to constrain the behavior of K, Cu, and Zn evaporation and isotopic fractionation from basaltic melts at high temperatures. The temperatures range from 1300 °C to 1400 °C, and durations are from 2 to 8 days. Oxygen fugacities (fO2) range from one log unit below to ten log units above that of the iron-wüstite buffer (IW-1 to IW+10, corresponding to logfO2 of -10.7 to -0.68 at 1400 °C). The conditions were selected to achieve an evaporation-dominated regime (where timescales of diffusion << evaporation for trace elements) in order to avoid diffusion-limited evaporation. Our results show during evaporation Zn behaved as the most volatile, followed by Cu and then K, regardless of temperature and oxygen fugacity. Partitioning of Zn into spinel layers within experimental capsules, however, has been observed, which has substantial effects on the Zn isotope fractionation factor. Therefore, Zn results are presented but further discussion is excluded. Element loss depends on both temperature and oxygen fugacity, where higher temperatures and lower oxygen fugacities promote evaporation. However, with varying temperature and oxygen fugacity, the kinetic isotopic fractionation factors, α (where, R R 0 = f α - 1 ), for K and Cu remain constant, thus these factors can be applied to a wider range of conditions than those in this study. The experimentally determined fractionation factors for K, and Cu during evaporation from basaltic melts are 0.9944, and 0.9961, respectively. The fractionation factors for these elements with varying volatilities are all significantly larger than the "apparent observed fractionation factors," which approach one and are inferred from lunar basalts relative to the Bulk Silicate Earth. This observation suggests near-equilibrium conditions during volatile-element loss from the Moon as the "apparent observed fractionation factors" of lunar basalts are similar for all three elements.

Nat Geosci ; 8: 918-921, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31360221


The Moon may have formed from an Earth-orbiting disk of vapor and melt produced by a giant impact.1 The Moon and Earth's mantles have similar compositions. However, it is unclear why lunar samples are more depleted in volatile elements than terrestrial mantle rocks2-3, given that an evaporative escape mechanism4 appears inconsistent with expected disk conditions.5 Dynamical models6-7 suggest that the Moon initially accreted from the outermost disk, but later acquired up to 60% of its mass from melt originating from the inner disk. Here we combine dynamical, thermal and chemical models to show that volatile depletion in the Moon can be explained by preferential accretion of volatile-rich melt in the inner disk to the Earth, rather than to the growing Moon. Melt in the inner disk is initially hot and volatile-poor, but volatiles condense as the disk cools. In our simulations, the delivery of inner disk melt to the Moon effectively ceases when gravitational interactions cause the Moon's orbit to expand away from the disk, and this termination of lunar accretion occurs prior to condensation of potassium and more volatile elements. Thus, the portion of the Moon derived from the inner disk is expected to be volatile depleted. We suggest that this mechanism may explain part or all of the Moon's volatile depletion, depending on the degree of mixing within the lunar interior.

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol ; 2(10): a004895, 2010 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20573713


Earth is the one known example of an inhabited planet and to current knowledge the likeliest site of the one known origin of life. Here we discuss the origin of Earth's atmosphere and ocean and some of the environmental conditions of the early Earth as they may relate to the origin of life. A key punctuating event in the narrative is the Moon-forming impact, partly because it made Earth for a short time absolutely uninhabitable, and partly because it sets the boundary conditions for Earth's subsequent evolution. If life began on Earth, as opposed to having migrated here, it would have done so after the Moon-forming impact. What took place before the Moon formed determined the bulk properties of the Earth and probably determined the overall compositions and sizes of its atmospheres and oceans. What took place afterward animated these materials. One interesting consequence of the Moon-forming impact is that the mantle is devolatized, so that the volatiles subsequently fell out in a kind of condensation sequence. This ensures that the volatiles were concentrated toward the surface so that, for example, the oceans were likely salty from the start. We also point out that an atmosphere generated by impact degassing would tend to have a composition reflective of the impacting bodies (rather than the mantle), and these are almost without exception strongly reducing and volatile-rich. A consequence is that, although CO- or methane-rich atmospheres are not necessarily stable as steady states, they are quite likely to have existed as long-lived transients, many times. With CO comes abundant chemical energy in a metastable package, and with methane comes hydrogen cyanide and ammonia as important albeit less abundant gases.

Atmosfera/química , Planeta Terra , Origem da Vida , Lua