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Opt Express ; 32(5): 8284-8307, 2024 Feb 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38439488


Numerical modeling of ultrashort pulse propagation is important for designing and understanding the underlying dynamical processes in devices that take advantage of highly nonlinear interactions in dispersion-engineered optical waveguides. Once the spectral bandwidth reaches an octave or more, multiple types of nonlinear polarization terms can drive individual optical frequencies. This issue is particularly prominent in χ(2) devices where all harmonics of the input pulse are generated and there can be extensive spectral overlap between them. Single-envelope approaches to pulse propagation have been developed to address these complexities; this has led to a significant mismatch between the strategies used to analyze moderate-bandwidth devices (usually involving multi-envelope models) and those used to analyze octave-spanning devices (usually involving models with one envelope per waveguide mode). Here we unify the different strategies by developing a common framework, applicable to any optical bandwidth, that allows for a side-by-side comparison between single- and multi-envelope models. We include both χ(2) and χ(3) interactions in these models, with emphasis on χ(2) interactions. We show a detailed example based on recent supercontinuum generation experiments in a thin-film LiNbO3 on sapphire quasi-phase-matching waveguide. Our simulations of this device show good agreement between single- and multi-envelope models in terms of the frequency comb properties of the electric field, even for multi-octave-spanning spectra. Building on this finding, we explore how the multi-envelope approach can be used to develop reduced models that help build physical insights about new ultrafast photonics devices enabled by modern dispersion-engineered waveguides, and discuss practical considerations for the choice of such models. More broadly, we give guidelines on the pros and cons of the different modeling strategies in the context of device design, numerical efficiency, and accuracy of the simulations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(25): 256902, 2023 Dec 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38181375


The sensitivity of gravitational-wave detectors is limited by the mechanical loss associated with the amorphous coatings of the detectors' mirrors. Amorphous silicon has higher refraction index and lower mechanical loss than current high-index coatings, but its optical absorption at the wavelength used for the detectors is at present large. The addition of hydrogen to the amorphous silicon network reduces both optical absorption and mechanical loss for films prepared under a range of conditions at all measured wavelengths and temperatures, with a particularly large effect on films grown at room temperature. The uptake of hydrogen is greatest in the films grown at room temperature, but still below 1.5 at.% H, which show an ultralow optical absorption (below 10 ppm) measured at 2000 nm for 500-nm-thick films. These results show that hydrogenation is a promising strategy to reduce both optical absorption and mechanical loss in amorphous silicon, and may enable fabrication of mirror coatings for gravitational-wave detectors with improved sensitivity.

Opt Express ; 30(18): 32752-32760, 2022 Aug 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36242330


Thin-film lithium niobate (TFLN) is an emerging platform for compact, low-power nonlinear-optical devices, and has been used extensively for near-infrared frequency conversion. Recent work has extended these devices to mid-infrared wavelengths, where broadly tunable sources may be used for chemical sensing. To this end, we demonstrate efficient and broadband difference frequency generation between a fixed 1-µm pump and a tunable telecom source in uniformly-poled TFLN-on-sapphire by harnessing the dispersion-engineering available in tightly-confining waveguides. We show a simultaneous 1-2 order-of-magnitude improvement in conversion efficiency and ∼5-fold enhancement of operating bandwidth for mid-infrared generation when compared to equal-length conventional lithium niobate waveguides. We also examine the effects of mid-infrared loss from surface-adsorbed water on the performance of these devices.

Opt Lett ; 47(11): 2706-2709, 2022 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35648910


The strength of interactions between photons in a χ(2) nonlinear optical waveguide increases at shorter wavelengths. These larger interactions enable coherent spectral translation and light generation at a lower power, over a broader bandwidth, and in a smaller device: all of which open the door to new technologies spanning fields from classical to quantum optics. Stronger interactions may also grant access to new regimes of quantum optics to be explored at the few-photon level. One promising platform that could enable these advances is thin-film lithium niobate (TFLN), due to its broad optical transparency window and possibility for quasi-phase matching and dispersion engineering. In this Letter, we demonstrate second harmonic generation of blue light on an integrated thin-film lithium niobate waveguide and observe a conversion efficiency of η0 = 33, 000%/W-cm2, significantly exceeding previous demonstrations.

Opt Lett ; 47(11): 2830-2833, 2022 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35648941


Existing nonlinear-optic implementations of pure, unfiltered heralded single-photon sources do not offer the scalability required for densely integrated quantum networks. Additionally, lithium niobate has hitherto been unsuitable for such use due to its material dispersion. We engineer the dispersion and the quasi-phasematching conditions of a waveguide in the rapidly emerging thin-film lithium niobate platform to generate spectrally separable photon pairs in the telecommunications band. Such photon pairs can be used as spectrally pure heralded single-photon sources in quantum networks. We estimate a heralded-state spectral purity of >94% based on joint spectral intensity measurements. Further, a joint spectral phase-sensitive measurement of the unheralded time-integrated second-order correlation function yields a heralded-state purity of (86±5)%.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(4): 045501, 2019 Jul 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31491265


Understanding the local atomic order in amorphous thin film coatings and how it relates to macroscopic performance factors, such as mechanical loss, provides an important path towards enabling the accelerated discovery and development of improved coatings. High precision x-ray scattering measurements of thin films of amorphous zirconia-doped tantala (ZrO_{2}-Ta_{2}O_{5}) show systematic changes in intermediate range order (IRO) as a function of postdeposition heat treatment (annealing). Atomic modeling captures and explains these changes, and shows that the material has building blocks of metal-centered polyhedra and the effect of annealing is to alter the connections between the polyhedra. The observed changes in IRO are associated with a shift in the ratio of corner-sharing to edge-sharing polyhedra. These changes correlate with changes in mechanical loss upon annealing, and suggest that the mechanical loss can be reduced by developing a material with a designed ratio of corner-sharing to edge-sharing polyhedra.

Opt Express ; 26(21): 26971-26984, 2018 Oct 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30469774


We describe second-order nonlinear optical mixing in non-birefringent, zincblende-structure materials that can be quasi-phasematched. Lack of birefringence and quasi-phasematching together allow efficient nonlinear mixing between diverse polarization states. We derive six coupled-wave equations that describe nonlinear optical mixing between the two orthogonal polarizations of the three frequencies in the second-order nonlinear interaction. The interactions of the additional polarization states can lead to apparent reduction in conversion efficiencies in optical parametric oscillators and amplifiers.

Opt Express ; 26(8): 9963-9971, 2018 Apr 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29715941


We report a broadband mid-infrared frequency comb with three-optical-cycle pulse duration centered around 4.2 µm, via half-harmonic generation using orientation-patterned GaP (OP-GaP) with ~43% conversion efficiency. We experimentally compare performance of GaP with GaAs and lithium niobate as the nonlinear element, and show how properties of GaP at this wavelength lead to generation of the shortest pulses and the highest conversion efficiency. These results shed new light on half-harmonic generation of frequency combs, and pave the way for generation of short-pulse intrinsically-locked frequency combs at longer wavelengths in the mid-infrared with high conversion efficiencies.

Opt Lett ; 43(9): 2034-2037, 2018 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29714739


Quantum frequency conversion is important in quantum networks to interface nodes operating at different wavelengths and to enable long-distance quantum communication using telecommunications wavelengths. Unfortunately, frequency conversion in actual devices is not a noise-free process. One main source of noise is spontaneous Raman scattering, which can be reduced by lowering the device operating temperature. We explore frequency conversion of 1554 nm photons to 837 nm using a 1813 nm pump in a periodically poled lithium niobate waveguide device. By reducing the temperature from 85°C to 40°C, we show a three-fold reduction in dark count rates, which is in good agreement with theory.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(5): 053904, 2018 Feb 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29481183


We report the first demonstration of a regime of operation in optical parametric oscillators (OPOs), in which the formation of temporal simultons produces stable femtosecond half-harmonic pulses. Simultons are simultaneous bright-dark solitons of a signal field at frequency ω and the pump field at 2ω, which form in a quadratic nonlinear medium. The formation of simultons in an OPO is due to the interplay of nonlinear pulse acceleration with the timing mismatch between the pump repetition period and the cold-cavity round-trip time and is evidenced by sech^{2} spectra with broad instantaneous bandwidths when the resonator is detuned to a slightly longer round-trip time than the pump repetition period. We provide a theoretical description of an OPO operating in a regime dominated by these dynamics, observe the distinct features of simulton formation in an experiment, and verify our results with numerical simulations. These results represent a new regime of operation in nonlinear resonators, which can lead to efficient and scalable sources of few-cycle frequency combs at arbitrary wavelengths.

Science ; 354(6312): 614-617, 2016 11 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27811274


Unconventional, special-purpose machines may aid in accelerating the solution of some of the hardest problems in computing, such as large-scale combinatorial optimizations, by exploiting different operating mechanisms than those of standard digital computers. We present a scalable optical processor with electronic feedback that can be realized at large scale with room-temperature technology. Our prototype machine is able to find exact solutions of, or sample good approximate solutions to, a variety of hard instances of Ising problems with up to 100 spins and 10,000 spin-spin connections.

Opt Lett ; 41(2): 400-3, 2016 Jan 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26766724


Highly phase-mismatched nonlinear interactions can generate spatially localized optical fields that can affect the performance of nonlinear optical devices. We present a theoretical description of the generation of such spatially localized optical fields by ultrafast pulses. The effects of temporal walk-off and pump depletion are discussed, along with methods for suppression of the localized field while maintaining the performance of the nonlinear device. The model is validated by the measurement of the spatial profile of the localized field in a quasi-phase-matched (QPM) aperiodically poled lithium niobate (A-PPLN) waveguide. Finally, we fabricate and characterize A-PPLN devices with a 33% duty cycle to reduce the locally generated field by 90%.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(18): 180502, 2015 May 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26000991


In quantum key distribution (QKD), the bit error rate is used to estimate the information leakage and hence determines the amount of privacy amplification-making the final key private by shortening the key. In general, there exists a threshold of the error rate for each scheme, above which no secure key can be generated. This threshold puts a restriction on the environment noises. For example, a widely used QKD protocol, the Bennett-Brassard protocol, cannot tolerate error rates beyond 25%. A new protocol, round-robin differential phase-shifted (RRDPS) QKD, essentially removes this restriction and can in principle tolerate more environment disturbance. Here, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a passive RRDPS QKD scheme. In particular, our 500 MHz passive RRDPS QKD system is able to generate a secure key over 50 km with a bit error rate as high as 29%. This scheme should find its applications in noisy environment conditions.

Opt Lett ; 40(7): 1579-82, 2015 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25831389


A micro-pulse lidar at eye-safe wavelength is constructed based on an upconversion single-photon detector. The ultralow-noise detector enables using integration technique to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the atmospheric backscattering even at daytime. With pulse energy of 110 µJ, pulse repetition rate of 15 kHz, optical antenna diameter of 100 mm and integration time of 5 min, a horizontal detection range of 7 km is realized. In the demonstration experiment, atmospheric visibility over 24 h is monitored continuously, with results in accordance with the weather forecasts.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(17): 173601, 2014 Oct 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25379916


Harnessing nonlinearities strong enough to allow single photons to interact with one another is not only a fascinating challenge but also central to numerous advanced applications in quantum information science. Here we report the nonlinear interaction between two single photons. Each photon is generated in independent parametric down-conversion sources. They are subsequently combined in a nonlinear waveguide where they are converted into a single photon of higher energy by the process of sum-frequency generation. Our approach results in the direct generation of photon triplets. More generally, it highlights the potential for quantum nonlinear optics with integrated devices and, as the photons are at telecom wavelengths, it opens the way towards novel applications in quantum communication such as device-independent quantum key distribution.

Opt Lett ; 39(17): 5106-9, 2014 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25166085


The measurement of the magnitude and phase of the complex transfer function (CTF) of aperiodically poled lithium niobate waveguide devices using frequency resolved optical gating (FROG) is demonstrated. We investigate the sources of CTF distortions which are related to variations in the spatial distribution of the nonlinear coefficient and phase-mismatch profile and present a method to infer fabrication errors from the CTF discussed.

Opt Express ; 22(8): 9627-58, 2014 Apr 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24787850


Chirped quasi-phase-matching (QPM) gratings offer efficient, ultra-broadband optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) in the mid-infrared as well as other spectral regions. Only recently, however, has this potential begun to be realized [1]. In this paper, we study the design of chirped QPM-based OPCPA in detail, revealing several important constraints which must be accounted for in order to obtain broad-band, high-quality amplification. We determine these constraints in terms of the underlying saturated nonlinear processes, and explain how they were met when designing our mid-IR OPCPA system. The issues considered include gain and saturation based on the basic three-wave mixing equations; suppression of unwanted non-collinear gain-guided modes; minimizing and characterizing nonlinear losses associated with random duty cycle errors in the QPM grating; avoiding coincidentally-phase-matched nonlinear processes; and controlling the temporal/spectral characteristics of the saturated nonlinear interaction in order to maintain the chirped-pulse structure required for OPCPA. The issues considered place constraints both on the QPM devices as well as the OPCPA system. The resulting experimental guidelines are detailed. Our results represent the first comprehensive discussion of chirped QPM devices operated in strongly nonlinear regimes, and provide a roadmap for advancing and experimentally implementing OPCPA systems based on these devices.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(4): 047003, 2014 Jan 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24580482


High resolution polar Kerr effect measurements were performed on La1.875Ba0.125CuO4 single crystals revealing that a finite Kerr signal is measured below an onset temperature TK that coincides with the charge ordering transition temperature TCO. We further show that the sign of the Kerr signal cannot be trained with the magnetic field, is found to be the same on opposite sides of the same crystal, and is odd with respect to strain in the diagonal direction of the unit cell. These observations are consistent with a chiral "gyrotropic" order above Tc for La1.875Ba0.125CuO4; similarities to other cuprates suggest that it is a universal property in the pseudogap regime.

Appl Opt ; 53(4): A276-80, 2014 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24514227


We show that the concentration of oxygen interstitials trapped in Sc2O3 films by ion beam sputtering from metal targets can be controlled by modifying deposition conditions. We have identified point defects in the form of oxygen interstitials that are present in Sc2O3 films, in significantly high concentrations, i.e., ∼10(18) cm(-3). These results show a correlation between the increase of oxygen interstitials and the increase in stress and optical absorption in the films. Sc2O3 films with the lowest stress and optical absorption loss at 1 µm wavelength were obtained when using a low oxygen partial pressure and low beam voltage.

Opt Lett ; 38(23): 4985-7, 2013 Dec 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24281489


We have demonstrated upconversion detection at the single photon level in the 2 µm spectral window using a pump wavelength near 1550 nm, a periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguide, and a volume Bragg grating (VBG) to reduce noise. We achieve a system photon detection efficiency of 10%, with a noise count rate of 24,500 counts per second, competitive with other 2 µm single photon detection technologies. This detector has potential applications in environmental gas monitoring, life science, and classical and quantum communication.