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Food Microbiol ; 104: 103990, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35287813


In this work, we determined the degree of filamentous fungi contamination in cocoa fermented seeds and the fungal potential to produce enzymes that could contribute to the cocoa quality. Internal transcribed spacer amplicon sequencing (ITS) showed 11 different species with Byssochlamys spectabilis, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus carbonarius, Circinella muscae and Penicillium citrinum as the most abundant species. Our results evidenced intra and inter-species differences in the enzymes production. Cellulases, ß-glucosidase, ornithine decarboxylase and phenylalanine decarboxylase were the most diffused enzymes expressed in the 53 strains here studied. Moreover, A. niger (6/12), A. carbonarius (2/3), and P. citrinum (3/3) showed high pectinolytic activity. Remarkable was the amino decarboxylase activity of P. citrinum, and A. flavus strains. For the first time we reported the presence of B. spectabilis in cocoa fermented beans, which could play an important role in the biogenic amines formation. In addition, we explored the capability of the Aspergillus section Nigri strains, to produce ochratoxin A (OTA) in a cacao model system (CPMS) and in malt extract medium (MEL). We observed that CPMS, but not MEL, stimulated the OTA production in 6 out 15 strains of Aspergillus section Nigri, reaching values ranging between 1.70 and 4995 µg OTA kg-1 dry mycelium.

Cacau , Ocratoxinas , Aspergillus niger , Cacau/microbiologia , Contaminação de Alimentos/análise , Ocratoxinas/análise
Entramado ; 15(1): 288-296, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090218


Resumen I. La hormiga arriera está asociada a pérdidas en el sector agrícola, debido a su actividad defoliadora. El control de la especie se ha venido realizado artesanal, química y biológicamente, esta última con beneficios ambientales y de bajo riesgo para la salud humana. El objetivo de esta investigación fue desarrollar una formulación biológica para el control de la hormiga arriera (Atta cephalotes) utilizando una mezcla de esporas de dos hongos filamentosos (Beauveria bassiana y Trichoderma lignorum). M. Se desarrollaron 5 formulaciones empleando las relaciones: 1:1,6:4,4:6,3:7,2:8, de cepas de B. bassiana (ATCC MYA-4886) y T. lignorum (ATCC 8751), realizándoles prueba de viabilidad, patogenicidad y pureza. La colonización de las esporas en tejidos, se evaluó mediante la exposición de ratas Wistar a la formulación y sus componentes, realizando diagnóstico veterinario (disección) y cultivo microbiológico. R. Las formulaciones presentaron viabilidad a 24 h del 95+2 %, el 100% de las formulaciones no se contaminaron después de 10 días, las formulaciones 6.4, 1:1, 2:8 infectaron la totalidad de los individuos en 6 días, las formulaciones 4:6 y 3:7 a los 8 días, no se observó colonización de las cepas en la formulación, ni en tejidos de los biomodelos. C. Las formulaciones 6.4, 1:1, 2:8 de Beauveria bassiana y Trichoderma lignorum, poseen mayor actividad infecciosa sobre la hormiga arriera (Atta cephalotes).

Abstract I. The Leaf cutting Ant is associated with losses in the agricultural sector for the most part in the cultivation of citrus fruit sector due to its activity defoliator Control of the species has been handmade, chemical and biologically, the latter with environmental benefits and low risk to human health. This research had as objective develop a formulation biological for the control of the Leaf cutting Ant (Atta cephalotess using a mixture of spores of two fungi filamentous (Beauveria bassiana and Trichoderma lignorum), M. He was the isolation of Beauveria bassiana (ATCC MYA-4886) and Trichoderma lignorum (ATCC 8751), through cultivation YPDA and was conducted identifying fungal imprint and biochemical tests. Developing five formulations with ratios of 1:1, 6:4, 4:6, 3:7, 2:8 of Beauveria bassiana and Trichoderma lignorum respectively they underwent the test of viability in nutrient agar pathogenicity by immersion test and proof of purity; the tests were performed in triplicate. R. The formulations presented viability to 24 h 95% 2, I00% of the formulations were pure after 10 days, formulations 6.4, 2:8 infected all of the individuals in 6 days, formulations 4:6 and 3:7-8 days of exposure. C. Formulations 6.4, 2:8 of Beauveria bassiana and Trichoderma lignorium, present infectious activity on the Leaf cutting Ant (Atta cephalotess in laboratory.

Resumo I. O formigueiro está associado a perdas no setor agrícola, devido à sua atividade desfolhadora. O controle das espécies tem sido realizado artesanalmente, quimicamente e biologicamente, este último com benefícios ambientais e baixo risco para a saúde humana. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi desenvolver uma formulação biológica para o controle de formigas (Atta cephalotess usando uma mistura de esporos de dois fungos filamentosos (Beauveria bassiana e Trichoderma lignorum), M. 5 As formulações foram desenvolvidas usando a relação: 1 : 1,6: 4,4: 6,3: 7,2: 8 estirpes de B, bassiana (ATCC MAA-4886) e T. lignorum (ATCC 875I), realizándoles Teste de viabilidade, patogenicidade e pureza. A colonização dos esporos nos tecidos foi avaliada pela exposição de ratos Wistar à formulação e seus componentes, realizando diagnóstico veterinário (dissecção) e cultura microbiológica. R. As formulações mostraram viabilidade em 24 h de 95 + 2%, 100% das formulações não foram contaminadas após I0 dias, as formulações 6,4, 1: 1, 2: 8 infectaram todos os indivíduos em 6 dias, as formulações 4: 6 e 3: 7 aos 8 dias, nenhuma colonização das cepas foi observada na formulação, nem nos tecidos dos biomodelos. C. As formulações 6.4, 1: 1, 2: 8 de Beauveria bassiana e Trichoderma lignorum, apresentam maior atividade infecciosa sobre os antirretera (Atta cephalotess).

Biol. Res ; 522019.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1505771


Background: The leafcutter ant (Atta cephalotes) is associated with losses in the agricultural sector, due to its defoliating activity; for its control, biological, mechanical and chemical methods have been developed, the latter associated with adverse effects on human and environmental health. This research validated in the field for the control of the leafcutter ant (A. cephalotes) using a mixture of Beauveria bassiana and Trichoderma lignorum spores. Methods: The effectiveness from the combination of spores of B. bassiana and T lignorum with an initial concentration of 2 × 109 spores/ml, in the following proportions of B. bassiana and T. lignorum, A (1:1), of each fungus. It was evaluated within the university campus, comparing it with two commercial formulations, Mycotrol (B. bassiana) and Mycobac (T. lignorum). Additionally, this formulation was evaluated in 49 nests distributed 16 in 14 locations in Colombia. The formulation application was carried out by direct application, using a pump at a speed of 10 ml/m2. The effectiveness was estimated from the reduction of the flow of ants, evaluating the statistically significant differences using the ANOVA and Tukey-test. Results: Effective control of 90% of the nests was observed in the field phase in 60 days, except in nests with areas > 50 m2 that were located in regions with high rainfall (annual average precipitation above 7000 mm), such as Buenaventura. Conclusions: In this work, it was demonstrated that the combination of B. bassiana and T. lignorum spores represent a viable alternative for the control of the leafcutter ant, in which the effectiveness is related to several factors, including the size of the nest and the rainfall in the area.

Entramado ; 14(2): 244-255, jul.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090195


RESUMEN El uso de bioinsecticidas para el control de plagas que atacan cultivos con efectos negativos al medio ambiente, es un tema que viene trabajándose a nivel mundial como una alternativa para evitar la contaminación los efectos sobre la salud de los trabajadores del sector agrícola. En este sentido y para controlar la hormiga arriera, se ha creado un bioinsecticida a base de esporas filamentosas de dos hongos entomopatógenos como el Beauveria bassianay el Trichoderma lignorum. En la presente revisión sistemática de literatura se pretende identificar los efectos en la salud que pueden presentar los componentes de la formulación del bioinsecticida, entre ellos, las esporas filamentosas componente principal, los posibles efectos al medio ambiente y los beneficios socioeconómicos por su uso, hallándose datos de enfermedades como abscesos, queratitis y alergias respiratorias de las personas inmunocomprometidas. En investigaciones realizadas se identificó que las esporas filamentosas pueden ingresar al cuerpo humano por vía aérea o mucosa dado su tamaño aproximado de 0,28 μm pueden llegar hasta los alveolos pulmonares. Ambientalmente los efectos ecológicos son positivos además por las ventajas económicas por eso de este tipo de productos agroecológicos.

ABSTRACT The use of bioinsectidas for the control of pests that attack crops with negative effects to the environment is an issue that has been working worldwide as an alternative to avoid contamination the effects on the health of workers in the agricultural sector: In this sense and to control the arriera ant, a bioinsecticide based on filamentous spores of two entomopathogenic fungi such as Beauveria bassiana and Trichoderma lignorum has been created. In the present systematic literature review, the aim is to identify the health effects that the components of the bioinsecticide formulation may have, including the principal component filamentous spores, the possible effects on the environment and the socioeconomic benefits due to its use, being data on diseases such as abscesses, keratitis and respiratory allergies of immunocompromised people. In investigations carried out it was identified that the filamentous spores can enter the human body by air or mucosa given their approximate size of 0.28 μm can reach the pulmonary alveoli. Environmentally the ecological effects are positive, as well as the economic advantages of this type of agroecological products.

RESUMO O uso de bioinsectidas para o controle de pragas que atacam as colheitas com efeitos negativos para o meio ambiente é uma questão que tem trabalhado em todo o mundo como alternativa para evitar a contaminação dos efeitos sobre a saúde dos trabalhadores no setor agrícola. Neste sentido e para controlar a formiga arriera, foi criado um bio-insecticida com base em esporos filamentosos de dois fungos entomopa-togênicos como Beauveria bassiana e Trichoderma lignorum. Na presente revisão sistemática da literatura, o objetivo é identificar os efeitos sobre a saúde que os componentes da formulação de bioinsecticidas podem ter, incluindo o principal componente de esporos filamentosos, os possíveis efeitos sobre o meio ambiente e os benefícios socioeconómicos devido ao seu uso, sendo dados sobre doenças como abcessos, queratites e alergias respiratórias de pessoas imunocomprometidas. Na pesquisa realizada, foi identificado que os esporos filamentosos podem entrar no corpo humano por via aérea ou mucosa, dado que seu tamanho aproximado de 0,28 μm pode atingir os alvéolos pulmonares. Ambientalmente, os efeitos ecológicos são positivos, bem como as vantagens económicas deste tipo de produtos agroecológicos.