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Transl Anim Sci ; 8: txae038, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38572172


Alfalfa is a commonly grown forage in the Intermountain West region of the United States and is often included in the diet of dairy cattle. Alfalfa provides a variety of different nutrients, but the nutrient content of alfalfa varies depending on factors such as the soil, region, cutting, and climate. However, alfalfa leaves tend to have less variation in their nutrient content than alfalfa stems. Fractionating alfalfa may be one way to improve control of nutrients provided when developing a ration for developing dairy heifers. The purpose of this study was to determine whether including fractionated alfalfa in the diet impacts the growth or conception rates of developing dairy heifers. Heifers were allocated to one of three treatments: a control group fed a typical diet (CON; n = 8), a diet that replaced alfalfa with fractionated alfalfa leaf pellets and alfalfa stems (ProLEAF MAX + ProFiber Plus; PLM + PFP; n = 8), or a diet that replaced alfalfa with alfalfa stems (PFP; n = 8) for 85 d. Heifers were fed individually twice daily and weight, hip height (HH), and wither height (WH) were recorded every 14 d. Additionally, blood was collected every 28 d, and conception rates were recorded at the end of the trial. Heifers receiving the PFP diet consumed less dry matter (P = 0.001) than the CON treatment. Analyses were then conducted to determine nutrient intake and heifers receiving the PFP diet also consumed less neutral detergent fiber (P = 0.02), acid detergent fiber (P = 0.02), crude protein (P = 0.001), and net energy for maintenance (P = 0.001) than heifers consuming the CON diet; however, no differences (P > 0.10) were observed between heifers fed the CON and PLM + PFP diets. Analysis of body weight gain over the feeding period showed no difference (P = 0.52) among heifers consuming the different treatment diets. Additionally, treatment did not affect average daily gain (P = 0.49), gain:feed (P = 0.82), HH gain (P = 0.20), or WH gain (P = 0.44) among heifers receiving different diets. Treatment × time altered (P < 0.001) blood urea nitrogen when analyzed as a repeated measure. Total feed cost was lowest (P < 0.001) for the PFP diet and cost of gain tended (P = 0.09) to be increased for the PLM + PFP diet compared to the CON diet. Overall, these data indicate that including alfalfa stems in a developing heifer diet may decrease dry matter intake, lower input costs, and increase profitability, without negatively impacting growth.

Transl Anim Sci ; 6(3): txac111, 2022 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36172460


There are two main beef cattle breed types: Bos Taurus (BT) and Bos Indicus (BI). Past research has demonstrated various expected differences in growth, temperament, feeding behavior, and carcass characteristics between these breed types when administered varying levels of anabolic implant. However, little is known about the differences in expected economic returns between these cattle types. The objective of this research is to simulate and compare the expected net returns of BT, Angus (AN) steers and BI influenced, Santa Gertrudis (SG) steers, with moderate or high intensity levels of implants relative to a control with no implant. The animal performance and carcass data for this economic analysis was provided from a recent feeding experiment of AN and SG influenced steers. In the experiment, sixty steers were stratified by weight and breed in a 2 × 3 factorial design examining the two different breeds: AN (N = 38) or SG influenced (N = 22), and three implant strategies: no implant (N = 20), a moderate intensity implant protocol (d0 implant: Revalor-G, d56 implant: Revalor-IS, d112 implant: Revalor-S; n=20), or a high intensity implant protocol (d0 implant: Revalor-IS, d56 implant: Revalor-S, d112 implant: Revalor-200; N = 20). The steers performance and carcass data were used together with publicly available price and input costs data in the simulation of net returns per animal for each of the treatment groups. Results demonstrated that both moderate and high intensity implanted BT steers have higher expected net return (US$78.70/hd. and US$75.84/hd., respectively) compared to BI moderate and high intensity implanted steers (US$47.03/hd. and $6.98/hd., respectively). Stochastic efficiency analysis with respect to a function demonstrated when certainty equivalent values are constrained to those ≥US$0, only the moderate implanted BT steers would be included in the efficient set.

J Dairy Sci ; 104(10): 10863-10878, 2021 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34389144


Dairy heifers developed in certified organic programs, especially those utilizing pasture-based management schemes, have lower rates of gain than heifers raised in nonorganic confinement production systems in temperate climates, such as in the Intermountain West region of the United States. This study investigates the effects that different forages in a rotational grazing system have on development of organically raised Jersey heifers. Over 3 years, 210 yearling Jersey heifers were randomly assigned to one of 9 treatments, including a conventional confinement control where animals were fed a total mixed ration or one of 8 pasture treatments: Cache Meadow bromegrass (Bromus riparius Rehmann), QuickDraw orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata L.), Amazon perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), or Fawn tall fescue (Schendonorus arundinaceus [Schreb.] Dumort) and each individual grass interseeded with birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L., BFT). Each treatment had 3 blocks/yr over the 3-yr period, with each block having a 0.4 ha pasture of each treatment. Every 35 d, over a 105-d period, heifers were weighed and measured for hip height, and blood samples were collected to determine serum insulin-like growth factor-1 and blood urea nitrogen concentrations. Fecal egg counts were also assessed. Heifer body weight (BW), blood urea nitrogen, and insulin-like growth factor-1 concentrations were affected by treatment when analyzed over time. Heifers on grass-BFT pastures had increased BW compared with heifers on monoculture grass pastures. Heifers receiving a total mixed ration or perennial ryegrass+BFT had increased BW gain over the 105-d period compared with heifers grazing tall fescue+BFT, orchard grass, perennial ryegrass, meadow bromegrass, or tall fescue. Individually for all grass species, heifers grazing +BFT pastures had greater ending BW and weight gain than heifers grazing the respective grass monocultures. Furthermore, weight gain for heifers on perennial ryegrass+BFT, meadow bromegrass+BFT, and orchard grass+BFT were not different from those on a total mixed ration. Heifers grazing grass-BFT pastures had increased blood urea nitrogen compared with heifers grazing monoculture grass pastures. Heifer hip height and fecal egg counts were not affected by treatment. These results show that the addition of BFT to organic pasture improves growth of grazing replacement heifers. Economic analyses also demonstrate that interseeding grass pastures with BFT results in an increased economic return compared with grazing monoculture grass pastures. Grass pastures interseeded with BFT may be a sustainable option to achieve adequate growth of Jersey heifers raised in an organic pasture scenario in a temperate climate.

Festuca , Lotus , Ração Animal/análise , Animais , Bovinos , Dieta/veterinária , Aumento de Peso
Transl Anim Sci ; 5(3): txab098, 2021 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34222826


Alfalfa is often included in the diets of beef animals; however, the nutrient content of alfalfa is variable depending on the region in which it is grown, climate, soil, and many other factors. The leaf portion of alfalfa has a less variable nutrient composition than the stem portion of the plant. The variability that is present in the alfalfa plant can make the development of total mixed rations of consistent nutrient content difficult. As such, the purpose of this study was to determine how the inclusion of fractionated alfalfa leaves and alfalfa stems impacts performance and carcass quality of finishing beef steers. Twenty-four steers were allocated to one of three treatments: a control group fed a typical finishing diet with alfalfa as the forage (CON; n = 8), a typical diet that replaced alfalfa with fractionated alfalfa leaf pellets and alfalfa stems (ProLEAF MAX™ + ProFiber Plus™; PLM+PFP; n = 8), or a typical diet that replaced alfalfa with alfalfa stems (PFP; n = 8) for 63 days. Steers were fed individually once daily, weighed every 14 days and ultrasound images were collected every 28 days. At the end of the feeding trial, steers were harvested at a commercial facility and carcass data was obtained. Analysis of dry matter intake demonstrated that steers receiving the PFP and CON diets consumed more feed (P < 0.001) than steers consuming the PLM+PFP diet. Steers receiving the PLM+PFP diet gained less (P < 0.001) weight than the steers receiving the other two dietary treatments. No differences (P > 0.10) in feed efficiency or carcass characteristics were observed. Steers receiving the PFP diet had improved (P = 0.016) cost of gain ($0.93 per kg) when compared with steers receiving PLM+PFP ($1.08 per kg) diet. Overall, our findings demonstrate that the inclusion of PFP in place of alfalfa hay in a finishing diet has the potential to improve cost of gain, without negatively affecting growth, performance, or carcass characteristics of finishing feedlot steers.

Domest Anim Endocrinol ; 77: 106633, 2021 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34116428


Introducing Bos indicus (BI) genetics into a beef herd has the potential to increase environmental sustainability. When introducing BI genetics, there are concerns regarding negative impacts on temperament, growth, and carcass characteristics. Implants are routinely used in the United States, with majority of cattle on feed receiving an anabolic implant to improve growth and efficiency, however research regarding the interaction between cattle breed type and anabolic implants is limited. This research compared the use of implants in BI influenced animals versus Bos taurus in a feedlot setting. Twenty steers were stratified by initial weight in a 2 × 2 factorial design examining two different breeds: Angus (AN; n = 10) or Santa Gertrudis influenced (SG; n = 10), and two implant strategies: no implant (CON; n = 10) or a combined implant containing 120 mg TBA and 24 mg E2 (IMP; n = 10; Revalor-S, Merck Animal Health). We hypothesized that anabolic implants would improve growth and feedlot performance of BI influenced animals. Steers were randomly placed into covered pens equipped with GrowSafe bunks and fed the same ration for 129 d. Steers were weighed every 28 d. Dry matter intake, feeding behavior, and carcass data of the steers was collected. Blood was collected and harvested as serum on d 0, 2, 10, 28 and every 28 d after that, and analyzed for serum urea nitrogen (SUN), haptoglobin, and 25HydroxyVitamin D. Angus steers tended to gain more (P = 0.06) weight than SG, while IMP tended to gain more (P = 0.10) weight than CON with no breed × treatment interaction observed (P > 0.10). A breed × treatment interaction was observed when analyzing SUN (P = 0.05) and haptoglobin (P = 0.02) concentrations. Serum 25HydroxyVitmain D concentrations tended to be increased (P = 0.09) in SG-IMP steers compared to SG-CON steers. Angus steers tended (P = 0.10) to have greater amounts of marbling compared to SG steers, while SG steers had improved (P = 0.04) yield grade. Economic return was decreased by $46 a head when introducing SG genetics, while implanting steers improved economic return by $46 a head. This research provides evidence suggesting that BI influenced animals may respond differently to anabolic implants when compared to BT animals. Economic analyses demonstrate that anabolic implants improve economic return to beef producers, while introducing SG genetics decreases economic return in animals raised in more temperate climates.

Composição Corporal , Comportamento Alimentar , Ração Animal/análise , Animais , Nitrogênio da Ureia Sanguínea , Bovinos/genética