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J Colloid Interface Sci ; 585: 118-125, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33279693


A fundamental understanding of the drying behavior of droplets containing solids or solutes is important for various industrial applications. However, droplets are typically highly polydisperse and time-resolved imaging data of the process dynamics are often lacking, which makes it difficult to interpret the effects of different drying parameters. Here, the controlled drying of monodisperse emulsion droplets containing colloidal silica nanoparticles and their subsequent assembly into mesoporous silica microspheres (MSMs) is investigated using an optical microscope outfitted with a heating and vacuum stage. Quantitative imaging results on droplet shrinkage and observed contrast are compared with a theoretical mass-transfer model that is based on the droplet number density, solvent characteristics and temperature. The results presented here provide key insights in the time-resolved formation of MSMs and will enable an optimized direct synthesis of monodisperse MSMs for separation applications and beyond.

RSC Adv ; 10(60): 36459-36466, 2020 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35517959


A novel template-free colloidal assembly method that combines colloidal zeolite (silicalite-1) suspensions in a water-in-oil emulsion with an evaporation-induced assembly process has been developed for preparing hierarchical micro-/mesoporous zeolite microspheres (MZMs). Such particles have an interconnected mesoporosity and large mesopore diameters (25-40 nm) combined with 5.5 Å diameter micropores of the zeolite nanoparticles. The method developed has the advantages of employing mild synthesis conditions, a short preparation time, and not requiring the use of a mesoporogen template or post-treatment methods. The method provides a new range of micro-/mesoporous zeolites with tunable mesoporosity dictated by the size of the zeolite nanoparticles. It also offers the possibility of combining several zeolite particle sizes or optionally adding amorphous silica nanoparticles to tune the mesopore size distribution further. It should be generally applicable to other types of colloidal zeolite suspensions (e.g. ZSM-5, zeolite A, beta) and represents a new route amenable for cost-effective scale-up.

Cryst Growth Des ; 18(12): 7391-7400, 2018 Dec 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32280310


Although amelogenin comprises the vast majority of the matrix that templates calcium phosphate nucleation during enamel formation, other proteins, particularly enamelin, are also known to play an important role in the formation of enamel's intricate architecture. However, there is little understanding of the interplay between amelogenin and enamelin in controlling processes of mineral nucleation and growth. Here, we used an in vitro model to investigate the impact of enamelin interaction with amelogenin on calcium phosphate nucleation for a range of enamelin-to-amelogenin ratios. We found that amelogenin alone is a weak promoter of nucleation, but addition of enamelin enhanced nucleation rates in a highly nonlinear, nonmonotonic manner reaching a sharp maximum at a ratio of 1:50 enamelin/amelogenin. We provide a phenomenological model to explain this effect that assumes only isolated enamelin proteins can act as sites of enhanced nucleation, while enamelin oligomers cannot. Even when interaction is random, the model reproduces the observed behavior, suggesting a simple means to tightly control the timing and extent of nucleation and phase transformation by amelogenin and enamelin.