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Rev Sci Instrum ; 94(5)2023 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37171234


The Oak Ridge National Laboratory is planning to build the Second Target Station (STS) at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS). STS will host a suite of novel instruments that complement the First Target Station's beamline capabilities by offering an increased flux for cold neutrons and a broader wavelength bandwidth. A novel neutron imaging beamline, named the Complex, Unique, and Powerful Imaging Instrument for Dynamics (CUPI2D), is among the first eight instruments that will be commissioned at STS as part of the construction project. CUPI2D is designed for a broad range of neutron imaging scientific applications, such as energy storage and conversion (batteries and fuel cells), materials science and engineering (additive manufacturing, superalloys, and archaeometry), nuclear materials (novel cladding materials, nuclear fuel, and moderators), cementitious materials, biology/medical/dental applications (regenerative medicine and cancer), and life sciences (plant-soil interactions and nutrient dynamics). The innovation of this instrument lies in the utilization of a high flux of wavelength-separated cold neutrons to perform real time in situ neutron grating interferometry and Bragg edge imaging-with a wavelength resolution of δλ/λ ≈ 0.3%-simultaneously when required, across a broad range of length and time scales. This manuscript briefly describes the science enabled at CUPI2D based on its unique capabilities. The preliminary beamline performance, a design concept, and future development requirements are also presented.

J Imaging ; 8(7)2022 Jul 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35877645


The high penetration depth of neutrons through many metals and other common materials makes neutron imaging an attractive method for non-destructively probing the internal structure and dynamics of objects or systems that may not be accessible by conventional means, such as X-ray or optical imaging. While neutron imaging has been demonstrated to achieve a spatial resolution below 10 µm and temporal resolution below 10 µs, the relatively low flux of neutron sources and the limitations of existing neutron detectors have, until now, dictated that these cannot be achieved simultaneously, which substantially restricts the applicability of neutron imaging to many fields of research that could otherwise benefit from its unique capabilities. In this work, we present an attenuation modeling approach to the quantification of sub-pixel dynamics in cyclic ensemble neutron image sequences of an automotive gasoline direct injector at a 5 µs time scale with a spatial noise floor in the order of 5 µm.

J Imaging ; 8(6)2022 Jun 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35735963


Neutron imaging offers deep penetration through many high-Z materials while also having high sensitivity to certain low-Z isotopes such as 1H, 6Li, and 10B. This unique combination of properties has made neutron imaging an attractive tool for a wide range of material science and engineering applications. However, measurements made by neutron imaging or tomography are generally qualitative in nature due to the inability of detectors to discriminate between neutrons which have been transmitted through the sample and neutrons which are scattered by the sample or within the detector. Recent works have demonstrated that deploying a grid of small black bodies (BBs) in front of the sample can allow for the scattered neutrons to be measured at the BB locations and subsequently subtracted from the total measured intensity to yield a quantitative transmission measurement. While this method can be very effective, factors such as the scale and composition of the sample, the beam divergence, and the resolution and construction of the detector may require optimization of the grid design to remove all measurement biases within a given experimental setup. Therefore, it is desirable to have a method by which BB grids may be rapidly and inexpensively produced such that they can easily be tailored to specific applications. In this work, we present a method for fabricating BB patterns by thick film printing of Gd2O3 and evaluate the performance with variation in feature size and number of print layers with cold and thermal neutrons.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(5): 053704, 2018 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29864820


We perform the neutron computed tomography reconstruction problem via an inverse problem formulation with a total variation penalty. In the case of highly under-resolved angular measurements, the total variation penalty suppresses high-frequency artifacts which appear in filtered back projections. In order to efficiently compute solutions for this problem, we implement a variation of the split Bregman algorithm; due to the error-forgetting nature of the algorithm, the computational cost of updating can be significantly reduced via very inexact approximate linear solvers. We present the effectiveness of the algorithm in the significantly low-angular sampling case using synthetic test problems as well as data obtained from a high flux neutron source. The algorithm removes artifacts and can even roughly capture small features when an extremely low number of angles are used.

Chaos ; 17(1): 013120, 2007 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17411256


We use a low-dimensional, agent-based bubble model to study the changes in the global dynamics of fluidized beds in response to changes in the frequency of the rising bubbles. The computationally based bifurcation analysis shows that at low frequencies, the global dynamics is attracted towards a fixed point since the bubbles interact very little with one another. As the frequency of injection increases, however, the global dynamics undergoes a series of bifurcations to new behaviors that include highly periodic orbits, chaotic attractors, and intermittent behavior between periodic orbits and chaotic sets. Using methods from time-series analysis, we are able to approximate nonlinear models that allow for long-term predictions and the possibility of developing control algorithms.

Chaos ; 14(2): 499-509, 2004 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15189077


A numerical characterization based on experimental data of the spouting regime in a two-dimensional fluidized bed is presented. The aspect ratio of the bed allowed for good visualization of the spouting and solids circulation as the spouting jet gas velocity was varied to highlight the visited bifurcation sequence. Digital video sequences were recorded and then preprocessed for numerical analysis. In this paper, the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) was applied to these data sets in order to identify and separate the dominant spatial features from the temporal evolution of the spouting dynamics. The results indicate that the overall spatiotemporal dynamics can be captured by a few POD eigenfunctions, and that the POD amplitudes can be used to distinguish between varying degrees of spouting.