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Front Microbiol ; 11: 607693, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33519754


Codon usage bias (the preferential use of certain synonymous codons (optimal) over others is found at the organism level (intergenomic) within specific genomes (intragenomic) and even in certain genes. Whether it is the result of genetic drift due to GC/AT content and/or natural selection is a topic of intense debate. Preferential codons are mostly found in genes encoding highly-expressed proteins, while lowly-expressed proteins usually contain a high proportion of rare (lowly-represented) codons. While optimal codons are decoded by highly expressed tRNAs, rare codons are usually decoded by lowly-represented tRNAs. Whether rare codons play a role in controlling the expression of lowly- or temporarily-expressed proteins is an open question. In this work we approached this question using two strategies, either by replacing rare glycine codons with optimal counterparts in the gene that encodes the cell cycle protein Cdc13, or by overexpression the tRNA Gly that decodes rare codons from the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. While the replacement of synonymous codons severely affected cell growth, increasing tRNA levels affected the aggregation status of Cdc13 and cell division. These lead us to think that rare codons in lowly-expressed cyclin proteins are crucial for cell division, and that the overexpression of tRNA that decodes rare codons affects the expression of proteins containing these rare codons. These codons may be the result of the natural selection of codons in genes that encode lowly-expressed proteins.

Comput Struct Biotechnol J ; 17: 746-756, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31303979


Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs) are mosaics of functional gene modules of diverse evolutionary origin and are generally divergent from the hosts´ genetic background. Existing biases in base composition and codon usage of these elements` genes impose transcription and translation limitations that may affect the physical and regulatory integration of MGEs in new hosts. Stable appropriation of the foreign DNA depends on a number of host factors among which are the Nucleoid-Associated Proteins (NAPs). These small, basic, highly abundant proteins bind and bend DNA, altering its topology and folding, thereby affecting all known essential DNA metabolism related processes. Both chromosomally- (endogenous) and MGE- (foreign) encoded NAPs have been shown to exist in bacteria. While the role of host-encoded NAPs in xenogeneic silencing of both episomal (plasmids) and integrative MGEs (pathogenicity islands and prophages) is well acknowledged, less is known about the role of MGE-encoded NAPs in the foreign elements biology or their influence on the host's chromosome expression dynamics. Here we review existing literature on the topic, present examples on the positive and negative effects that endogenous and foreign NAPs exert on global transcriptional gene expression, MGE integrative and excisive recombination dynamics, persistence and transfer to suitable hosts and discuss the nature and relevance of synergistic and antagonizing higher order interactions between diverse types of NAPs.

Front Microbiol ; 10: 30, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30804894


The dispersal of mobile genetic elements and their gene cargo relies on type IV secretion systems (T4SS). In this work the ICEAfe1 Tra-type T4SS nanomachine, encoded in the publicly available genome of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans ATCC 23270TY, was characterized in terms of its organization, conservation, expression and mating bridge formation. Twenty-one conjugative genes grouped in four genetic clusters encode the ICEAfe1 T4SS, containing all the indispensable functions for the formation and stabilization of the pili and for DNA processing. The clusters' organization resembles that of other mobile genetic elements (such as plasmids and integrative and conjugative elements-ICEs). Sequence conservation, genetic organization and distribution of the tra system in the genomes of other sequenced Acidithiobacillus spp. suggests that the ICEAfe1 T4SS could mediate the lateral gene transfer between related bacteria. All ICEAfe1 T4SS genes are transcriptionally active and expressed from four independent operons. The transcriptional levels of selected marker genes increase in response to Mitomycin C treatment, a DNA damage elicitor that has acknowledged stimulatory effects on excision rates and gene expression of other ICEs, including ICEAfe1. Using a tailor-made pilin-antiserum against ICEAfe1 T4SS TraA pilin and epifluorescence microscopy, the presence of the conjugative pili on the cell surface of A. ferrooxidans could be demonstrated. Additionally, immunodetection assays, by immunogold, allowed the identification of pili-like extracellular structures. Together, the results obtained in this work demonstrate that the ICEAfe1 T4SS is phylogenetically conserved within the taxon, is expressed at mRNA and protein levels in vivo in the A. ferrooxidans type strain, and produces a pili-like structure of extracellular and intercellular localization in this model acidophile, supporting its functionality. Additional efforts will be required to prove conjugation of the ICEAfe1 or parts of this element through the cognate T4SS.