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Opt Lett ; 21(2): 152-4, 1996 Jan 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19865335


Dynamic coupled-wave theory predicts the bending of recorded hologram phase planes in most photorefractive crystals. Bent holograms occur in LiNbO(3) and other photovoltaic crystals that are particularly interesting as holographic storage media and result in a reduced overall diffraction eff iciency. We show that hologram bending in LiNbO(3) can be avoided or at least sensibly reduced by use of an actively stabilized recording technique.

Opt Lett ; 20(6): 635-7, 1995 Mar 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19859280


We report an optoelectronic feedback loop that permits the active stabilization of an interferometric setup for any chosen value of the phase between the interfering beams. This method is based on phase modulation and homodyne detection techniques. The phase can be stabilized with a precision of better than 1 deg for our experimental conditions.

Opt Lett ; 20(19): 2027-9, 1995 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19862239


We report a simple actively stabilized setup for holographic recording on sillenite photorefractive crystals that is based on the anisotropic diffraction properties of these materials. The method is much simpler than previously published ones, requires neither phase modulation nor synchronous phase-sensitive detection, and needs no external reference. We describe the successful operation of this stabilization procedure for a Bi(12)TiO(20) crystal in a practical holographic interferometry setup, using the 632.8-nm wavelength of a He-Ne laser.

Opt Lett ; 19(21): 1702-4, 1994 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19855627


We describe a new method for photorefractive response time measurement in fast photorefractive crystals based on continuous phase modulation in two-wave mixing. We report experimental results for undoped semi-insulating GaAs that are in good agreement with theory. Values obtained for the response time and photoelectron generation quantum efficiency are consistent with previously published data.

Appl Opt ; 31(11): 1787-93, 1992 Apr 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20720819


We present the first experimental demonstration of quasi-permanent holographic recordings in Bi(12)TiO(20) crystals through what is to our knowledge a new electrophotochromic effect. This arises from spatial redistribution of some centers that are different from photorefractive centers. Light diffracted from this photochromic grating records a secondary photorefractive hologram. Interaction between both gratings results in asymmetric polarization properties and reversible electric field enhancement of diffracted beams.

Opt Lett ; 17(4): 249-51, 1992 Feb 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19784291


A new technique that permits the selective steady-state continuous detection of phase (photorefractive) or amplitude (photochromic) effects in two-wave mixing experiments is described. We show the capabilities of this method for the selective stabilized recording of any one of both types of grating that is chosen. Experimental results from holographic recording in Bi(12)TiO(20) are reported.

Opt Lett ; 15(21): 1247, 1990 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19771056
Opt Lett ; 14(21): 1210-2, 1989 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19759637


We have recorded running holograms in a photorefractive crystal with an applied electric field, using a 90 degrees phase-shift fringe-locked interference pattern of light. This method provides a simple way to obtain optimal conditions for nonstationary holographic recording. The experiment that we describe allows us to calculate the crystal diffusion length L(D) and provides direct evidence of the occurrence of running holograms in photorefractive crystals. Experimental results for a Bi(12)SiO(20) sample are reported.

Appl Opt ; 28(7): 1382-6, 1989 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20548668


A Haidinger interferometer setup was adapted for accurate measurement of thickness and refractive index dispersion in transparent films using some spectral lines of a commercial argon-ion laser. Experimental results are reported and compared with those from other available methods.

Opt Lett ; 13(11): 1014-6, 1988 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19746110


We report the real-time direct interference-term measurement for a two-wave-mixing experiment in photorefractive crystals. Knowledge of the interference term may provide information concerning diffraction efficiency, interference pattern-to-recorded hologram phase shift, and optical activity and anisotropic diffraction properties of these materials. This method comprises phase modulation of one of the interfering beams and synchronous detection of the first and second harmonics in the resulting output irradiance modulation. Simultaneous detection of both harmonics enables the measurement to be made even in strongly perturbed conditions, since one harmonic is used for measuring and the other is used for operating Bi(12)TiO(20) are reported.

Appl Opt ; 27(10): 1967-76, 1988 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20531691


An active stabilization system for a holographic setup based on detection of phase shift between the interference pattern and a reference hologram is described. Its basic feature is the possibility of operating for 0, pi or +/-pi/2 at will, always in a null-detection mode. The reference hologram may be a previously recorded permanent hologram or a real-time (even reversible) one. The use of the open loop response of the stabilization system is developed for analyzing its performance, which allows closer insight into parameters limiting Its behavior. The effects of different noise sources are analyzed in detail. The real-time effect in a positive resist is successfully employed for operating the stabilization setup for recording an improved grating in this material.

Appl Opt ; 27(10): 1984-7, 1988 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20531693


Two-wave mixing at a holographic grating being recorded in a positive photoresist film is used for simultaneously and independently stabilizing the holographic setup itself and for measuring the real-time optical modulation evolution during recording. The method is more sensitive than directly measuring the diffraction efficiency with a probe beam, being particularly interesting for very low efficiency values. This technique is used here for studying the photoreaction kinetics in a Shipley AZ-1350J positive photoresist, and measurements acree with those made with a well-established spectrophotometric method.

Appl Opt ; 27(10): 1988-91, 1988 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20531694


A method is described which allows the relative phase-shift adjustment of two successively recorded holographic gratings. The residual real-time recording effect in a positive resist was used as a reference hologram for operating an actively stabilized holographic setup and for adjusting both the spatial frequency and the corresponding phase shift of the successively recorded Fourier components to produce a predetermined periodic profile structure in the film. Synthesis of a blazed holographic grating is reported here as an illustration of the possibilities of the process. The method may find use in optical and electrooptical device fabrication requiring accurate spatial frequency and phase adjustment.

Opt Lett ; 12(12): 982-3, 1987 Dec 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19741935


The weak real-time effect in a positive-resist film was used for operating an actively stabilized holographic setup in order to carry out the entire recording process in a stabilized mode. Illustrative experimental results are reported. The successive recording in phase of spatially shifted holographic gratings is also shown.

Appl Opt ; 25(14): 2375, 1986 Jul 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18231503
Appl Opt ; 24(8): 1142, 1985 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18217088
Appl Opt ; 23(12): 1904, 1984 Jun 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18212921