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J Wildl Dis ; 2024 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39141888


The intracellular pathogens Toxoplasma gondii, Brucella spp., and Chlamydia spp. are all known causative agents of abortion in wildlife. Both T. gondii and Brucella spp. have been identified in marine mammal abortions and a limited number of studies have detected their potential presence in Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus), but data are sparse for these pathogens in Australian fur seal breeding colonies. Australian fur seals have been shown to have a high degree of third-trimester pregnancy loss in one of their largest breeding colonies. Additionally, pup production has declined at the largest breeding colony for the species. This study surveyed the presence of T. gondii, Brucella spp., and Chlamydia spp. as potential infectious causes of this reproductive loss. Aborted fetuses were collected from two of the largest breeding colonies for the species, Seal Rocks (n=19) and Kanowna Island (n=34). These were examined grossly and through histopathological evaluation, in conjunction with molecular testing for all three pathogens. Placentas were collected from full-term births during the pupping season from Kanowna Island (n=118). These were used to compare the molecular prevalence of the three pathogens in presumed successful pregnancies. Chlamydia spp. was not detected in aborted fetuses in this study. Brucella spp. was detected with PCR in both aborted fetuses (9.4%) and placentas from full-term births (3.4%), and T. gondii was detected using routine histopathology (n=2/53), immunohistochemistry (n=3/4), and PCR (n=4/53) in tissues from aborted fetuses. Toxoplasma gondii was present in 7.5% of third-trimester abortions and absent from all full-term placentas. Brucella spp. was detected in both aborted fetuses and full-term placentas. This is the first description of vertical transmission of T. gondii in a marine mammal from the southern hemisphere.

Pathogens ; 12(1)2023 Jan 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36678470


Recently, Coxiella burnetii has been described as a novel pathogen potentially contributing to decreased pup production in Australian fur seals (AusFS, Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus). Pacific gulls (PGs, Larus pacificus) are known to scavenge AusFS placental material during the fur seal breeding season. It is hypothesized that PGs may act as vectors for this pathogen. In the present study, cloacal swabs, oral swabs and serum were collected from PGs on Kanowna Island (KI, an AusFS breeding colony) and a nearby island, Seal Island (SI), not occupied by pinnipeds. All sample sets were evaluated with qPCR for the com1, htpAB and IS1111 markers. Most oral and cloacal swabs from KI tested positive on both the com1 (94.1%; 88.2%) and htpAB targets (76.5%; 76.5%). Amplification was very low from the SI oral swabs and cloacal swabs. Only the KI serum samples had amplification (17.7% for both com1 and htpAB). There was no IS1111 amplification in either colony. The results demonstrate that PGs can potentially act as vectors for the spread of C. burnetii. In some birds, C. burnetii was detectable in the serum, indicating that gulls can experience bacteraemia. It appears that different feeding strategies in the same species within the same ecosystem can have profound effects on the prevalence of pathogens. Further studies are required to better understand the epidemiology and potential risks of this organism.

R Soc Open Sci ; 9(5): 220134, 2022 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35620013


Effective conservation assessments require detailed information of species' ecological niches during the whole annual cycle. For seabirds, this implies investigating the at-sea distribution and foraging behaviour during both the breeding and non-breeding periods. However, until recently, collecting information about small species has been precluded by the excessive size of the required devices. This lack of knowledge is exacerbated in the case of polytypic genera with species sharing very similar appearance and behaviour, such as the super-abundant prions (Pachyptila spp.). The present study investigates the year-round at-sea distribution and foraging ecology of the fairy prion (Pachyptila turtur) in southeastern Australia. Miniaturized GPS loggers during the breeding season and geolocators (GLS) during the non-breeding period were used over 4 consecutive years (2017-2021), with results that highlight the importance of the continental shelf-edge waters for fairy prions throughout the year. In addition, contrary to previous assumptions, the GLS data revealed an unsuspected post-breeding migration to the waters south of Australia, during which individuals probably undergo a rapid moult of flight feathers. Understanding the at-sea distribution and ecology of prions during the whole annual cycle will be fundamental to their conservation as it can reveal species- or population-specific threats that have been overlooked because of their status as abundant species.

Oecologia ; 199(3): 537-548, 2022 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35606670


Niche theory predicts that to reduce competition for the same resource, sympatric ecologically similar species should exploit divergent niches and segregate in one or more dimensions. Seasonal variations in environmental conditions and energy requirements can influence the mechanisms and the degree of niche segregation. However, studies have overlooked the multi-dimensional aspect of niche segregation over the whole annual cycle, and key facets of species co-existence still remain ambiguous. The present study provides insights into the niche use and partitioning of two morphologically and ecologically similar seabirds, the common (CDP, Pelecanoides urinatrix) and the South Georgian diving petrel (SGDP, Pelecanoides georgicus). Using phenology, at-sea distribution, diving behavior and isotopic data (during the incubation, chick-rearing and non-breeding periods), we show that the degree of partitioning was highly stage-dependent. During the breeding season, the greater niche segregation during chick-rearing than incubation supported the hypothesis that resource partitioning increases during energetically demanding periods. During the post breeding period, while species-specific latitudinal differences were expected (species specific water mass preference), CDP and SGDP also migrated in divergent directions. This segregation in migration area may not be only a response to the selective pressure arising from competition avoidance between sympatric species, but instead, could reflect past evolutionary divergence. Such stage-dependent and context-dependent niche segregation demonstrates the importance of integrative approaches combining techniques from different fields, throughout the entire annual cycle, to better understand the co-existence of ecologically similar species. This is particularly relevant in order to fully understand the short and long-term effects of ongoing environmental changes on species distributions and communities.This work demonstrates the need of integrative multi-dimensional approaches combining concepts and techniques from different fields to understand the mechanism and causal factors of niche segregation.

Irmãos , Simpatria , Animais , Aves/fisiologia , Ecossistema , Especificidade da Espécie
PLoS One ; 16(9): e0250916, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34516559


Seabirds play a vital role in marine ecosystems and the long-term study of their responses to environmental variations can be used to monitor the effects of climate change on marine fauna. However, slight differences in similar seabird species result in a range of responses which complicates our understanding of the effects of environmental changes to marine ecosystems. The present study investigated inter-annual differences in the breeding biology (breeding phenology, chick growth rates and breeding success) and environmental conditions (seasonal sea surface temperatures) of important foraging areas in two sympatric small Procellariiform species, the fairy prion (Pachyptila turtur) and the common diving petrel (Pelecanoides urinatrix), over four reproductive seasons (2017-2020) in Bass Strait, south-eastern Australia. Marine heatwaves occurred during the years of 2018/19 and 2019/20 and coincided with years of delayed laying dates, slower chick growth and reduced breeding success, in both species. While fairy prions maintained a relatively high breeding success and broadly constant breeding phenology, common diving petrels delayed the start of the breeding season by up to 50 days and experienced dramatic collapses in breeding success in years of high marine heat wave occurrence. The difference in foraging ecology and physiological capacity (largely in the production of stomach oils and fasting abilities of adults and chicks) between both species are likely to influence the variability and phenology in the observed breeding seasons.

Aves/fisiologia , Reprodução , Animais , Austrália , Aves/classificação , Cruzamento , Mudança Climática , Ecossistema , Temperatura Alta , Especificidade da Espécie , Simpatria
PeerJ ; 8: e8700, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32201643


The foraging niches of seabirds are driven by a variety of factors, including competition for prey that promotes divergence in trophic niches. Bass Strait, south-eastern Australia, is a key region for seabirds, with little penguins Eudyptula minor, short-tailed shearwaters Ardenna tenuirostris, fairy prions Pachyptila turtur and common diving-petrels Pelecanoides urinatrix being particularly abundant in the region. The trophic niches of these species were investigated using isotopic values in whole blood and by identifying prey remains in stomach contents. The four species occupied different isotopic niches that varied among years, seasons and regions. Little penguins consumed mainly fish whereas the three procellariforms primarily consumed coastal krill Nyctiphanes australis. The dietary similarities between the procellariforms suggest that food resources are segregated in other ways, with interspecific differences in isotope niches possibly reflecting differential consumption of key prey, divergent foraging locations and depth, and differences in breeding phenology. Because oceanographic changes predicted to occur due to climate change may result in reduced coastal krill availability, adversely affecting these seabird predators, further information on foraging zones and feeding behaviour of small procellariform species is needed to elucidate more fully the segregation of foraging niches, the capacity of seabirds to adapt to climate change and the potential for interspecific competition in the region.

R Soc Open Sci ; 7(11): 200670, 2020 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33391785


The non-breeding period plays a major role in seabird survival and population dynamics. However, our understanding of the migratory behaviour, moulting and feeding strategies of non-breeding seabirds is still very limited, especially for small-sized species. The present study investigated the post-breeding behaviour of three distant populations (Kerguelen Archipelago, southeastern Australia, New Zealand) of the common diving petrel (CDP) (Pelecanoides urinatrix), an abundant, widely distributed zooplanktivorous seabird breeding throughout the southern Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans. The timing, geographical destination and activity pattern of birds were quantified through geolocator deployments during the post-breeding migration, while moult pattern of body feathers was investigated using stable isotope analysis. Despite the high energetic cost of flapping flight, all the individuals quickly travelled long distances (greater than approx. 2500 km) after the end of the breeding season, targeting oceanic frontal systems. The three populations, however, clearly diverged spatially (migration pathways and destinations), and temporally (timing and duration) in their post-breeding movements, as well as in their period of moult. Philopatry to distantly separated breeding grounds, different breeding phenologies and distinct post-breeding destinations suggest that the CDP populations have a high potential for isolation, and hence, speciation. These results contribute to improving knowledge of ecological divergence and evolution between populations, and inform the challenges of conserving migratory species.

PLoS One ; 13(6): e0197766, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29949581


Unresolved taxonomy of threatened species is problematic for conservation as the field relies on species being distinct taxonomic units. Differences in breeding habitat and results from a preliminary molecular analysis indicated that the New Zealand population of the South Georgian Diving Petrel (Pelecanoides georgicus) was a distinct, yet undescribed, species. We measured 11 biometric characters and scored eight plumage characters in 143 live birds and 64 study skins originating from most populations of P. georgicus, to assess their taxonomic relationships. We analysed differences with principal component analyses (PCA), factorial ANOVAs, and Kruskal-Wallis rank sum tests. Results show that individuals from New Zealand differ significantly from P. georgicus from all other populations as following: 1) longer wings, 2) longer outer tail feathers, 3) deeper bills, 4) longer heads, 5) longer tarsi, 6) limited collar extent, 7) greater extent of contrasting scapulars, 8) larger contrasting markings on the secondaries, 9) paler ear coverts, 10) paler collars, and 11) paler flanks. Furthermore, we used a species delimitation test with quantitative phenotypic criteria; results reveal that the New Zealand population of P. georgicus indeed merits species status. We hereby name this new species Pelecanoides whenuahouensis sp. nov. Due to severe reductions in its range and the very low number of remaining birds (~150 individuals limited to a single breeding colony on Codfish Island/Whenua Hou) the species warrants listing as 'Critically Endangered'. An abstract in the Maori language/Te Reo Maori can be found in S1 File.

Aves/classificação , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Especiação Genética , Animais , Aves/genética , Classificação , Ecossistema , Plumas , Nova Zelândia , Fenótipo
Sci Total Environ ; 544: 754-64, 2016 Feb 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26674704


Trace elements (n=14) and persistent organic pollutants (POPs, n=30) were measured in blood, liver, kidney, muscle and feathers of 10 Antarctic prions (Pachyptila desolata) from Kerguelen Islands, southern Indian Ocean, in order to assess their concentrations, tissue distribution, and inter-tissue and inter-contaminant relationships. Liver, kidney and feathers presented the highest burdens of arsenic, cadmium and mercury, respectively. Concentrations of cadmium, copper, iron, and zinc correlated in liver and muscle, suggesting that uptake and pathways of metabolism and storage were similar for these elements. The major POPs were 4,4'-DDE, mirex, PCB-153 and PCB-138. The concentrations and tissue distribution patterns of environmental contaminants were overall in accordance with previous results in other seabirds. Conversely, some Antarctic prions showed surprisingly high concentrations of BDE-209. This compound has been rarely observed in seabirds before, and its presence in Antarctic prions could be due to the species feeding habits or to the ingestion of plastic debris. Overall, the study shows that relatively lower trophic level seabirds (zooplankton-eaters) breeding in the remote southern Indian Ocean are exposed to a wide range of environmental contaminants, in particular cadmium, selenium and some emerging-POPs, which merits further toxicological investigations.

Aves/metabolismo , Monitoramento Ambiental , Poluentes Ambientais/análise , Plumas/química , Animais , Regiões Antárticas , Poluentes Ambientais/metabolismo , Plumas/metabolismo