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Front Synaptic Neurosci ; 13: 769228, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35087390


The human posteromedial cortex (PMC), which includes the precuneus (PC), represents a multimodal brain area implicated in emotion, conscious awareness, spatial cognition, and social behavior. Here, we describe the presence of Nissl-stained elongated spindle-shaped neurons (suggestive of von Economo neurons, VENs) in the cortical layer V of the anterior and central PC of adult humans. The adapted "single-section" Golgi method for postmortem tissue was used to study these neurons close to pyramidal ones in layer V until merging with layer VI polymorphic cells. From three-dimensional (3D) reconstructed images, we describe the cell body, two main longitudinally oriented ascending and descending dendrites as well as the occurrence of spines from proximal to distal segments. The primary dendritic shafts give rise to thin collateral branches with a radial orientation, and pleomorphic spines were observed with a sparse to moderate density along the dendritic length. Other spindle-shaped cells were observed with straight dendritic shafts and rare branches or with an axon emerging from the soma. We discuss the morphology of these cells and those considered VENs in cortical areas forming integrated brain networks for higher-order activities. The presence of spindle-shaped neurons and the current discussion on the morphology of putative VENs address the need for an in-depth neurochemical and transcriptomic characterization of the PC cytoarchitecture. These findings would include these spindle-shaped cells in the synaptic and information processing by the default mode network and for general intelligence in healthy individuals and in neuropsychiatric disorders involving the PC in the context of the PMC functioning.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32733229


The human cingulate cortex (CC), included in the paralimbic cortex, participates in emotion, visceral responses, attention, cognition, and social behaviors. The CC has spindle-shaped/fusiform cell body neurons in its layer V, the von Economo neurons (VENs). VENs have further developed in primates, and the characterization of human VENs can benefit from the detailed descriptions of the shape of dendrites and spines. Here, we advance this issue and studied VENs in the anterior and midcingulate cortex from four neurologically normal adult subjects. We used the thionin technique and the adapted "single-section" Golgi method for light microscopy. Three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions were carried out for the visualization of Golgi-impregnated VENs' cell body, ascending and descending dendrites, and collateral branches. We also looked for the presence, density, and shape of spines from proximal to distal dendrites. These neurons have a similar aspect for the soma, but features of spiny dendrites evidenced a morphological heterogeneity of CC VENs. Only for the description of this continuum of shapes, we labeled the most common feature as VEN 1, which has main dendritic shafts but few branches and sparse spines. VEN 2 shows an intermediate aspect, whereas VEN 3 displays the most profuse dendritic ramification and more spines with varied shapes from proximal to distal branches. Morphometric data exemplify the dendritic features of these cells. The heterogeneity of the dendritic architecture and spines suggests additional functional implications for the synaptic and information processing in VENs in integrated networks of normal and, possibly, neurological/psychiatric conditions involving the human CC.