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Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(2)abr. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565456


Introducción: El prolapso rectal es una entidad clínica poco frecuente, habitualmente acompañada de otras alteraciones del piso pélvico, con un impacto negativo en la calidad de vida. Existen pocos modelos de calidad de vida adaptados a nuestra realidad. Uno de ellos es el EQ-D5, adaptada por Olivares-Tirado. Objetivos: evaluar la calidad de vida y los resultados funcionales de la cirugía de prolapso entre 2015 y 2021 y correlacionarlos con las distintas técnicas abdominales. Material y Métodos: Este es un estudio retrospectivo, observacional, transversal y de cohorte. Se pesquisaron 84 pacientes, se incluyeron 59. Para el análisis de la calidad de vida se utilizó la Encuesta EQ-D5. Para complementar el estudio se midió el Cleveland Clinic Incontinence Score y el Constipation Scoring System. Resultados: Hubo cambios significativos en todas las encuestas aplicadas a la mejoría en pre y postoperatorio, sin existir diferencias entre técnicas quirúrgicas, pero con menor índice de estadía postoperatoria en el grupo laparoscópico. Discusión: Existe una mejoría en la calidad de vida postoperatoria que se refleja en los índices obtenidos, independiente de la técnica quirúrgica, no obstante, esta se ve atenuada en pacientes recidivados, lo que se relaciona con la literatura, también sin encontrar diferencias entre las técnicas. Existe menos constipación postoperatoria en la técnica de rectopexia ventral. Conclusiones: Existe mejoría en la calidad de vida independiente de la técnica quirúrgica, sin cambios en pacientes recidivados. Ante ello, se debiera elegir la técnica más rápida y sencilla para el manejo, idealmente laparoscópica.

Background: Rectal prolapse is a rare clinical entity, usually accompanied by other pelvic floor disorders, with a negative impact on quality of life. There are few models of quality of life adapted to our reality. One of them is the EQ-D5, adapted by Olivares-Tirado. Objectives: To evaluate the quality of life and functional outcomes of rectal prolapse surgery between 2015 and 2021 and correlate them with the different abdominal techniques. Material and Methods: This is a retrospective, observational, cross-sectional and cohort study. A total of 84 patients were screened, 59 were included. The EQ-D5 Survey was used for the analysis of quality of life. To complement the study, the Cleveland Clinic Incontinence Score and the Constipation Scoring System were measured. Results: There were significant changes in all surveys applied to pre- and postoperative improvement, with no differences between surgical techniques, but with a lower rate of postoperative stay in the laparoscopic group. Discussion: There is an improvement in the postoperative quality of life that is reflected in the indices obtained, independent of the surgical technique, however, this is attenuated in recidivated patients, which is related to the literature, also without finding differences between the techniques. There is less postoperative constipation in the ventral rectopexy technique. Conclusions: There is improvement in the quality of life independent of the surgical technique, without changes in relapsed patients. Perhaps the fastest and easiest technique for handling should be chosen, ideally laparoscopic.

Neurol Sci ; 45(6): 2899-2901, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38436790


In 1974, Sir Graham Teasdale and Bryan Jennett wrote the "Assessment of coma and impaired consciousness, A practical scale," which has become one of the most influential papers in the history of traumatic brain injury, with more than 10,000 citations as of January 2024. Today, it is one of the most widely used tools in emergency departments, providing a reliable general overview of the patient's consciousness status.

Escala de Coma de Glasgow , Humanos , Aniversários e Eventos Especiais , Lesões Encefálicas Traumáticas/história , Lesões Encefálicas Traumáticas/diagnóstico , Coma/história , Coma/diagnóstico , Escala de Coma de Glasgow/história , História do Século XX , História do Século XXI
Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 14(3)2024 Jan 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38334512


The growth of epitaxial thin films from the Ruddlesden-Popper series of strontium iridates by magnetron sputtering is analyzed. It was found that, even using a non-stoichiometric target, the films formed under various conditions were consistently of the perovskite-like n = ∞ SrIrO3 phase, with no evidence of other RP series phases. A detailed inspection of the temperature-oxygen phase diagram underscored that kinetics mechanisms prevail over thermodynamics considerations. The analysis of the angular distribution of sputtered iridium and strontium species indicated clearly different spatial distribution patterns. Additionally, significant backsputtering was detected at elevated temperatures. Thus, it is assumed that the interplay between these two kinetic phenomena is at the origin of the preferential nucleation of the SrIrO3 phase. In addition, strategies for controlling cation stoichiometry off-axis have also been explored. Finally, the long-term stability of the films has been demonstrated.

Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(1)feb. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565440


Introducción: El quiste pilonidal es una condición crónica inflamatoria de la piel y el tejido subcutáneo sacrocoxígeo, con alta incidencia en jóvenes y sexo masculino. El manejo quirúrgico incluye técnicas abiertas y cerradas que utilizan colgajos. El objetivo es describir las características clínicas y quirúrgicas de pacientes operados de quiste pilonidal con técnica abiertas. Material y Método: Estudio tipo cohorte, retrospectivo, observacional y transversal. Se incluyeron todos los pacientes operados por quiste pilonidal utilizando técnicas abiertas en el Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile entre 2013 y 2019. Se recolectaron características clínicas y quirúrgicas como tipo de técnica abierta, tiempo operatorio, tiempo de curaciones y cierre definitivo. Se aplicó estadística descriptiva. Resultados: Se registraron 250 pacientes diagnosticados de quiste pilonidal desde 2013, de los cuales se incluyeron 84,8% pacientes manejados con técnicas abiertas. 60,8% fueron de sexo masculino. El IMC promedio fue de 26,8 con un 24,5% de pacientes con obesidad. De ellos, 55,3% habían sido drenados en urgencias previamente y 9,6% eran recidivas. El tamaño promedio fue de 3,6 cm. Las técnicas abiertas empleadas fueron: marsupialización, destechamiento y McFee. El tiempo promedio de curaciones fue de 5,9 semanas y el cierre definitivo ocurre en promedio a las 10,4 semanas; 4,7% recidivaron. Conclusión. La cirugía del quiste pilonidal en nuestra serie corresponde en su mayoría a técnicas abiertas (marsupialización y destechamiento). El tiempo de curaciones, de cierre de la herida y del porcentaje de recidivas de los pacientes operados de quiste pilonidal es similar a lo reportado internacionalmente.

Introduction: The pilonidal cyst is a chronic inflammatory condition of the skin and subcutaneous sacrocoxige tissue, with high incidence in young people and male sex. Surgical management includes open and closed techniques which use flaps. The objective is to describe the clinical and surgical characteristics of patients operated on for pilonidal cyst with open technique. Material and Method: Cohort, retrospective, observational and cross-sectional study. We included all patients operated on for pilonidal cyst using open techniques at the Hospital Clinic University of Chile between 2013 and 2019. Clinical and surgical characteristics was collected, such as type of open technique, operative time, healing time and definitive closure. Descriptive statistics were applied. Results: There were 250 patients diagnosed with pilonidal cyst since 2013, of which 84.8% were patients managed with open techniques; 60.8% were male. The average BMI was 26.8 with 24.5% of patients with obesity. 55.3% had been drained in the emergency room previously and 9.6% were relapses. The average size was 3.6 cm. The open techniques used were marsupialization, unroofing and McFee. The average healing time was 5.9 weeks and definitive closure occurs on average at 10.4 weeks; 4.7% relapsed. Conclusion: Surgery of the pilonidal cyst in our series corresponds mostly to open techniques (marsupialization and unroofing). The healing time, wound closure and the percentage of recurrences of patients operated on for pilonidal cyst is similar to that reported internationally.

Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(1)feb. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565441


Antecedentes: Los tumores presacros son entidades frecuentes con diferentes etiologías, sin un abordaje quirúrgico establecido, habiendo relativamente poca experiencia en el manejo y en el seguimiento y resultados postoperatorios. Objetivo: Reportar el resultado en forma descriptiva del manejo de este tipo de lesiones en el hospital clínico de la Universidad de Chile. Material y Método: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y de carácter retrospectivo, de serie de casos, analizando la base de datos de cirugías del Hospital clínico de la Universidad de Chile en los últimos 15 años, excluyendo a pacientes con tumores óseos y operados por otros equipos. Se utilizo estadística simple y descriptiva para el análisis. Resultados: Se operaron 23 pacientes en los últimos 15 años, 12 por vía transabdominal, 9 resuelto por vía abierta y 3 por vía laparoscópica. Los restantes 11 fueron resuelto con abordaje posterior, siendo el de kraske usado en todos los pacientes. El seguimiento promedio fue de 16 meses. 4 pacientes registraron recurrencia Conclusiones: Los tumores presacros representan un desafío en términos de diagnóstico y manejo quirúrgico, siendo el estudio preoperatorio con imágenes más examen físico, determinante en el manejo quirúrgico del mismo. Es de considerar abordajes transabdominales en aquellos tumores mayores de 10 cms y en aquellos que se sospeche, fuertemente, malignidad, lo que no contraindica la vía laparoscópica. En caso de abordaje posterior, siempre descartar lesiones incidentales de recto, por lo que el examen anorrectal intraoperatorio debería estar de regla.

Background: Presacral tumors are frequent entities with different etiologies, without an established surgical management or approach, having relatively little experience in management and follow-up and postoperative results. Objective: To report the result in a descriptive way of the management of this type of lesions in the Clinical Hospital of the University of Chile. Material and Method: Observational, descriptive and retrospective study of case series, analyzing the database of surgeries of the Clinical Hospital of the University of Chile in the last 15 years, excluding patients with bone tumors and operated by other units. Simple and descriptive statistics were used for the analysis. Results: 23 patients were operated on in the last 15 years, 12 transabdominally. 9 resolved by open fashion and 3 laparoscopically. The remaining 11 patients was resolved with posterior approach, being the kraske used in all patients. The average follow-up was 16 months with 4 patients showing recurrence. Conclusions: The presacral tumors represent a challenge in terms of diagnosis and surgical management, being the preoperative study with images plus physical examination, determinant in the surgical management of the same. We recommend considering transabdominal approaches in those tumors larger than 10 cm and in those that strongly suspect malignancy, which does not contraindicate the laparoscopic route. In case of subsequent management, never rule out incidental lesions of the rectum, so the intraoperatory anorectal examination should be the rule.

Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(1)feb. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565448


Objetivo: Presentar dos casos de isquemia anastomótica tardía por bevacizumab y compararlo con la literatura actual. Casos clínicos: Se exponen dos pacientes con cáncer de recto metastásico, con manejo neoadyuvante, quirúrgico y adyuvancia que incluye bevacizumab, que presentan complicaciones isquémicas anastomóticas, evidenciadas con endoscopia, imágenes más biopsias dirigidas, resolviéndose en forma quirúrgica y biopsiando sitios perianastomóticos con cambios isquémicos. Discusión: Existe evidencia en la literatura que reporta isquemias y filtraciones anastomóticas tardías con el uso de bevacizumab. Parece prudente considerar y sospechar en forma oportuna esta complicación, especialmente, en pacientes con factores de riesgo. Conclusiones: Se debe considerar eventos isquémicos en territorios quirúrgicos, al uso de Bevacizumab. Mayor hincapié en pacientes con factores de riesgo como malnutrición, irradiación o sexo masculino. Considerar estudio dirigido anastomótico previo al inicio de bevacizumab. Dar relevancia a los tiempos de suspensión y reinicio de bevacizumab para evaluación de posibles complicaciones isquémicas.

Objective: To present two cases of late anastotomotic breakdown by bevacizumab and compare it with the current literature. Case report: Two patients with metastatic rectal cancer, with neoadjuvant, surgical and adjuvant management including bevacizumab, presenting anastomotic ischemic complications, evidenced with endoscopy, images and directed biopsies, surgically resolved and taking biopsy of perianastomotic sites with ischemic changes. Discussion: There is evidence in the literature reporting late anastomotic ischemia and leaks with the use of bevacizumab. It seems prudent to consider and suspect this complication in a timely manner, especially in patients with risk factors. Conclusions: Ischemic events in surgical territories should be considered when using bevacizumab. Greater emphasis on patients with risk factors such as malnutrition, irradiation or male sex. Anastomotic-directed study prior to initiation of bevacizumab should be considered. To highlight bevacizumab suspension and restart times for the evaluation of possible ischemic complications.

Acta Neurol Taiwan ; 33(3): 143-145, 2024 Sep 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37968851


A 17-year-old male presented with a 20-day history of vomiting, abdominal pain, weight loss, headache and fever progressing to dysarthria, somnolence, urinary incontinence, slurred speech, weakness, and inability to walk. Neurological examination revealed diminished visual acuity and diplopia. A head computed tomography (CT) showed acute hydrocephalus (Figure 1). Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis revealed pleocytosis (lymphocyte predominant), hypoglycorrhachia (8 mg/dL), and hyperproteinorrachia (156 mg/dL). The brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed leptomeningitis, basal ganglia infarcts and basal meningeal enhancement highly suggestive of tuberculous meningitis (TBM) (Figure 2). We calculated a positive Thwaites score (-5) for TBM. The patient responded well to antituberculous treatment and dexamethasone. At 2 year follow-up the patient remains symptom-free. Stroke is a frequent complication of TBM and might contribute to long-term disability. Brain imaging findings, such as basal meningeal enhancement and basal exudates, hydrocephalus, and infarctions (TBM triad) are useful tools to rapidly identify probable TBM(3,4). Brain infarcts in TBM are located mostly in the arterial territory of distal branching arterires(5). Other less frequent imaging findings are tuberculomas and vasospasm. Key message: Hydrocephalus, basal meningeal enhancement, and basal ganglia infarcts should raise suspicion of tuberculosis, especially in endemic regions.

Hidrocefalia , Acidente Vascular Cerebral , Tuberculose Meníngea , Masculino , Humanos , Adolescente , Tuberculose Meníngea/complicações , Tuberculose Meníngea/diagnóstico , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/complicações , Encéfalo , Hidrocefalia/diagnóstico por imagem , Hidrocefalia/etiologia , Infarto Cerebral/etiologia , Infarto Cerebral/complicações
Acta Neurol Taiwan ; 33(4): 206-207, 2024 Dec 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38073163


A 37-year-old pregnant woman presented to the emergency department with central facial palsy, ipsilateral right hemiparesis, and seizures. Brain Computed Tomogram (CT) showed intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and bilateral frontal edema. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed multifocal hemorrhages consistent with a diagnosis of multiple simultaneous ICH (MSICH) (Figure 1). We suspected cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) and performed a MR angiogram confirming this diagnosis (Figure 2). Upon admission, the patient was treated with low-molecular-weight heparin and transitioned to direct oral anticoagulation at discharge. Non traumatic MSICH is a rare imaging finding with high mortality, usually arterial in origin (1). However, since treatment options vary, cerebral venous thrombosis should always be considered in the differential diagnosis, especially in young female patients with known risk factors, such as pregnancy and puerperium (2-4). MRI modalities (Echo-GRE) are valuable tools in identifying ICH when CT is inconclusive (5).

Trombose Intracraniana , Trombose Venosa , Gravidez , Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Hemorragia Cerebral/diagnóstico por imagem , Hemorragia Cerebral/etiologia , Trombose Intracraniana/diagnóstico , Trombose Intracraniana/diagnóstico por imagem , Encéfalo , Convulsões/complicações , Trombose Venosa/diagnóstico , Trombose Venosa/diagnóstico por imagem
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 75(5)oct. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530070


Introducción: El quiste pilonidal puede ser abordado según técnicas quirúrgicas abiertas y cerradas, con distintos resultados estéticos. La cicatriz es un factor importante y representa un indicador de satisfacción. Una herramienta para valorar cicatrices es el cuestionario POSAS 2.0, adaptado transculturalmente para Chile. Objetivo: Conocer la valoración subjetiva de los pacientes operados de quiste pilonidal respecto a su cicatriz, según la técnica quirúrgica. Material y Método: Estudio es de carácter retrospectivo, observacional, transversal, analítico y de cohorte. Se aplica la escala de evaluación por el paciente del cuestionario POSAS 2.0, con una calificación desde 1 a 10, con puntaje total entre 7 y 70. Se recolectaron variables clínico-demográficas. Se aplicó estadística analítica, se compararon los resultados obtenidos entre técnicas abiertas y cerradas. Resultados. Se encuestaron 101 pacientes operados de quiste pilonidal entre 2013 y 2019, de los cuales 59 (59,4%) fueron de sexo masculino. La edad promedio fue de 23 años (DS 7,2). Del total, 22 (21,8%) de los pacientes fueron manejados con técnicas cerradas y 79 con técnicas abiertas (78,2%). El promedio del puntaje total de la escala fue 20 (DS 11,4), 22 en técnicas cerradas y 19,6 en técnicas abiertas. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Conclusión: La cicatriz postoperatoria es valorada positivamente, con un puntaje que denota características similares a la piel normal. No existen diferencias significativas de la percepción de los pacientes respecto a su cicatriz. Esta es la primera comunicación chilena que evalúa la valoración subjetiva de pacientes sobre la cicatriz postoperatoria de quiste pilonidal.

Introduction: The pilonidal cyst can be approached according to open and closed surgical techniques, with different aesthetic results. The scar is an important factor and represents an indicator of satisfaction. A tool to assess scars is the POSAS 2.0 questionnaire, adapted cross-culturally for Chile. Objective: To know the subjective assessment of patients operated on for pilonidal cyst with respect to their scar, according to the surgical technique. Material and Method: This is a retrospective, observational, cross-sectional, analytical, and cohort study. The patient evaluation scale of the POSAS 2.0 questionnaire is applied, with a score from 1 to 10, with a total score between 7 and 70. Clinical-demographic variables were collected. Analytical statistics were applied, the results obtained between open and closed techniques were compared. Results: We surveyed 101 patients operated on for pilonidal cyst between 2013 and 2019, of which 59 (59.4%) were male. The mean age was 23 years (SD 7.2). Of the total, 22 (21.8%) of the patients were managed with closed techniques and 79 with open techniques (78.2%). The mean total score of the scale was 20 (SD 11.4), 22 in closed techniques and 19.6 in open techniques. No statistically significant differences were found. Conclusion: The postoperative scar is positively valued, with a score that denotes similar characteristics to the normal skin. There are no significant differences in patient's perception of their scar. This is the first chilean communication that evaluates the subjective assessment of patients on the postoperative scar of pilonidal cyst.

Brain ; 145(7): 2507-2517, 2022 07 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35088840


Alzheimer's disease has a long asymptomatic phase that offers a substantial time window for intervention. Using this window of opportunity will require early diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers to detect Alzheimer's disease pathology at predementia stages, thus allowing identification of patients who will most probably progress to dementia of the Alzheimer's type and benefit from specific disease-modifying therapies. Consequently, we searched for CSF proteins associated with disease progression along with the clinical disease staging. We measured the levels of 184 proteins in CSF samples from 556 subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment patients from three independent memory clinic longitudinal studies (Spanish ACE, n = 410; German DCN, n = 93; German Mannheim, n = 53). We evaluated the association between protein levels and clinical stage, and the effect of protein levels on the progression from mild cognitive impairment to dementia of the Alzheimer's type. Mild cognitive impairment subjects with increased CSF level of matrix metalloproteinase 10 (MMP-10) showed a higher probability of progressing to dementia of the Alzheimer's type and a faster cognitive decline. CSF MMP-10 increased the prediction accuracy of CSF amyloid-ß 42 (Aß42), phospho-tau 181 (P-tau181) and total tau (T-tau) for conversion to dementia of the Alzheimer's type. Including MMP-10 to the [A/T/(N)] scheme improved considerably the prognostic value in mild cognitive impairment patients with abnormal Aß42, but normal P-tau181 and T-tau, and in mild cognitive impairment patients with abnormal Aß42, P-tau181 and T-tau. MMP-10 was correlated with age in subjects with normal Aß42, P-tau181 and T-tau levels. Our findings support the use of CSF MMP-10 as a prognostic marker for dementia of the Alzheimer's type and its inclusion in the [A/T/(N)] scheme to incorporate pathologic aspects beyond amyloid and tau. CSF level of MMP-10 may reflect ageing and neuroinflammation.

Doença de Alzheimer , Disfunção Cognitiva , Metaloproteinase 10 da Matriz , Doença de Alzheimer/patologia , Peptídeos beta-Amiloides , Biomarcadores , Disfunção Cognitiva/diagnóstico , Progressão da Doença , Humanos , Estudos Longitudinais , Metaloproteinase 10 da Matriz/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Fragmentos de Peptídeos , Proteínas tau
Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 11(3)2021 Mar 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33801091


The control of the spontaneous formation of nanostructures at the surface of thin films is of strong interest in many different fields, from catalysts to microelectronics, because surface and interfacial properties may be substantially enhanced. Here, we analyze the formation of nickel oxide nanocuboids on top of La2Ni1-xMn1+xO6 double perovskite ferromagnetic thin films, epitaxially grown on SrTiO3 (001) substrates by radio-frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering. We show that, by annealing the films at high temperature under high oxygen partial pressure, the spontaneous segregation of nanocuboids is enhanced. The evolution of the structural and magnetic properties of the films is studied as a function of the annealing treatments at different temperatures. It is shown that the formation of NiOx nanocuboids leads to a nanostructured film surface with regions of locally different electrical transport characteristics.

Artigo em Espanhol, Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1177980


Introducción. Los sarcomas retroperitoneales son tumores raros, con una presentación clínica dada por síntomas compresivos poco específicos. Reporte de Caso: Reportamos un caso de un varón de 69 años con historia de lumbociatalgia e incremento en el volumen del miembro inferior izquierdo hasta llegar a la incapacidad para deambular, se le realizó una Tomografía Abdominal Con Contraste donde se halló una gran tumoración dependiente del músculo psoas iliaco izquierdo que se extendía hasta la pelvis, la cual fue sometida a biopsia encontrándose un Liposarcoma de psoas de alta celularidad. Conclusiones: Los sarcomas son tumores raros originados del tejido mesequenquimal, la gran mayoría de estos tienen síntomas y signos inespecíficos siendo diagnosticados de forma tardía y a pesar del manejo quirúrgico el pronóstico es pobre.

Introduction. Retroperitoneal sarcomas are rare tumors, with a clinical presentation given by poorly specific compression symptoms. Case Report: We report a case of a 69-year-old man with a history of lumbociatalgia and an increase in the volume of the left lower limb until he was unable to wander, he underwent a Contrast Abdominal Tomography where a large tumor dependent on the left iliac psoas muscle was found, that extended to the pelvis, which was biopsied, finding a highly cellular psoas Liposarcoma. Conclusions: Sarcomas are rare tumors originating from the mesequenchymal tissue, the vast majority of them have nonspecific symptoms and signs, being diagnosed late and despite the surgical management of the prognosis is poor.

QJM ; 2020 Aug 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32777050


BACKGROUND: Asymptomatic carriers of SARS-CoV-2 can be a vehicle for transmission of the infection. This fact is of particular importance in the case of healthcare workers (HCWs). DESIGN: Cross-sectional study in HCWs in a medium size hospital in the South of Spain. METHODS: between April 15 and 25, 2020, naso and oropharyngeal PCR determination was performed together with IgG and IgM antibody determination by immunochromatography to the HCWs of the Costa del Sol Hospital in Marbella of the units involved in patient care with CoVID-19: Emergencies, Intensive Care and Anesthesia, Internal Medicine and Pneumology. Other units not directly involved in the care of these patients were offered to participate. On the day of sampling, a health questionnaire was answered, reporting symptoms on the same day and in the previous fourteen days. RESULTS: 498 HCWs were studied. Two individuals were detected with PCR for SARS-CoV-2 positive. Both were asymptomatic on the day of sampling, but one of them had had a CoVID-19 compatible picture in the previous two weeks and had positive IgG and IgM; therefore, only one subject was truly asymptomatic carrier (0.2%). 9 workers with positive IgG (1.8%) were detected. CONCLUSIONS: the prevalence of asymptomatic carriers among health workers of the services directly involved in the care of patients with CoVID-19 was very low in our center. This type of strategy can be one more tool in controlling the pandemic.

Nanoscale ; 11(30): 14194-14202, 2019 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31198921


Knowing the interactions controlling aggregation processes in magnetic nanoparticles is of strong interest in preventing or promoting nanoparticles' aggregation at wish for different applications. Dipolar magnetic interactions, proportional to the particle volume, are identified as the key driving force behind the formation of macroscopic aggregates for particle sizes above about 20 nm. However, aggregates' shape and size are also strongly influenced by topological ordering. 1-D macroscopic chains of several micrometer lengths are obtained with cube-shaped magnetic nanoparticles prepared by the gas-aggregation technique. Using an analytical model and molecular dynamics simulations, the energy landscape of interacting cube-shaped magnetic nanoparticles is analysed revealing unintuitive dependence of the force acting on particles with the displacement and explaining pathways leading to their assembly into long linear chains. The mechanical behaviour and magnetic structure of the chains are studied by a combination of atomic and magnetic force measurements, and computer simulation. The results demonstrate that [111] magnetic anisotropy of the cube-shaped nanoparticles strongly influences chain assembly features.

Rev Gastroenterol Peru ; 37(2): 129-136, 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28731992


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the preventive effect of Sacha Inchi oil (SIO) on 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH)-induced colon carcinogenesis (CC) in Holtzman rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Experimental study with 28 Holtzman male albino rats randomly distributed into 4 groups: a positive control group exposed to DMH (C1), a negative control group exposed to SIO at 150 uL/kg/day (C2), and two experimental groups exposed to DMH with SIO at 150 uL/kg/day (E1) and SIO at 300 uL/kg/day (E2). The DMH was applied for 8 weeks and the total induction time was 22 weeks. Pathological examination was performed by identifying cancerous tumor lesions in the guts. The preventive effect was evaluated based on proportions of lack of lesion in the groups exposed to DMH. RESULTS: Cancerous tumor lesions were identified in: two specimens of group C1, one specimen of group E1 and two specimens of group E2. No intestinal lesions were identified in group C2. The proportions of lack of lesion were: in group C1 of 75%, in group E1 of 87.5% and group E2 of 75%. No significant differences were found (p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: It was not found a significant protective effect of SIO on DMH-induced CC in Holtzman rats, compared to control group.

Adenocarcinoma/prevenção & controle , Neoplasias do Colo/prevenção & controle , Euphorbiaceae , Fitoterapia , Óleos de Plantas/uso terapêutico , 1,2-Dimetilidrazina , Adenocarcinoma/induzido quimicamente , Adenocarcinoma/patologia , Animais , Neoplasias do Colo/induzido quimicamente , Neoplasias do Colo/patologia , Masculino , Distribuição Aleatória , Ratos , Ratos Sprague-Dawley , Resultado do Tratamento