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ACS Nano ; 18(33): 21886-21893, 2024 Aug 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39011947


We perform laser spectroscopy at liquid helium temperatures (T = 2 K) to investigate single dibenzoterrylene (DBT) molecules doped in anthracene crystals of nanoscopic height fabricated by electrohydrodynamic dripping. Using high-resolution fluorescence excitation spectroscopy, we show that zero-phonon lines of single molecules in printed nanocrystals are nearly as narrow as the Fourier-limited transitions observed for the same guest-host system in the bulk. Moreover, the spectral instabilities are comparable to or less than one line width. By recording super-resolution images of DBT molecules and varying the polarization of the excitation beam, we determine the dimensions of the printed crystals and the orientation of the crystals' axes. Electrohydrodynamic printing of organic nano- and microcrystals is of interest for a series of applications, where controlled positioning of quantum emitters with narrow optical transitions is desirable.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 2545, 2024 Mar 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38514627


Many single-molecule investigations are performed in fluidic environments, for example, to avoid unwanted consequences of contact with surfaces. Diffusion of molecules in this arrangement limits the observation time and the number of collected photons, thus, compromising studies of processes with fast or slow dynamics. Here, we introduce a planar optofluidic antenna (OFA), which enhances the fluorescence signal from molecules by about 5 times per passage, leads to about 7-fold more frequent returns to the observation volume, and significantly lengthens the diffusion time within one passage. We use single-molecule multi-parameter fluorescence detection (sm-MFD), fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements to characterize our OFAs. The antenna advantages are showcased by examining both the slow (ms) and fast (50 µs) dynamics of DNA four-way (Holliday) junctions with real-time resolution. The FRET trajectories provide evidence for the absence of an intermediate conformational state and introduce an upper bound for its lifetime. The ease of implementation and compatibility with various microscopy modalities make OFAs broadly applicable to a diverse range of studies.

ACS Nano ; 17(12): 11679-11691, 2023 Jun 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37276077


The discovery of room-temperature single-photon emitters (SPEs) hosted by two-dimensional hexagonal boron nitride (2D hBN) has sparked intense research interest. Although emitters in the vicinity of 2 eV have been studied extensively, their microscopic identity has remained elusive. The discussion of this class of SPEs has centered on point defects in the hBN crystal lattice, but none of the candidate defect structures have been able to capture the great heterogeneity in emitter properties that is observed experimentally. Employing a widely used sample preparation protocol but disentangling several confounding factors, we demonstrate conclusively that heterogeneous single-photon emission at ∼2 eV associated with hBN originates from organic molecules, presumably aromatic fluorophores. The appearance of those SPEs depends critically on the presence of organic processing residues during sample preparation, and emitters formed during heat treatment are not located within the hBN crystal as previously thought, but at the hBN/substrate interface. We further demonstrate that the same class of SPEs can be observed in a different 2D insulator, fluorophlogopite mica.

J Phys Chem B ; 127(23): 5353-5359, 2023 Jun 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37267598


We measure the quantum efficiency (QE) of individual dibenzoterrylene (DBT) molecules embedded in p-dichlorobenzene at cryogenic temperatures. To achieve this, we combine two distinct methods based on the maximal photon emission and on the power required to saturate the zero-phonon line to compensate for uncertainties in some key system parameters. We find that the outcomes of the two approaches are in good agreement for reasonable values of the parameters involved, reporting a large fraction of molecules with QE values above 50%, with some exceeding 70%. Furthermore, we observe no correlation between the observed lower bound on the QE and the lifetime of the molecule, suggesting that most of the molecules have a QE exceeding the established lower bound. This confirms the suitability of DBT for quantum optics experiments. In light of previous reports of low QE values at ambient conditions, our results hint at the possibility of a strong temperature dependence of the QE.

ACS Nano ; 16(8): 12831-12839, 2022 Aug 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35920717


Scanning probe microscopes scan and manipulate a sharp tip in the immediate vicinity of a sample surface. The limited bandwidth of the feedback mechanism used for stabilizing the separation between the tip and the sample makes the fragile nanoscopic tip very susceptible to mechanical instabilities. We propose, demonstrate, and characterize an alternative device based on bulging a thin substrate against a second substrate and rolling them with respect to each other. We showcase the power of this method by placing gold nanoparticles and semiconductor quantum dots on the two opposite substrates and positioning them with nanometer precision to enhance the fluorescence intensity and emission rate. Furthermore, we exhibit the passive mechanical stability of the system over more than 1 h. Our design concept finds applications in a variety of other scientific and technological contexts, where nanoscopic features have to be positioned and kept near contact with each other.

J Chem Phys ; 156(10): 104301, 2022 Mar 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35291792


Vibrational levels of the electronic ground states in dye molecules have not been previously explored at a high resolution in solid matrices. We present new spectroscopic measurements on single polycyclic aromatic molecules of dibenzoterrylene embedded in an organic crystal made of para-dichlorobenzene. To do this, we use narrow-band continuous-wave lasers and combine spectroscopy methods based on fluorescence excitation and stimulated emission depletion to assess individual vibrational linewidths in the electronic ground state at a resolution of ∼30 MHz dictated by the linewidth of the electronic excited state. In this fashion, we identify several exceptionally narrow vibronic levels with linewidths down to values around 2 GHz. Additionally, we sample the distribution of vibronic wavenumbers, relaxation rates, and Franck-Condon factors, in both the electronic ground and excited states for a handful of individual molecules. We discuss various noteworthy experimental findings and compare them with the outcome of density functional theory calculations. The highly detailed vibronic spectra obtained in our work pave the way for studying the nanoscopic local environment of single molecules. The approach also provides an improved understanding of the vibrational relaxation mechanisms in the electronic ground state, which may help create long-lived vibrational states for applications in quantum technology.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(13): 133603, 2021 Sep 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34623836


A single quantum emitter can possess a very strong intrinsic nonlinearity, but its overall promise for nonlinear effects is hampered by the challenge of efficient coupling to incident photons. Common nonlinear optical materials, on the other hand, are easy to couple to but are bulky, imposing a severe limitation on the miniaturization of photonic systems. In this Letter, we show that a single organic molecule acts as an extremely efficient nonlinear optical element in the strong coupling regime of cavity quantum electrodynamics. We report on single-photon sensitivity in nonlinear signal generation and all-optical switching. Our work promotes the use of molecules for applications such as integrated photonic circuits operating at very low powers.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(13): 133602, 2021 Apr 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33861100


We present efficient evanescent coupling of single organic molecules to a gallium phosphide (GaP) subwavelength waveguide (nanoguide) decorated with microelectrodes. By monitoring their Stark shifts, we reveal that the coupled molecules experience fluctuating electric fields. We analyze the spectral dynamics of different molecules over a large range of optical powers in the nanoguide to show that these fluctuations are light-induced and local. A simple model is developed to explain our observations based on the optical activation of charges at an estimated mean density of 2.5×10^{22} m^{-3} in the GaP nanostructure. Our work showcases the potential of organic molecules as nanoscopic sensors of the electric charge as well as the use of GaP nanostructures for integrated quantum photonics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(10): 103603, 2020 Sep 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32955324


Extinction of light by material particles stems from losses incurred by absorption or scattering. The extinction cross section is usually treated as an additive quantity, leading to the exponential laws that govern the macroscopic attenuation of light. In this Letter, we demonstrate that the extinction cross section of a large gold nanoparticle can be substantially reduced-i.e., the particle becomes more transparent-if a single molecule is placed in its near field. This partial cloaking effect results from a coherent plasmonic interaction between the molecule and the nanoparticle, whereby each of them acts as a nanoantenna to modify the radiative properties of the other.

Nano Lett ; 17(8): 4941-4945, 2017 08 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28671833


The feasibility of many proposals in nanoquantum-optics depends on the efficient coupling of photons to individual quantum emitters, the possibility to control this interaction on demand, and the scalability of the experimental platform. To address these issues, we report on chip-based systems made of one-dimensional subwavelength dielectric waveguides (nanoguides) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules. We discuss the design and fabrication requirements, present data on extinction spectroscopy of single molecules coupled to a nanoguide mode, and show how an external optical beam can switch the propagation of light via a nonlinear optical process. The presented architecture paves the way for the investigation of many-body phenomena and polaritonic states and can be readily extended to more complex geometries for the realization of quantum integrated photonic circuits.

Opt Express ; 25(5): 5397-5414, 2017 Mar 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28380801


Nanophotonic interfaces between single emitters and light promise to enable new quantum optical technologies. Here, we use a combination of finite element simulations and analytic quantum theory to investigate the interaction of various quantum emitters with slot-waveguide rings. We predict that for rings with radii as small as 1.44 µm, with a Q-factor of 27,900, near-unity emitter-waveguide coupling efficiencies and emission enhancements on the order of 1300 can be achieved. By tuning the ring geometry or introducing losses, we show that realistic emitter-ring systems can be made to be either weakly or strongly coupled, so that we can observe Rabi oscillations in the decay dynamics even for micron-sized rings. Moreover, we demonstrate that slot waveguide rings can be used to directionally couple emission, again with near-unity efficiency. Our results pave the way for integrated solid-state quantum circuits involving various emitters.

Sci Rep ; 7: 42307, 2017 02 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28195140


Multiexcitonic transitions and emission of several photons per excitation comprise a very attractive feature of semiconductor quantum dots for optoelectronics applications. However, these higher-order radiative processes are usually quenched in colloidal quantum dots by Auger and other nonradiative decay channels. To increase the multiexcitonic quantum efficiency, several groups have explored plasmonic enhancement, so far with moderate results. By controlled positioning of individual quantum dots in the near field of gold nanocone antennas, we enhance the radiative decay rates of monoexcitons and biexcitons by 109 and 100 folds at quantum efficiencies of 60 and 70%, respectively, in very good agreement with the outcome of numerical calculations. We discuss the implications of our work for future fundamental and applied research in nano-optics.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 18(29): 19588-94, 2016 Jul 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27327379


We perform high-resolution spectroscopy and localization microscopy to study single dye molecules confined to nanoscopic dimensions in one direction. We provide the fabrication details of our nanoscopic glass channels and the procedure for filling them with organic matrices. Optical data on hundreds of molecules in different channel depths show a clear trend from narrow stable lines in deep channels to broader linewidths in ultrathin matrices. In addition, we observe a steady blue shift of the center of the inhomogeneous band as the channels become thinner. Furthermore, we use super-resolution localization microscopy to correlate the positions and orientations of the individual dye molecules with the lateral landscape of the organic matrix, including cracks and strain-induced dislocations. Our results and methodology are useful for a number of studies in various fields such as physical chemistry, solid-state spectroscopy, and quantum nano-optics.

Nanotechnology ; 26(40): 404001, 2015 Oct 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26376922


Plasmonic antennas are attractive nanostructures for a large variety of studies ranging from fundamental aspects of light-matter interactions at the nanoscale to industry-relevant applications such as ultrasensitive sensing, enhanced absorption in solar cells or solar fuel generation. A particularly interesting feature of these antennas is that they can enhance the fluorescence properties of emitters. Theoretical calculations have shown that nanocone antennas provide ideal results, but a high degree of manufacturing precision and control is needed to reach optimal performance. In this study, we report on the fabrication of nanocones with base diameters and heights in the range of 100 nm with variable aspect ratios using focused ion beam milling of sputtered nano-crystalline gold layers. The controlled fabrication process allows us to obtain cones with tailored plasmon resonances. The measured plasmon spectra show very good agreement with finite-difference time-domain calculations. Theoretical investigations predict that these nanocones can enhance the spontaneous emission rate of a quantum emitter by several hundred times while keeping its quantum efficiency above 60%.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(21): 213601, 2014 Nov 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25479493


Many of the currently pursued experiments in quantum optics would greatly benefit from a strong interaction between light and matter. Here, we present a simple new scheme for the efficient coupling of single molecules and photons. A glass capillary with a diameter of 600 nm filled with an organic crystal tightly guides the excitation light and provides a maximum spontaneous emission coupling factor (ß) of 18% for the dye molecules doped in the organic crystal. A combination of extinction, fluorescence excitation, and resonance fluorescence spectroscopy with microscopy provides high-resolution spatiospectral access to a very large number of single molecules in a linear geometry. We discuss strategies for exploring a range of quantum-optical phenomena, including polaritonic interactions in a mesoscopic ensemble of molecules mediated by a single mode of propagating photons.

Adv Mater ; 26(13): 2052-8, 2014 Apr 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24347495


Covalent monolayer sheets in 2 hours: spreading of threefold anthracene-equipped shape-persistent and amphiphilic monomers at the air/water interface followed by a short photochemical treatment provides access to infinitely sized, strictly monolayered, covalent sheets with in-plane elastic modulus in the range of 19 N/m.

Nat Chem ; 4(4): 287-91, 2012 Feb 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22437713


Synthetic polymers are widely used materials, as attested by a production of more than 200 millions of tons per year, and are typically composed of linear repeat units. They may also be branched or irregularly crosslinked. Here, we introduce a two-dimensional polymer with internal periodicity composed of areal repeat units. This is an extension of Staudinger's polymerization concept (to form macromolecules by covalently linking repeat units together), but in two dimensions. A well-known example of such a two-dimensional polymer is graphene, but its thermolytic synthesis precludes molecular design on demand. Here, we have rationally synthesized an ordered, non-equilibrium two-dimensional polymer far beyond molecular dimensions. The procedure includes the crystallization of a specifically designed photoreactive monomer into a layered structure, a photo-polymerization step within the crystal and a solvent-induced delamination step that isolates individual two-dimensional polymers as free-standing, monolayered molecular sheets.

Polímeros/síntese química , Antracenos/química , Cristalização , Microscopia de Força Atômica , Polímeros/química , Solventes/química
Opt Lett ; 36(18): 3545-7, 2011 Sep 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21931385


In a previous paper [Nat. Photon. 5, 166 (2011)], we reported on a planar dielectric antenna that achieved 96% efficiency in collecting the photons emitted by a single molecule. In that work, the transition dipole moment of the molecule was set perpendicular to the antenna plane. Here, we present a theoretical extension of that scheme that reaches collection efficiencies beyond 99% for emitters with arbitrarily oriented dipole moments. Our work opens important doors in a wide range of contexts including quantum optics, quantum metrology, nanoanalytics, and biophysics. In particular, we provide antenna parameters to realize ultrabright single-photon sources in high-index materials such as semiconductor quantum dots and color centers in diamond, as well as sensitive detection of single molecules in nanofluidic devices.

Nano Lett ; 9(12): 4007-11, 2009 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19886647


Single gold nanoparticles can act as nanoantennas for enhancing the fluorescence of emitters in their near fields. Here we present experimental and theoretical studies of scanning antenna-based fluorescence microscopy as a function of the diameter of the gold nanoparticle. We examine the interplay between fluorescence enhancement and spatial resolution and discuss the requirements for deciphering single molecules in a dense sample. Resolutions better than 20 nm and fluorescence enhancement up to 30 times are demonstrated experimentally. By accounting for the tip shaft and the sample interface in finite-difference time-domain calculations, we explain why the measured fluorescence enhancements are higher in the presence of an interface than the values predicted for a homogeneous environment.

Meios de Contraste/química , Ouro/química , Aumento da Imagem/métodos , Interpretação de Imagem Assistida por Computador/métodos , Microscopia de Fluorescência/métodos , Modelos Químicos , Nanoestruturas/química , Simulação por Computador , Nanoestruturas/ultraestrutura , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Sensibilidade e Especificidade
Opt Express ; 17(8): 5953-64, 2009 Apr 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19365414


We demonstrate the suitability of microcavities based on circular grating resonators (CGRs) as fast switches. This type of optical resonator is characterized by a high quality factor and very small mode volume. The waveguide-coupled CGRs are fabricated with silicon-on-insulator technology compatible with standard complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) processing. The linear optical properties of the CGRs are investigated by transmission spectroscopy. From 3D finite-difference time-domain simulations of isolated CGRs, we identify the measured resonances. We probe the spatial distribution and the parasitic losses of a resonant optical mode with scanning near-field optical microscopy. We observe fast all-optical switching within a few picoseconds by optically generating free charge carriers within the cavity.

Refratometria/instrumentação , Processamento de Sinais Assistido por Computador/instrumentação , Transdutores , Desenho de Equipamento , Análise de Falha de Equipamento , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Sensibilidade e Especificidade