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Front Cell Neurosci ; 17: 1287089, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38026689


While there is a growing appreciation of three-dimensional (3D) neural tissues (i.e., hydrogel-based, organoids, and spheroids), shown to improve cellular health and network activity to mirror brain-like activity in vivo, functional assessment using current electrophysiology techniques (e.g., planar multi-electrode arrays or patch clamp) has been technically challenging and limited to surface measurements at the bottom or top of the 3D tissue. As next-generation MEAs, specifically 3D MEAs, are being developed to increase the spatial precision across all three dimensions (X, Y, Z), development of improved computational analytical tools to discern region-specific changes within the Z dimension of the 3D tissue is needed. In the present study, we introduce a novel computational analytical pipeline to analyze 3D neural network activity recorded from a "bottom-up" 3D MEA integrated with a 3D hydrogel-based tissue containing human iPSC-derived neurons and primary astrocytes. Over a period of ~6.5 weeks, we describe the development and maturation of 3D neural activity (i.e., features of spiking and bursting activity) within cross sections of the 3D tissue, based on the vertical position of the electrode on the 3D MEA probe, in addition to network activity (identified using synchrony analysis) within and between cross sections. Then, using the sequential addition of postsynaptic receptor antagonists, bicuculline (BIC), 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (AP-5), and 6-cyano-5-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX), we demonstrate that networks within and between cross sections of the 3D hydrogel-based tissue show a preference for GABA and/or glutamate synaptic transmission, suggesting differences in the network composition throughout the neural tissue. The ability to monitor the functional dynamics of the entire 3D reconstructed neural tissue is a critical bottleneck; here we demonstrate a computational pipeline that can be implemented in studies to better interpret network activity within an engineered 3D neural tissue and have a better understanding of the modeled organ tissue.

Heliyon ; 9(3): e13913, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36967881


Analysis of the dynamics of complex networks can provide valuable information. For example, the dynamics can be used to characterize and differentiate between different network inputs and configurations. However, without quantitatively delineating the network's dynamic regimes, analysis of the network's dynamics is based on heuristics and qualitative signatures of transient or steady-state regimes. This is not ideal because interesting phenomena can occur during the transient regime, steady-state regime, or at the transition between the two dynamic regimes. Moreover, for simulated and observed systems, precise knowledge of the network's dynamical regime is imperative when considering metrics on minimal mathematical descriptions of the dynamics, otherwise either too much or too little data is analyzed. Here, we develop quantitative methods to ascertain the starting point and period of steady-state network activity. Using the precise knowledge of the network's dynamic regimes, we build minimal representations of the network dynamics that form the basis for future work. We show applications of our techniques on idealized signals and on the dynamics of a biologically inspired spiking neural network.

Front Artif Intell ; 4: 618372, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33748747


Although a number of studies have explored deep learning in neuroscience, the application of these algorithms to neural systems on a microscopic scale, i.e. parameters relevant to lower scales of organization, remains relatively novel. Motivated by advances in whole-brain imaging, we examined the performance of deep learning models on microscopic neural dynamics and resulting emergent behaviors using calcium imaging data from the nematode C. elegans. As one of the only species for which neuron-level dynamics can be recorded, C. elegans serves as the ideal organism for designing and testing models bridging recent advances in deep learning and established concepts in neuroscience. We show that neural networks perform remarkably well on both neuron-level dynamics prediction and behavioral state classification. In addition, we compared the performance of structure agnostic neural networks and graph neural networks to investigate if graph structure can be exploited as a favourable inductive bias. To perform this experiment, we designed a graph neural network which explicitly infers relations between neurons from neural activity and leverages the inferred graph structure during computations. In our experiments, we found that graph neural networks generally outperformed structure agnostic models and excel in generalization on unseen organisms, implying a potential path to generalizable machine learning in neuroscience.

Front Syst Neurosci ; 15: 564124, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33767613


Understanding how the structural connectivity and spatial geometry of a network constrains the dynamics it is able to support is an active and open area of research. We simulated the plausible dynamics resulting from the known C. elegans connectome using a recent model and theoretical analysis that computes the dynamics of neurobiological networks by focusing on how local interactions among connected neurons give rise to the global dynamics in an emergent way. We studied the dynamics which resulted from stimulating a chemosensory neuron (ASEL) in a known feeding circuit, both in isolation and embedded in the full connectome. We show that contralateral motorneuron activations in ventral (VB) and dorsal (DB) classes of motorneurons emerged from the simulations, which are qualitatively similar to rhythmic motorneuron firing pattern associated with locomotion of the worm. One interpretation of these results is that there is an inherent-and we propose-purposeful structural wiring to the C. elegans connectome that has evolved to serve specific behavioral functions. To study network signaling pathways responsible for the dynamics we developed an analytic framework that constructs Temporal Sequences (TSeq), time-ordered walks of signals on graphs. We found that only 5% of TSeq are preserved between the isolated feeding network relative to its embedded counterpart. The remaining 95% of signaling pathways computed in the isolated network are not present in the embedded network. This suggests a cautionary note for computational studies of isolated neurobiological circuits and networks.