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Opt Express ; 31(18): 29107-29118, 2023 Aug 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37710717


The attenuation coefficient of natural waters plays a significant role in our understanding of hydrology from both the oceanographic and biological point of view. The advent of near-continuous observations by sophisticated space-based lidars now offers an unprecedented opportunity to characterize attenuation coefficients over open oceans on global and regional scales. At present, however, literature reports of lidar-derived attenuation coefficient estimates (klidar, m-1) in oceanic waters are very limited. In this study, we present a global survey of klidar derived from ATLAS/ICESat-2 nighttime measurements. Our results augment the existing passive sensor ocean color data set with a new diurnal component and extend the record to now include previously unavailable polar nighttime observations. The values of ATLAS measured klidar at 532 nm are between 0.045 and 0.39 m-1 with the higher values (>0.15 m-1) correlated with coastal waters and sea ice covered oceans. The average klidar in clearest oligotrophic ocean gyres is ∼0.058 ± 0.012 m-1 at 532 nm. The results reported here demonstrate the feasibility of using ATLAS/ICESat-2 lidar measurements for global klidar studies, which will in turn provide critical insights that enable climate models to correctly describe the amount of light present under sea ice, and for heat deposition studies in the upper ocean.

Opt Express ; 30(20): 36509-36525, 2022 Sep 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36258578


In shallow nearshore waters, seafloor heights and properties can be accurately measured by the current generation of space-based elastic backscatter lidars: CALIOP, flying aboard the CALIPSO satellite and ATLAS aboard ICESat-2. CALIOP's 532 nm volume depolarization ratios, together with the ratios of the attenuated backscatter coefficients measured at 532 nm and 1064 nm, can efficiently distinguish optically shallow waters from nearby land surfaces and deep oceans. ATLAS's high vertical resolution photon measurements can accurately determine seafloor depths in shallow water bodies, characterize seafloor reflectance, and provide assessments of ocean biomass concentrations in the intervening water column. By adding bathymetry, seafloor optical properties (e.g., reflectance, depolarization ratio and attenuated backscatter), and nighttime observations, space lidar measurements obtained in nearshore waters can provide a wealth of unique information to complement existing satellite-based ocean color remote sensing capabilities. The results reported here demonstrate the feasibility of using satellite lidars for nearshore seafloor ecosystem analyses, which in turn provide critical insights for studies of coastal navigation and seabed topography changes due to disasters, as well as the temporal and spatial morphological evolution of coastal systems.

Atmos Meas Tech ; 11(3): 1459-1479, 2018 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33479568


Data products from the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) on board Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) were recently updated following the implementation of new (version 4) calibration algorithms for all of the level 1 attenuated backscatter measurements. In this work we present the motivation for and the implementation of the version 4 nighttime 532 nm parallel channel calibration. The nighttime 532 nm calibration is the most fundamental calibration of CALIOP data, since all of CALIOP's other radiometric calibration procedures - i.e., the 532 nm daytime calibration and the 1064 nm calibrations during both nighttime and daytime - depend either directly or indirectly on the 532 nm nighttime calibration. The accuracy of the 532 nm nighttime calibration has been significantly improved by raising the molecular normalization altitude from 30-34 km to 36-39 km to substantially reduce stratospheric aerosol contamination. Due to the greatly reduced molecular number density and consequently reduced signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at these higher altitudes, the signal is now averaged over a larger number of samples using data from multiple adjacent granules. As well, an enhanced strategy for filtering the radiation-induced noise from high energy particles was adopted. Further, the meteorological model used in the earlier versions has been replaced by the improved MERRA-2 model. An aerosol scattering ratio of 1.01 ± 0.01 is now explicitly used for the calibration altitude. These modifications lead to globally revised calibration coefficients which are, on average, 2-3% lower than in previous data releases. Further, the new calibration procedure is shown to eliminate biases at high altitudes that were present in earlier versions and consequently leads to an improved representation of stratospheric aerosols. Validation results using airborne lidar measurements are also presented. Biases relative to collocated measurements acquired by the Langley Research Center (LaRC) airborne high spectral resolution lidar (HSRL) are reduced from 3.6% ± 2.2% in the version 3 data set to 1.6% ± 2.4 % in the version 4 release.

Atmos Meas Tech ; 11(7): 4129-4152, 2018 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33510819


The CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations) level 3 aerosol profile product reports globally gridded, quality-screened, monthly mean aerosol extinction profiles retrieved by CALIOP (the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization). This paper describes the quality screening and averaging methods used to generate the version 3 product. The fundamental input data are CALIOP level 2 aerosol extinction profiles and layer classification information (aerosol, cloud, and clear-air). Prior to aggregation, the extinction profiles are quality-screened by a series of filters to reduce the impact of layer detection errors, layer classification errors, extinction retrieval errors, and biases due to an intermittent signal anomaly at the surface. The relative influence of these filters are compared in terms of sample rejection frequency, mean extinction, and mean aerosol optical depth (AOD). The "extinction QC flag" filter is the most influential in preventing high-biases in level 3 mean extinction, while the "misclassified cirrus fringe" filter is most aggressive at rejecting cirrus misclassified as aerosol. The impact of quality screening on monthly mean aerosol extinction is investigated globally and regionally. After applying quality filters, the level 3 algorithm calculates monthly mean AOD by vertically integrating the monthly mean quality-screened aerosol extinction profile. Calculating monthly mean AOD by integrating the monthly mean extinction profile prevents a low bias that would result from alternately integrating the set of extinction profiles first and then averaging the resultant AOD values together. Ultimately, the quality filters reduce level 3 mean AOD by -24 and -31% for global ocean and global land, respectively, indicating the importance of quality screening.

Opt Express ; 24(25): 29001-29008, 2016 Dec 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27958565


A new approach has been proposed to determine ocean subsurface particulate backscattering coefficient bbp from CALIOP 30° off-nadir lidar measurements. The new method also provides estimates of the particle volume scattering function at the 180° scattering angle. The CALIOP based layer-integrated lidar backscatter and particulate backscattering coefficients are compared with the results obtained from MODIS ocean color measurements. The comparison analysis shows that ocean subsurface lidar backscatter and particulate backscattering coefficient bbp can be accurately obtained from CALIOP lidar measurements, thereby supporting the use of space-borne lidar measurements for ocean subsurface studies.