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Front Vet Sci ; 9: 949410, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36118338


Aortic insufficiency caused by paravalvular leakage (PVL) is one of the most feared complications following transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVI) in patients. Domestic pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) are a popular large animal model to study such conditions and develop novel diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. However, the models based on prosthetic valve implantation are time intensive, costly, and often hamper further hemodynamic measurements such as PV loop and 4D MRI flow by causing implantation-related wall motion abnormalities and degradation of MR image quality. This study describes in detail, the establishment of a minimally invasive porcine model suitable to study the effects of mild-to-moderate "paravalvular" aortic regurgitation on left ventricular (LV) performance and blood flow patterns, particularly under the influence of altered afterload, preload, inotropic state, and heart rate. Six domestic pigs (Swiss large white, female, 60-70 kg of body weight) were used to establish this model. The defects on the hinge point of aortic leaflets and annulus were created percutaneously by the pierce-and-dilate technique either in the right coronary cusp (RCC) or in the non-coronary cusp (NCC). The hemodynamic changes as well as LV performance were recorded by PV loop measurements, while blood flow patterns were assessed by 4D MRI. LV performance was additionally challenged by pharmaceutically altering cardiac inotropy, chronotropy, and afterload. The presented work aims to elaborate the dos and don'ts in porcine models of aortic insufficiency and intends to steepen the learning curve for researchers planning to use this or similar models by giving valuable insights ranging from animal selection to vascular access choices, placement of PV Loop catheter, improvement of PV loop data acquisition and post-processing and finally the induction of paravalvular regurgitation of the aortic valve by a standardized and reproducible balloon induced defect in a precisely targeted region of the aortic valve.

Front Vet Sci ; 8: 790019, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34938797


Domestic pigs are widely used in cardiovascular research as the porcine circulatory system bears a remarkable resemblance to that of humans. In order to reduce variability, only clinically healthy animals enter the study as their health status is assessed in entry examination. Like humans, pigs can also suffer from congenital heart disease, such as an atrial septal defect (ASD), which often remains undetected. Due to the malformation of the endocardial cushion during organ development, mitral valve defects (e.g., mitral clefts) are sometimes associated with ASDs, further contributing to hemodynamic instability. In this work, we report an incidental finding of a hemodynamically highly relevant ASD in the presence of incompetent mitral and tricuspid valves, in an asymptomatic, otherwise healthy juvenile pig. In-depth characterization of the cardiac blood flow by four-dimensional (4D) flow magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a prominent diastolic left-to-right and discrete systolic right-to-left shunt, resulting in a pulmonary-to-systemic flow ratio of 1.8. Severe mitral (15 mL/stroke) and tricuspid (22 mL/stroke) regurgitation further reduced cardiac output. Pathological examination confirmed the presence of an ostium primum ASD and found a serous cyst of lymphatic origin that was filled with clear fluid partially occluding the ASD. A large mitral cleft was identified as the most likely cause of severe regurgitation, and histology showed mild to moderate endocardiosis in the coaptation area of both atrio-ventricular valves. In summary, although not common, congenital heart defects could play a role as a cause of experimental variability or even intra-experimental mortality when working with apparently heathy, juvenile pigs.

Front Cardiovasc Med ; 8: 711099, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34434980


Objectives: Paravalvular leakage (PVL) and eccentric aortic regurgitation remain a major clinical concern in patients receiving transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), and regurgitant volume remains the main readout parameter in clinical assessment. In this work we investigate the effect of jet origin and trajectory of mild aortic regurgitation on left ventricular hemodynamics in a porcine model. Methods: A pig model of mild aortic regurgitation/PVL was established by transcatheter piercing and dilating the non-coronary (NCC) or right coronary cusp (RCC) of the aortic valve close to the valve annulus. The interaction between regurgitant blood and LV hemodynamics was assessed by 4D flow cardiovascular MRI. Results: Six RCC, six NCC, and two control animals were included in the study and with one dropout in the NCC group, the success rate of model creation was 93%. Regurgitant jets originating from NCC were directed along the ventricular side of the anterior mitral leaflet and integrated well into the diastolic vortex forming in the left ventricular outflow tract. However, jets from the RCC were orientated along the septum colliding with flow within the vortex, and progressing down to the apex. As a consequence, the presence as well as the area of the vortex was reduced at the site of impact compared to the NCC group. Impairment of vortex formation was localized to the area of impact and not the entire vortex ring. Blood from the NCC jet was largely ejected during the following systole, whereas ejection of large portion of RCC blood was protracted. Conclusions: Even for mild regurgitation, origin and trajectory of the regurgitant jet does cause a different effect on LV hemodynamics. Septaly oriented jets originating from RCC collide with the diastolic vortex, reduce its size, and reach the apical region of the left ventricle where blood resides extendedly. Hence, RCC jets display hemodynamic features which may have a potential negative impact on the long-term burden to the heart.