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Heliyon ; 10(2): e24663, 2024 Jan 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38298644


Groundwater in karst aquifers is frequently tapped for drinking purposes, due to frequent huge volumes of resources. Unfortunately, vulnerability of these aquifers can be high, due to possible fast transfer of recharge water on springs by the karst network. On Gran Sasso Mountain regional aquifer, several springs are subjected to drinking withdrawal and an updated evaluation of their potential is now a fundamental issue to be considered, facing climate change effects, which reflect on variation of discharge regimen and values. To distinguish between different contribution of spring recharge, a tracer test has been carried out on the Vitella d'Oro spring, fed both by the regional aquifer and by a local system exposed to karst features developed in the Rigopiano Conglomerates formation. Thanks to hydrogeological, hydrogeochemical and isotopic data, a conceptual model of spring recharge has been proposed and subsequently validated by the tracer test results. All information confirms the superimposition on the regional base flow, by a relevant contribution of the karst network, influencing the spring discharge in recharge periods. In detail, a fast flow component is responsible for discharge peaks and frequently of turbidity events, having a mean velocity ranging from 30 to 70 m/h in the aquifer. Besides of this fast flow, an additional aliquot of the recharge is due to the same local aquifer, but slower flow clearly identifiable by hydrochemistry and isotopic data. Thanks to these findings, a renewed management of the spring has been suggested, considering the different degrees of aquifer vulnerability (turbidity occurrence) directly related to the discharge regimen.

Sci Total Environ ; 583: 202-213, 2017 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28104328


Water supply in developing countries is prone to large water losses due to leaky distribution networks and defective sewers, which may affect groundwater quality and quantity in urban areas and result in complex subsurface mixing dynamics. In this study, a multi-stable isotope approach was used to investigate spatiotemporal fluctuations of surface and sub-surface water source partitioning and mixing, and to assess nitrogen (N) contamination in the urban water cycle of As-Salt, Jordan. Water import from the King Abdullah Canal (KAC), mains waters from the network, and wastewater are characterized by distinct isotopic signatures, which allowed us to quantify city effluents into the groundwater. Temporal variations in isotopic signatures of polluted groundwater are explained by seasonally fluctuating inflow, and dilution by water that originates from Lake Tiberias and enters the urban water cycle via the KAC. Isotopic analysis (N and O) and comparison between groundwater nitrate and nitrate from mains water, water imports and wastewater confirmed that septic waste from leaky sewers is the main contributor of nitrate contamination. The nitrate of strongly contaminated groundwater was characterized by highest δ15NNO3 values (13.3±1.8‰), whereas lowest δ15NNO3 values were measured in unpolluted groundwater (6.9‰). Analogously, nitrate concentration and isotopic ratios were used for source partitioning and qualitatively confirmed δDH2O and δ18OH2O-based estimates. Dual water isotope endmember mixing calculations suggest that city effluents from leaky networks and sewers contribute 30-64% to the heavily polluted groundwater. Ternary mixing calculations including also chloride revealed that 5-18% of the polluted groundwater is wastewater. Up to two thirds of the groundwater originates from mains, indicating excessive water loss from the network, and calling for improved water supply management.