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F1000Res ; 10: 399, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34868555


Background: COVID-19 has shaken countries at all levels, putting public health at risk. Global efforts have allocated funding for the development of research for the development of vaccines, digital tools, epidemiologic, social, and economic studies. Although these efforts have been developed worldwide, not all countries have prioritized the same topics, and may have a different impact on solving problems and containing the spread of COVID-19. Methods: A descriptive study was conducted with secondary data of "Special Projects COVID-19" in order to analyze the prioritization of proposals and projects to Peruvian needs in the face of pandemic. Two calls were made by the Peruvian research council (CONCyTec); the first with five areas and second with seven. The global amounts financed by each call were 342,857 USD (1,200,000 soles) and 700,000 USD (1,750,000 soles), respectively. Results: A total of 1,101 research projects were presented, 600 (54.5%) in the first call. In this call, 176 (29.3%) projects were from the technological development and innovation and 29 were winners (with a global budget of 1,711,907.25 USD /6,077,270.75 soles). In the second call, 120 (23.9%) projects were from the area of Social and economic research and 21 were winners (global budget of 1,284,002.25 USD/558,208.55 soles) (p=0.043). The largest proportion of winning projects in both calls was 12 (41.4%) in Technological developments and innovation, then five (17.2%) each in telehealth and mobile health, and epidemiological and social studies. Across both calls, 214 (55.8%) and 160 (51.9%) projects were of private organizations and universities, respectively. Conclusions: This research shows ~2% of rapid response "Special Projects COVID-19" were financed by the CONCyTec call with over a million dollars of funds. Although the main topics were technological innovation, detection systems, and vaccines, these priorities have not had a global impact on the epidemiological development of the pandemic in Peru.

COVID-19 , Pandemias , Humanos , Pandemias/prevenção & controle , Peru/epidemiologia , Saúde Pública , SARS-CoV-2
F1000Res ; 10: 287, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34211702


Background: In the midst of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, there are many ways to communicate hygiene measures, such as memes and stickers that are widely used on social networks. We carried out a systematic review in order to determine the impact of stickers and memes as tools to face the COVID-19 pandemic, following the PRISMA guide. Methods: The search was carried out in scientific databases (MEDLINE / PubMed, ScientiDirect, Scielo, LILACS, and Latindex), and in public pre-publication servers (bioRxiv, SocArXiv, medRxiv and Preprints). The publications were identified using the terms (((meme) OR (sticker)) AND ((COVID-19) OR (SARS-COV-2)) AND (WhatsApp)) and the corresponding translations for Spanish and Portuguese. Results: In the initial search, 8434 studies were obtained, 7749 in Preprints, 446 in SocArXiv, 145 in ScientDirect, 82 in medRxiv, and 12 in PubMed. No studies were found in LILACS, Latindex, Scielo, or bioRxiv. Of the 51 studies included as eligible, all were eliminated for not meeting the study inclusion criteria. The majority (40 studies) were eliminated as studies were publications related to the social aspects related to COVID-19, but did not develop an analysis of stickers or memes. Conclusions: No studies were identified that met the inclusion criteria related to the role of stickers and memes as tools to face the COVID-19 pandemic. More studies are needed to estimate its role as a means of communication in health.

COVID-19 , Pandemias , Humanos , Pandemias/prevenção & controle , PubMed , SARS-CoV-2
Rev. med. cine ; 17(2)6 May. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-228652


Existe una remarcada actividad del cine dentro de los procesos de formación médica promoviendo el desarrollo de múltiples habilidades inherentes. En este estudio, presentamos una propuesta de terapéutica fílmica en el contexto complementario de la asistencia médica actual. Revisamos series de antaño, emitidas alrededor de los 70`s, que constan de capítulos cortos (~25 minutos). Series como Candy Candy, Marco, o Heidi, tienen marcadas diferencias de las series contemporáneas, y el potencial de ser instrumentos terapéuticos en sí mismos debido a: i) presentar personajes concretos (un niño o una niña en particular, en un contexto específico), ii) la existencia de un relato argumentativo (que se sigue capítulo a capítulo, lo cual obliga a que el niño o niña recree longitudinalmente una historia), iii) el abordaje de problemas existenciales (la vida de los personajes los obligan a vivir situaciones límite, usualmente ligados a las condiciones históricas de su tiempo); y iv) la vivencia de experiencias de orden moral (que suponen una discusión sobre lo bueno y lo malo). Estos podrían vincular al niño y el padre, ya que cada capítulo representa una actividad de la vida diaria, eximiendo a estos de la transmisión masiva de series sin contenidos educativos (terapéuticos). (AU)

There is a notable activity of the cinema within the medical training processes promoting the development of multiple inherent skills. In this study, we present a proposal for film therapy in the complementary context of current medical care. We review series of aforetime, broadcast around the 70`s, consisting of short chapters (~25 minutes). Series like Candy Candy, Marco, or Heidi, have marked differences from modern series, and the potential to be therapeutic instruments in themselves due to: i) presenting specific characters (a boy or a girl in particular, in a specific context) , ii) the existence of an argumentative story (which is followed chapter by chapter, which forces the child to recreate a story longitudinally), iii) the approach to existential problems (the lives of the characters force them to live limit situations, usually linked to the historical conditions of their time); and iv) the experience of experiences of a moral nature (involving a discussion of good and bad). These could link the child and the father, since each chapter represents an activity of daily life, exempting them from the mass transmission of series without educational (therapeutic) content. (AU)

Humanos , Terapias Complementares , Filmes Cinematográficos , Neurologia , Relações Pais-Filho
Rev. med. cine ; 16(3): 175-183, sept. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-197480


Se plantea la respuesta a una pregunta que hasta el día de hoy es muy discutible, ¿hay vida luego de la muerte? En este documento daremos una respuesta desde la perspectiva de la Teoría Sociobiológica Informacional. Para esto precisamos momentos exactos de la película Coco (2017), en el cual gracias al cine se puede dar aplicación a esta teoría, cabe indicar primero que en la película hay dos aspectos de un mismo lado. Una vida como información social y una vida como sistema psíquico consciente, entonces el momento clave que nos sirve como ejemplo para explicar este fenómeno es cuando el personaje «Chicharrón» desaparece del mundo de los muertos cuando nadie en el mundo real lo recuerda, sin embargo cuando la anciana «Coco» recuerda a su padre fallecido «Héctor», este logra revivir informacionalmente. A su vez también señalamos y felicitamos la buena calidad gráfica en los detalles que caracterizan la animación. En síntesis, vamos a decir que, en efecto, sí, existe la vida (informacionalmente hablando) después de la muerte. Y esto porque cuando aparecemos en el mundo empezamos a vivir como información social, entonces nacemos, y nuestra vida como información social crece en complejidad creciente

We propose the answer to a question that until today is very questionable, is there life after death? In this document we will give an answer from the perspective of the Sociobiological Informational Theory. For this we need exact moments of the movie Coco (2017), in which this theory can be applied, thanks to the cinema. It should be noted first that in the film there are two aspects of the same side. A life as social information and a life as a conscious-psy- chic system, then the key moment that serves as an example to explain this phenomenon is when the character «Chicharrón» disappears from the world of the dead when no one in the real world remembers. However, when the old «Coco» remembers her deceased father «Hector», he manages to revive informationally. At the same time, we also indicate and congratulate the upright graphic quality in the details that characterize the animation. In short, we are going to say that, indeed, yes, there is life (informationally speaking) after death. And this because when we appear in the world we begin to live as social information, then we are born, and our life as social information grows in increasing complexity

Filmes Cinematográficos , Morte , 51835 , Comportamento Social , Sociobiologia , Ciência nas Artes , Consciência
Educ. med. super ; 34(2): e1880, abr.-jun. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1124673


He leído con interés el artículo "Reacciones físicas y psicológicas de los estudiantes de medicina ante la disección cadavérica en el curso de Anatomía Humana de una universidad peruana" de Paredes Orué y otros, publicado en esta revista.1) Coincido con los objetivos del estudio, que evalúa las reacciones físicas y psicológicas que afectan a los estudiantes de medicina humana ante la disección de cadáveres. Sus autores tienen el mérito de evidenciar las mínimas o "nulas" reacciones que puede tener un estudiante ante dicha actividad en el Perú; sin embargo, considero los siguientes puntos como discutibles a priori(AU)

Humanos , Estudantes de Medicina , Sistema Único de Saúde , Dissecação , Objetivos