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Nano Lett ; 24(15): 4595-4601, 2024 Apr 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38574276


The concepts of topology provide a powerful tool to tailor the propagation and localization of the waves. While electrons have only two available spin states, engineered degeneracies of photonic modes provide novel opportunities resembling spin degrees of freedom in condensed matter. Here, we tailor such degeneracies for the array of femtosecond laser written waveguides in the optical range exploiting the idea of photonic molecules: clusters of strongly coupled waveguides. In our experiments, we observe unconventional topological modes protected by the Z3 invariant arising due to the interplay of interorbital coupling and geometric dimerization mechanism. We track multiple topological transitions in the system with the change in the lattice spacings and excitation wavelength. This strategy opens an avenue for designing novel types of photonic topological phases and states.

Nano Lett ; 23(6): 2094-2099, 2023 Mar 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36897096


Topological photonics holds the promise for enhanced robustness of light localization and propagation enabled by the global symmetries of the system. While traditional designs of topological structures rely on lattice symmetries, there is an alternative strategy based on accidentally degenerate modes of the individual meta-atoms. Using this concept, we experimentally realize topological edge state in an array of silicon nanostructured waveguides, each hosting a pair of degenerate modes at telecom wavelengths. Exploiting the hybrid nature of the topological mode, we implement its coherent control by adjusting the phase between the degenerate modes and demonstrating selective excitation of bulk or edge states. The resulting field distribution is imaged via third harmonic generation showing the localization of topological modes as a function of the relative phase of the excitations. Our results highlight the impact of engineered accidental degeneracies on the formation of topological phases, extending the opportunities stemming from topological nanophotonic systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(21): 213903, 2022 May 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35687448


Topological phases open a door to such intriguing phenomena as unidirectional propagation and disorder-resilient localization at a stable frequency. Recently discovered higher-order topological phases further extend the concept of topological protection enabling versatile control over localization in multiple dimensions. Motivated by the recent advances in quantum technologies such as large coherently operating qubit ensembles, we predict and investigate the higher-order topological phase of photon pairs emerging due to effective photon-photon interaction and described by the extended version of Bose-Hubbard model. Being feasible for state-of-the-art experimental capabilities, the designed model provides an interesting example of interaction-induced topological transitions in the few-particle two-dimensional system.

Opt Lett ; 46(11): 2726-2729, 2021 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34061098


Topological protection of quantum correlations opens new horizons and opportunities in quantum technologies. A variety of topological effects has recently been observed in qubit networks. However, the experimental identification of the topological phase still remains challenging, especially in the entangled many-body case. Here, we propose an approach to independently probe single- and two-photon topological invariants from the time evolution of the two-photon state in a one-dimensional array of qubits. Extending the bulk-boundary correspondence to the two-photon scenario, we show that an appropriate choice of the initial state enables the retrieval of the topological invariant for the different types of the two-photon states in the interacting Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model. Our analysis of the Zak phase reveals additional facets of topological protection in the case of collapse of bound photon pairs.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 1436, 2020 Mar 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32188844


Topological physics opens up a plethora of exciting phenomena allowing to engineer disorder-robust unidirectional flows of light. Recent advances in topological protection of electromagnetic waves suggest that even richer functionalities can be achieved by realizing topological states of quantum light. This area, however, remains largely uncharted due to the number of experimental challenges. Here, we take an alternative route and design a classical structure based on topolectrical circuits which serves as a simulator of a quantum-optical one-dimensional system featuring the topological state of two photons induced by the effective photon-photon interaction. Employing the correspondence between the eigenstates of the original problem and circuit modes, we use the designed simulator to extract the frequencies of bulk and edge two-photon bound states and evaluate the topological invariant directly from the measurements. Furthermore, we perform a reconstruction of the two-photon probability distribution for the topological state associated with one of the circuit eigenmodes.

Opt Lett ; 44(7): 1694-1697, 2019 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30933124


Coupling of electric and magnetic responses of a scatterer, known as bianisotropy, enables rich physics and unique optical phenomena, including asymmetric absorption or reflection, one-way transparency, and photonic topological phases. Here we demonstrate yet another feature stemming from bianisotropic response, namely, polarization-dependent scattering of light by bianisotropic dielectric meta-atom with broken mirror symmetry, which yields a photonic analogue of spin Hall effect. Based on a simple dipole model, we explain the origin of the effect confirming our conclusions by experimental observation of photonic spin Hall effect both for a single meta-atom and for an array of them.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 909, 2018 03 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29500466


Topological phase transitions in condensed matter systems give rise to exotic states of matter such as topological insulators, superconductors, and superfluids. Photonic topological systems open a whole new realm of research and technological opportunities, exhibiting a number of important distinctions from their condensed matter counterparts. Photonic modes can leak into free space, which makes it possible to probe topological photonic phases by spectroscopic means via Fano resonances. Based on this idea, we develop a technique to retrieve the topological properties of all-dielectric metasurfaces from the measured far-field scattering characteristics. Collected angle-resolved spectra provide the momentum-dependent frequencies and lifetimes of the photonic modes that enable the retrieval of the effective Hamiltonian and extraction of the topological invariant. Our results demonstrate how the topological states of open non-Hermitian systems can be explored via far-field measurements, thus paving a way to the design of metasurfaces with unique scattering characteristics controlled via topological effects.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(18): 180401, 2017 May 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28524676


Optical and acoustic tractor beams are currently the focus of intense research due to their counterintuitive property of exerting a pulling force on small scattering objects. In this Letter we propose a matter-wave tractor beam and utilize the de Broglie waves of nonrelativistic matter particles in analogy to "classical" tractor beams. We reveal the presence of the quantum-mechanical pulling force for the variety of quantum mechanical potentials observing the resonant enhancement of the pulling effect under the conditions of the suppressed scattering known as the Ramsauer-Townsend effect. We also derive the sufficient conditions on the scattering potential for the emergence of the pulling force and show that, in particular, a Coulomb scatterer is always shoved, while a Yukawa (screened Coulomb) scatterer can be drawn. Pulling forces in optics, acoustics, quantum mechanics, and classical mechanics are compared, and the matter-wave pulling force is found to have exclusive properties of dragging slow particles in short-range potentials. We envisage that the use of tractor beams could lead to the unprecedented precision in manipulation with atomic-scale quantum objects.