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Rev Sci Instrum ; 94(3): 034705, 2023 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37012769


We present a home-built chirped-pulse Fourier transform millimeter wave (CP-FTMMW) spectrometer. The setup is devoted to the sensitive recording of high-resolution molecular spectroscopy in the W band between 75 and 110 GHz. We describe the experimental setup in detail, including a characterization of the chirp excitation source, the optical beam path, and the receiver. The receiver is a further development of our 100 GHz emission spectrometer. The spectrometer is equipped with a pulsed jet expansion and a DC discharge. Spectra of methyl cyanide as well as hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and hydrogen isocyanide (HNC) products from the DC discharge of this molecule are recorded to characterize the performance of the CP-FTMMW instrument. The formation of the HCN isomer is favored by a factor of 63 with respect to HNC. Hot/cold calibration measurements enable a direct comparison of the signal and noise levels of the CP-FTMMW spectra to those of the emission spectrometer. For the CP-FTMMW instrument, we find many orders of magnitude of signal enhancement and a much stronger noise reduction due to the coherent detection scheme.

Nature ; 565(7741): 618-621, 2019 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30617315


Massive stars inject mechanical and radiative energy into the surrounding environment, which stirs it up, heats the gas, produces cloud and intercloud phases in the interstellar medium, and disrupts molecular clouds (the birth sites of new stars1,2). Stellar winds, supernova explosions and ionization by ultraviolet photons control the lifetimes of molecular clouds3-7. Theoretical studies predict that momentum injection by radiation should dominate that by stellar winds8, but this has been difficult to assess observationally. Velocity-resolved large-scale images in the fine-structure line of ionized carbon ([C II]) provide an observational diagnostic for the radiative energy input and the dynamics of the interstellar medium around massive stars. Here we report observations of a one-square-degree region (about 7 parsecs in diameter) of Orion molecular core 1-the region nearest to Earth that exhibits massive-star formation-at a resolution of 16 arcseconds (0.03 parsecs) in the [C II] line at 1.9 terahertz (158 micrometres). The results reveal that the stellar wind originating from the massive star θ1 Orionis C has swept up the surrounding material to create a 'bubble' roughly four parsecs in diameter with a 2,600-solar-mass shell, which is expanding at 13 kilometres per second. This finding demonstrates that the mechanical energy from the stellar wind is converted very efficiently into kinetic energy of the shell and causes more disruption of the Orion molecular core 1 than do photo-ionization and evaporation or future supernova explosions.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 20(8): 5530-5544, 2018 Feb 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29168510


We present first results on a newly built broadband emission spectrometer for the laboratory making use of a double sideband (DSB) heterodyne receiver. The new spectrometer is perfectly suited for high-resolution emission spectroscopy of molecules of astrophysical importance. The current SIS receiver operates at RF frequencies between 270 and 390 GHz, coincident with Band 7 of the ALMA telescope. The instantaneous bandwidth is 5 GHz (DSB). In this work the full spectrometer and its components are described. Its performance, in particular its sensitivity, stability, reproducibility and systematic errors, is characterized in detail. For this purpose very broad band emission spectra of methyl cyanide have been recorded and compared to theoretical spectra. Isotopic variants are found in natural abundance and features attributed to vibrationally excited species are all recorded in the same spectrum. The performance of the new spectrometer is compared extensively to that of a traditional FM-absorption spectrometer and to recent versions of chirped-pulse spectrometers operated in the mm-wave regime. Further applications and future advancements of the current instrument are discussed.

Opt Express ; 17(3): 1159-68, 2009 Feb 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19188942


We demonstrate for the first time the closure of an electronic phase lock loop for a continuous-wave quantum cascade laser (QCL) at 1.5 THz. The QCL is operated in a closed cycle cryo cooler. We achieved a frequency stability of better than 100 Hz, limited by the resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyser. The PLL electronics make use of the intermediate frequency (IF) obtained from a hot electron bolometer (HEB) which is downconverted to a PLL IF of 125 MHz. The coarse selection of the longitudinal mode and the fine tuning is achieved via the bias voltage of the QCL. Within a QCL cavity mode, the free-running QCL shows frequency fluctuations of about 5 MHz, which the PLL circuit is able to control via the Stark-shift of the QCL gain material. Temperature dependent tuning is shown to be nonlinear, and of the order of -16 MHz/K. Additionally we have used the QCL as local oscillator (LO) to pump an HEB and perform, again for the first time at 1.5 THz, a heterodyne experiment, and obtain a receiver noise temperature of 1741 K.

Appl Opt ; 39(7): 1094-105, 2000 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18337989


We have fabricated large, coarsely ruled, echelle patterns on silicon wafers by using photolithography and chemical-etching techniques. The grating patterns consist of 142-microm-wide, V-shaped grooves with an opening angle of 70.6 degrees, blazed at 54.7 degrees. We present a detailed description of our grating-fabrication techniques and the results of extensive testing. We have measured peak diffraction efficiencies of 70% at lambda = 632.8 nm and conclude that the gratings produced by our method are of sufficient quality for use in high-resolution spectrographs in the visible and near IR (lambda approximately = 500-5000 nm).

Appl Opt ; 33(1): 96-102, 1994 Jan 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20861994


We evaluated the optical performance of an IR echelle grating produced on a silicon wafer with anisotropic etching techniques. We measured the diffraction efficiency of a sample with a 55° blaze angle and 25-µm groove spacing. We also calculated the efficiency for typical triangular and trapezoidal groove profiles of etched gratings. The diffraction efficiency for unpolarized light can be approximately as high as the efficiency of right-angle groove gratings. The great potential of the etched silicon grating lies in its ease of fabrication, its excellent surface quality, and the high reproducibility of the production process. Compact high-resolution diffraction gratings can be produced by etching the grating pattern into the rear side of a transparent prism. When used in internal reflection, this increases the resolving power of the grating by a factor equal to the refractive index of the prism over a front surface grating of the same length.