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J Am Chem Soc ; 146(14): 9897-9910, 2024 Apr 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38560816


Ion adsorption at solid-water interfaces is crucial for many electrochemical processes involving aqueous electrolytes including energy storage, electrochemical separations, and electrocatalysis. However, the impact of the hydronium (H3O+) and hydroxide (OH-) ions on the ion adsorption and surface charge distributions remains poorly understood. Many fundamental studies of supercapacitors focus on non-aqueous electrolytes to avoid addressing the role of functional groups and electrolyte pH in altering ion uptake. Achieving microscopic level characterization of interfacial mixed ion adsorption is particularly challenging due to the complex ion dynamics, disordered structures, and hierarchical porosity of the carbon electrodes. This work addresses these challenges starting with pH measurements to quantify the adsorbed H3O+ concentrations, which reveal the basic nature of the activated carbon YP-50F commonly used in supercapacitors. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy is used to study the uptake of lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)-imide (LiTFSI) aqueous electrolyte in the YP-50F carbon across the full pH range. The NMR data analysis highlights the importance of including the fast ion-exchange processes for accurate quantification of the adsorbed ions. Under acidic conditions, more TFSI- ions are adsorbed in the carbon pores than Li+ ions, with charge compensation also occurring via H3O+ adsorption. Under neutral and basic conditions, when the carbon's surface charge is close to zero, the Li+ and TFSI- ions exhibit similar but lower affinities toward the carbon pores. Our experimental approach and evidence of H3O+ uptake in pores provide a methodology to relate the local structure to the function and performance in a wide range of materials for energy applications and beyond.

Faraday Discuss ; 248(0): 277-297, 2024 Jan 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37870402


The demand for electric vehicles with extended ranges has created a renaissance of interest in replacing the common metal-ion with higher energy-density metal-anode batteries. However, the potential battery safety issues associated with lithium metal must be addressed to enable lithium metal battery chemistries. A considerable performance gap between lithium (Li) symmetric cells and practical Li batteries motivated us to explore the correlation between the shape of voltage traces and degradation. We coupled impedance spectroscopy and operando NMR and used the new approach to show that transient (i.e., soft) shorts form in realistic conditions for battery applications; however, they are typically overlooked, as their electrochemical signatures are often not distinct. The typical rectangular-shaped voltage trace, widely considered ideal, was proven, under the conditions studied here, to be a result of soft shorts. Recoverable soft-shorted cells were demonstrated during a symmetric cell polarisation experiment, defining a new type of critical current density: the current density at which the soft shorts are not reversible. Moreover, we demonstrated that soft shorts, detected via electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and validated via operando NMR, are predictive towards the formation of hard shorts, showing the potential use of EIS as a relatively low-cost and non-destructive method for early detection of catastrophic shorts and battery failure while demonstrating the strength of operando NMR as a research tool for metal plating in lithium batteries.

ACS Energy Lett ; 6(9): 3086-3095, 2021 Sep 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34541321


Superconcentrated electrolytes, being highly thermodynamically nonideal, provide a stringent proving ground for continuum transport theories. Herein, we test an ostensibly complete model of LiPF6 in ethyl-methyl carbonate (EMC) based on the Onsager-Stefan-Maxwell theory from irreversible thermodynamics. We perform synchronous magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and chronopotentiometry to examine how superconcentrated LiPF6:EMC responds to galvanostatic polarization and open-circuit relaxation. We simulate this experiment using an independently parametrized model with six composition-dependent electrolyte properties, quantified up to saturation. Spectroscopy reveals increasing ion association and solvent coordination with salt concentration. The potentiometric MRI data agree closely with the predicted ion distributions and overpotentials, providing a completely independent validation of the theory. Superconcentrated electrolytes exhibit strong cation-anion interactions and extreme solute-volume effects that mimic elevated lithium transference. Our simulations allow surface overpotentials to be extracted from cell-voltage data to track lithium interfaces. Potentiometric MRI is a powerful tool to illuminate electrolytic transport phenomena.

J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces ; 125(30): 16719-16732, 2021 Aug 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34476038


"Anode-free" batteries present a significant advantage due to their substantially higher energy density and ease of assembly in a dry air atmosphere. However, issues involving lithium dendrite growth and low cycling Coulombic efficiencies during operation remain to be solved. Solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) formation on Cu and its effect on Li plating are studied here to understand the interplay between the Cu current collector surface chemistry and plated Li morphology. A native interphase layer (N-SEI) on the Cu current collector was observed with solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (ssNMR) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) studies showed that the nature of the N-SEI is affected by the copper interface composition. An X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) study identified a relationship between the applied voltage and SEI composition. In addition to the typical SEI components, the SEI contains copper oxides (Cu x O) and their reduction reaction products. Parasitic electrochemical reactions were observed via in situ NMR measurements of Li plating efficiency. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies revealed a correlation between the morphology of the plated Li and the SEI homogeneity, current density, and rest time in the electrolyte before plating. Via ToF-SIMS, we found that the preferential plating of Li on Cu is governed by the distribution of ionically conducting rather than electronic conducting compounds. The results together suggest strategies for mitigating dendrite formation by current collector pretreatment and controlled SEI formation during the first battery charge.

J Am Chem Soc ; 142(49): 20814-20827, 2020 Dec 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33226793


Capacity retention in lithium metal batteries needs to be improved if they are to be commercially viable, the low cycling stability and Li corrosion during storage of lithium metal batteries being even more problematic when there is no excess lithium in the cell. Herein, we develop in situ NMR metrology to study "anode-free" lithium metal batteries where lithium is plated directly onto a bare copper current collector from a LiFePO4 cathode. The methodology allows inactive or "dead lithium" formation during plating and stripping of lithium in a full-cell lithium metal battery to be tracked: dead lithium and SEI formation can be quantified by NMR and their relative rates of formation are here compared in carbonate and ether-electrolytes. Little-to-no dead Li was observed when FEC is used as an additive. The bulk magnetic susceptibility effects arising from the paramagnetic lithium metal were used to distinguish between different surface coverages of lithium deposits. The amount of lithium metal was monitored during rest periods, and lithium metal dissolution (corrosion) was observed in all electrolytes, even during the periods when the battery is not in use, i.e., when no current is flowing, demonstrating that dissolution of lithium remains a critical issue for lithium metal batteries. The high rate of corrosion is attributed to SEI formation on both lithium metal and copper (and Cu+, Cu2+ reduction). Strategies to mitigate the corrosion are explored, the work demonstrating that both polymer coatings and the modification of the copper surface chemistry help to stabilize the lithium metal surface.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 2224, 2020 May 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32376916


While lithium metal represents the ultimate high-energy-density battery anode material, its use is limited by dendrite formation and associated safety risks, motivating studies of the solid-electrolyte interphase layer that forms on the lithium, which is key in controlling lithium metal deposition. Dynamic nuclear polarisation enhanced NMR can provide important structural information; however, typical exogenous dynamic nuclear polarisation experiments, in which organic radicals are added to the sample, require cryogenic sample cooling and are not selective for the interface between the metal and the solid-electrolyte interphase. Here we instead exploit the conduction electrons of lithium metal to achieve an order of magnitude hyperpolarisation at room temperature. We enhance the 7Li, 1H and 19F NMR spectra of solid-electrolyte interphase species selectively, revealing their chemical nature and spatial distribution. These experiments pave the way for more ambitious room temperature in situ dynamic nuclear polarisation studies of batteries and the selective enhancement of metal-solid interfaces in a wider range of systems.