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Nat Commun ; 15(1): 4640, 2024 May 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38821933


Delay lines that store quantum information are crucial for advancing quantum repeaters and hardware efficient quantum computers. Traditionally, they are realized as extended systems that support wave propagation but provide limited control over the propagating fields. Here, we introduce a parametrically addressed delay line for microwave photons that provides a high level of control over the stored pulses. By parametrically driving a three-wave mixing circuit element that is weakly hybridized with an ensemble of resonators, we engineer a spectral response that simulates that of a physical delay line, while providing fast control over the delay line's properties. We demonstrate this novel degree of control by choosing which photon echo to emit, translating pulses in time, and even swapping two pulses, all with pulse energies on the order of a single photon. We also measure the noise added from our parametric interactions and find it is much less than one photon.

Nature ; 599(7884): 211-215, 2021 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34759361


Quantized sound waves-phonons-govern the elastic response of crystalline materials, and also play an integral part in determining their thermodynamic properties and electrical response (for example, by binding electrons into superconducting Cooper pairs)1-3. The physics of lattice phonons and elasticity is absent in simulators of quantum solids constructed of neutral atoms in periodic light potentials: unlike real solids, traditional optical lattices are silent because they are infinitely stiff4. Optical-lattice realizations of crystals therefore lack some of the central dynamical degrees of freedom that determine the low-temperature properties of real materials. Here, we create an optical lattice with phonon modes using a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) coupled to a confocal optical resonator. Playing the role of an active quantum gas microscope, the multimode cavity QED system both images the phonons and induces the crystallization that supports phonons via short-range, photon-mediated atom-atom interactions. Dynamical susceptibility measurements reveal the phonon dispersion relation, showing that these collective excitations exhibit a sound speed dependent on the BEC-photon coupling strength. Our results pave the way for exploring the rich physics of elasticity in quantum solids, ranging from quantum melting transitions5 to exotic 'fractonic' topological defects6 in the quantum regime.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(1): 010404, 2020 Jul 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32678647


The Peierls instability toward a charge density wave is a canonical example of phonon-driven strongly correlated physics and is intimately related to topological quantum matter and exotic superconductivity. We propose a method for realizing an analogous photon-mediated Peierls transition, using a system of one-dimensional tubes of interacting Bose or Fermi atoms trapped inside a multimode confocal cavity. Pumping the cavity transversely engineers a cavity-mediated metal-to-insulator transition in the atomic system. For strongly interacting bosons in the Tonks-Girardeau limit, this transition can be understood (through fermionization) as being the Peierls instability. We extend the calculation to finite values of the interaction strength and derive analytic expressions for both the cavity field and mass gap. They display nontrivial power law dependence on the dimensionless matter-light coupling.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(16): 160404, 2019 Oct 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31702345


We realize the dynamical 1D spin-orbit coupling (SOC) of a Bose-Einstein condensate confined within an optical cavity. The SOC emerges through spin-correlated momentum impulses delivered to the atoms via Raman transitions. These are effected by classical pump fields acting in concert with the quantum dynamical cavity field. Above a critical pump power, the Raman coupling emerges as the atoms superradiantly populate the cavity mode with photons. Concomitantly, these photons cause a backaction onto the atoms, forcing them to order their spin-spatial state. This SOC-inducing superradiant Dicke phase transition results in a spinor-helix polariton condensate. We observe emergent SOC through spin-resolved atomic momentum imaging and temporal heterodyne measurement of the cavity-field emission. Dynamical SOC in quantum gas cavity QED, and the extension to dynamical gauge fields, may enable the creation of Meissner-like effects, topological superfluids, and exotic quantum Hall states in coupled light-matter systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(19): 193601, 2019 May 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31144918


Sign-changing interactions constitute a crucial ingredient in the creation of frustrated many-body systems such as spin glasses. We present here the demonstration of a photon-mediated sign-changing interaction between Bose-Einstein-condensed atoms in a confocal cavity. The interaction between two atoms is of an unusual, nonlocal form proportional to the cosine of the inner product of the atoms' position vectors. This interaction arises from the differing Gouy phase shifts of the cavity's degenerate modes. The interaction drives a nonequilibrium Dicke-type phase transition in the system leading to atomic checkerboard density-wave order. Because of the Gouy phase anomalies, the checkerboard pattern can assume either a sinelike or cosinelike character. This state is detected via the holographic imaging of the cavity's superradiant emission. Together with a companion paper [Y. Guo, V. D. Vaidya, R. M. Kroeze, R. A. Lunney, B. L. Lev, and J. Keeling, Emergent and broken symmetries of atomic self-organization arising from Gouy phases in multimode cavity QED, Phys. Rev. A 99, 053818 (2019)PLRAAN2469-992610.1103/PhysRevA.99.053818], we explore this interaction's influence on superradiant phase transitions in multimode cavities. Employing this interaction in cavity QED spin systems may enable the creation of artificial spin glasses and quantum neural networks.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(16): 163601, 2018 Oct 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30387632


We observe the joint spin-spatial (spinor) self-organization of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) strongly coupled to an optical cavity. This unusual nonequilibrium Hepp-Lieb-Dicke phase transition is driven by an off-resonant Raman transition formed from a classical pump field and the emergent quantum dynamical cavity field. This mediates a spinor-spinor interaction that, above a critical strength, simultaneously organizes opposite spinor states of the BEC on opposite checkerboard configurations of an emergent 2D lattice. The resulting spinor density-wave polariton condensate is observed by directly detecting the atomic spin and momentum state and by holographically reconstructing the phase of the emitted cavity field. The latter provides a direct measure of the spin state, and a spin-spatial domain wall is observed. The photon-mediated spin interactions demonstrated here may be engineered to create dynamical gauge fields and quantum spin glasses.

Nat Commun ; 8: 14386, 2017 02 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28211455


Phase transitions, where observable properties of a many-body system change discontinuously, can occur in both open and closed systems. By placing cold atoms in optical cavities and inducing strong coupling between light and excitations of the atoms, one can experimentally study phase transitions of open quantum systems. Here we observe and study a non-equilibrium phase transition, the condensation of supermode-density-wave polaritons. These polaritons are formed from a superposition of cavity photon eigenmodes (a supermode), coupled to atomic density waves of a quantum gas. As the cavity supports multiple photon spatial modes and because the light-matter coupling can be comparable to the energy splitting of these modes, the composition of the supermode polariton is changed by the light-matter coupling on condensation. By demonstrating the ability to observe and understand density-wave-polariton condensation in the few-mode-degenerate cavity regime, our results show the potential to study similar questions in fully multimode cavities.