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New Phytol ; 155(3): 381-391, 2002 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33873308


• Expression of all known and newly found pathogenesis-related PR-10 proteins (PR-10a, b, c, d, e) was analysed from Cu-sensitive and -tolerant birch clones to find out whether they follow the same expression pattern. The relationship of PR-10 proteins, particularly PR-10c, to oxidative stress caused by metals or ozone was studied in tolerant and sensitive birch clones to find out possible linkages to tolerance. • Antibody developed to PR-10c was used in Western blot analysis. Other PR-10 proteins were studied with two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. Metal-sensitive yeasts were transformed with PR-10c. • Two new members of PR-10 family, PR-10d and PR-10e, were found. Various PR-10 proteins showed different expression patterns. The amount of PR-10c increased with increasing soil metal concentrations but was, in general, more prominent in Cu-sensitive than in Cu-tolerant clones. PR-10c did not alter metal tolerance in metal-sensitive yeasts. • The PR-10c protein appears not to confer metal- or ozone-tolerance in birch. However, this does not exclude the possibility that it is involved in the tolerance or sensitivity mechanism in an indirect manner.