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Rev Sci Instrum ; 85(4): 043108, 2014 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24784594


A soft x-ray spectrometer based on the use of an elliptical focusing mirror and a plane varied line spacing grating is described. It achieves both high resolution and high overall efficiency while remaining relatively compact. The instrument is dedicated to resonant inelastic x-ray scattering studies. We set out how this optical arrangement was judged best able to guarantee performance for the 50 - 1000 eV range within achievable fabrication targets. The AERHA (adjustable energy resolution high acceptance) spectrometer operates with an effective angular acceptance between 100 and 250 µsr (energy dependent) and a resolving power well in excess of 5000 according to the Rayleigh criterion. The high angular acceptance is obtained by means of a collecting pre-mirror. Three scattering geometries are available to enable momentum dependent measurements with 135°, 90°, and 50° scattering angles. The instrument operates on the Synchrotron SOLEIL SEXTANTS beamline which serves as a high photon flux 2 × 200 µm(2) focal spot source with full polarization control.

Appl Opt ; 51(20): 4684-90, 2012 Jul 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22781243


We explore the potential performance of soft x-ray spectrometers based on the use of varied-line-spacing spherical diffraction gratings (VLS-SG). The quantitative assessment is based on an optimization procedure to obtain both negligible optical aberrations at full illumination of the grating and a quasi linear focal curve. It involves high-order optical aberration cancellation to calculate the focal curves. We also examine the validity of small divergence closed-form formulas describing the light path function. Optimizing the optical and geometric parameters gives an ultimate resolving power, at 930 eV, of between 10,800 for a 3 m long instrument and 34,000 for an 11 m spectrometer according to the Rayleigh criterion. Typical fabrication tolerances would scale these values down by about 10%. The findings are validated by ray-tracing simulations.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 80(9): 093105, 2009 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19791930


We describe a bent-crystal spectrometer adapted to measure x-ray emission resulting from core-level excitation of gas-phase molecules in the 0.8-8 keV energy range. The spectrometer is based on the Johann principle, and uses a microfocused photon beam to provide high-resolution (resolving power of approximately 7500). A gas cell was designed to hold a high-pressure (300 mbar) sample of gas while maintaining a high vacuum (10(-9) mbar) in the chamber. The cell was designed to optimize the counting rate (2000 cts/s at the maximum of the Cl Kalpha emission line), while minimizing self-absorption. Example of the Kalpha emission lines of CH(3)Cl molecules is presented to illustrate the capabilities of this new instrument.