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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38261504


Anomaly detection, the task of differentiating abnormal data points from normal ones, presents a significant challenge in the realm of machine learning. Numerous strategies have been proposed to tackle this task, with classification-based methods, specifically those utilizing a self-supervised approach via random affine transformations (RATs), demonstrating remarkable performance on both image and non-image data. However, these methods encounter a notable bottleneck, the overlap of constructed labeled datasets across categories, which hampers the subsequent classifiers' ability to detect anomalies. Consequently, the creation of an effective data distribution becomes the pivotal factor for success. In this article, we introduce a model called "self-supervised forest (sForest)", which leverages the random Fourier transform (RFT) and random orthogonal rotations to craft a controlled data distribution. Our model utilizes the RFT to map input data into a new feature space. With this transformed data, we create a self-labeled training dataset using random orthogonal rotations. We theoretically prove that the data distribution formulated by our methodology is more stable compared to one derived from RATs. We then use the self-labeled dataset in a random forest (RF) classifier to distinguish between normal and anomalous data points. Comprehensive experiments conducted on both real and artificial datasets illustrate that sForest outperforms other anomaly detection methods, including distance-based, kernel-based, forest-based, and network-based benchmarks.

IEEE Trans Cybern ; 53(1): 236-247, 2023 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34270440


Learning from complementary labels (CLs) is a useful learning paradigm, where the CL specifies the classes that the instance does not belong to, instead of providing the ground truth as in the ordinary supervised learning scenario. In general, although it is less laborious and more efficient to collect CLs compared with ordinary labels, the less informative signal in the complementary supervision is less helpful to learn competent feature representation. Consequently, the final classifier's performance greatly deteriorates. In this article, we leverage generative adversarial networks (GANs) to derive an algorithm GAN-CL to effectively learn from CLs. In addition to the role in original GAN, the discriminator also serves as a normal classifier in GAN-CL, with the objective constructed partly with the complementary information. To further prove the effectiveness of our schema, we study the global optimality of both generator and discriminator for the GAN-CL under mild assumptions. We conduct extensive experiments on benchmark image datasets using deep models, to demonstrate the compelling improvements, compared with state-of-the-art CL learning approaches.

IEEE Trans Neural Netw Learn Syst ; 34(11): 8377-8388, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35188896


Learning from label proportions (LLP) is a widespread and important learning paradigm: only the bag-level proportional information of the grouped training instances is available for the classification task, instead of the instance-level labels in the fully supervised scenario. As a result, LLP is a typical weakly supervised learning protocol and commonly exists in privacy protection circumstances due to the sensitivity in label information for real-world applications. In general, it is less laborious and more efficient to collect label proportions as the bag-level supervised information than the instance-level one. However, the hint for learning the discriminative feature representation is also limited as a less informative signal directly associated with the labels is provided, thus deteriorating the performance of the final instance-level classifier. In this article, delving into the label proportions, we bypass this weak supervision by leveraging generative adversarial networks (GANs) to derive an effective algorithm LLP-GAN. Endowed with an end-to-end structure, LLP-GAN performs approximation in the light of an adversarial learning mechanism without imposing restricted assumptions on distribution. Accordingly, the final instance-level classifier can be directly induced upon the discriminator with minor modification. Under mild assumptions, we give the explicit generative representation and prove the global optimality for LLP-GAN. In addition, compared with existing methods, our work empowers LLP solvers with desirable scalability inheriting from deep models. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets and a real-world application demonstrate the vivid advantages of the proposed approach.

IEEE Trans Image Process ; 28(12): 6126-6140, 2019 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31283504


Recognizing the pedestrian attributes in surveillance scenes is an inherently challenging task, especially for the pedestrian images with large pose variations, complex backgrounds, and various camera viewing angles. To select important and discriminative regions or pixels against the variations, three attention mechanisms are proposed, including parsing attention, label attention, and spatial attention. Those attentions aim at accessing effective information by considering problems from different perspectives. To be specific, the parsing attention extracts discriminative features by learning not only where to turn attention to but also how to aggregate features from different semantic regions of human bodies, e.g., head and upper body. The label attention aims at targetedly collecting the discriminative features for each attribute. Different from the parsing and label attention mechanisms, the spatial attention considers the problem from a global perspective, aiming at selecting several important and discriminative image regions or pixels for all attributes. Then, we propose a joint learning framework formulated in a multi-task-like way with these three attention mechanisms learned concurrently to extract complementary and correlated features. This joint learning framework is named Joint Learning of Parsing attention, Label attention, and Spatial attention for Pedestrian Attributes Analysis (JLPLS-PAA, for short). Extensive comparative evaluations conducted on multiple large-scale benchmarks, including PA-100K, RAP, PETA, Market-1501, and Duke attribute datasets, further demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed JLPLS-PAA framework for pedestrian attribute analysis.

Neural Comput ; 28(12): 2853-2889, 2016 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27391677


This letter investigates the supervised learning problem with observations drawn from certain general stationary stochastic processes. Here by general, we mean that many stationary stochastic processes can be included. We show that when the stochastic processes satisfy a generalized Bernstein-type inequality, a unified treatment on analyzing the learning schemes with various mixing processes can be conducted and a sharp oracle inequality for generic regularized empirical risk minimization schemes can be established. The obtained oracle inequality is then applied to derive convergence rates for several learning schemes such as empirical risk minimization (ERM), least squares support vector machines (LS-SVMs) using given generic kernels, and SVMs using gaussian kernels for both least squares and quantile regression. It turns out that for independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) processes, our learning rates for ERM recover the optimal rates. For non-i.i.d. processes, including geometrically [Formula: see text]-mixing Markov processes, geometrically [Formula: see text]-mixing processes with restricted decay, [Formula: see text]-mixing processes, and (time-reversed) geometrically [Formula: see text]-mixing processes, our learning rates for SVMs with gaussian kernels match, up to some arbitrarily small extra term in the exponent, the optimal rates. For the remaining cases, our rates are at least close to the optimal rates. As a by-product, the assumed generalized Bernstein-type inequality also provides an interpretation of the so-called effective number of observations for various mixing processes.

Neural Comput ; 28(3): 525-62, 2016 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26735744


Kernelized elastic net regularization (KENReg) is a kernelization of the well-known elastic net regularization (Zou & Hastie, 2005). The kernel in KENReg is not required to be a Mercer kernel since it learns from a kernelized dictionary in the coefficient space. Feng, Yang, Zhao, Lv, and Suykens (2014) showed that KENReg has some nice properties including stability, sparseness, and generalization. In this letter, we continue our study on KENReg by conducting a refined learning theory analysis. This letter makes the following three main contributions. First, we present refined error analysis on the generalization performance of KENReg. The main difficulty of analyzing the generalization error of KENReg lies in characterizing the population version of its empirical target function. We overcome this by introducing a weighted Banach space associated with the elastic net regularization. We are then able to conduct elaborated learning theory analysis and obtain fast convergence rates under proper complexity and regularity assumptions. Second, we study the sparse recovery problem in KENReg with fixed design and show that the kernelization may improve the sparse recovery ability compared to the classical elastic net regularization. Finally, we discuss the interplay among different properties of KENReg that include sparseness, stability, and generalization. We show that the stability of KENReg leads to generalization, and its sparseness confidence can be derived from generalization. Moreover, KENReg is stable and can be simultaneously sparse, which makes it attractive theoretically and practically.