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Afr. J. Clin. Exp. Microbiol ; 23(4): 369-377, 2022. tables, figures
Artigo em Inglês | AIM (África) | ID: biblio-1396434


Background: Today, bacterial resistance is a public health challenge throughout the world, and infections caused by resistant bacteria are associated with increased morbidity, mortality and health care costs. The objective of this descriptive study is to determine the prevalence and distribution of multi-drug resistant (MDR) clinical bacteria isolates at the National Hospital of Zinder, Niger Republic in 2021. Methodology: We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study of in- and out-patients from whose clinical samples' bacteria were isolated at the bacteriology unit of the laboratory. Bacteria were isolated from the clinical samples following standard aerobic cultures and identified using conventional biochemical test schemes. Antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST) was performed by the agar disk diffusion technique, and categorization of the isolates into sensitive, intermediate or resistant was done according to the recommendations of the Antibiogram Committee of the French Society of Microbiology (CA-SFM) 2020 version 1.2. MDR was defined as resistance to at least one antibiotic in three or more categories, while selected MDR bacteria such as ESBL was identified using double disk synergy test, and MRSA by cefoxitin disk diffusion test. Results: Seventy-seven (6.7%) bacterial species were isolated from 1153 clinical samples processed at the bacteriology unit of the hospital laboratory between June and December 2021, of which 65.0% (50/77) were members of the order Enterobacteriales. Escherichia coli represented 40.3% (40/77) of the isolated bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus 13.0% (10/77) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa 11.7% (9/77). The overall prevalence of MDR was 44.2% (34/77), including 61.8% (21/34) ESBL-producing Enterobacteriales (ESBL-E), 26.5% (9/34) multi-resistant P. aeruginosa and 11.7% (4/34) MRSA, with 67.6% (23/34) of the MDR isolates from outpatients. Resistance rates of the Enterobacteriales to ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, amikacin and imipenem were 62.0%, 52.0%, 38.0% and 8.0% respectively. Resistance rates of P. aeruginosa were 100.0%, 88.9%, 77.8%, 33.3%, 22.2%, and 22.2% respectively to ceftazidime, ticarcillin, imipenem, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, and amikacin. Resistance rates of S. aureus were 100.0%, 50.0%, 40.0%, 10.0%, 0% and 0% to penicillin G,erythromycin, cefoxitin, tetracycline, fusidic acid, and chloramphenicol respectively. ESBL-E were 47.6%,85.7% and 0% resistant to amikacin, ciprofloxacin and imipenem, and MRSA resistance rates were 75.0%, 75.0%, 50.0% and 0% to erythromycin, tetracycline, gentamicin, and chloramphenicol respectively. Conclusion: This study reports high prevalence of MDR bacteria, mainly ESBL-E, with concerning high resistance to carbapenem. Rational use of antibiotics and implementation of surveillance system for MDR bacteria must be implemented in order to limit the emergence and spread of MDR bacteria in Niger Republic.

Humanos , Ambulatório Hospitalar , Genes MDR , Bactérias , Unidades de Internação , Níger
Bull Soc Pathol Exot ; 113(5): 263-267, 2020.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33881253


This study aims to describe the epidemiological, clinical, therapeutic characteristics of patients followed for tuberculosis at the Regional Hospital Center of Tahoua (Niger) as well as their outcomes.We conducted a retrospective and descriptive study from the medical records of patients followed for tuberculosis between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2019. A total of 465 patients were included in the present study (304 men and 161 women; mean age: 30 years). Patients coming from urban areas represented 51% of the cases. Bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis represented 63% of the cases, 15% of clinically diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis and 22% of extrapulmonary tuberculosis including Pott's disease. The HIV testing rate was 97.8%. Tuberculosis-HIV association represented 13% of the cases. The therapeutic success was 90.5%. The lethality rate was 5.2% (24/465). Among 24 patients who died, three had tuberculosis-HIV association.

L'objectif de cette étude était de décrire le profil clinique, thérapeutique et évolutif des patients suivis pour tuberculose (TB) au centre hospitalier régional de Tahoua (Niger). Nous avons mené une étude rétrospective, descriptive à partir des dossiers des patients suivis pour TB entre le 1er janvier 2017 et le 31 décembre 2019. Au total, 465 patients ont été inclus dans la présente étude (304 hommes et 161 femmes, âge moyen : 30 ans). Les patients provenant du milieu urbain représentaient 51 % des cas. La TB pulmonaire confirmée bactériologiquement représentait 63 % des cas, la TB pulmonaire cliniquement diagnostiquée 15 %, la TB extrapulmonaire, notamment le mal de Pott, 22 %. L'association TB­VIH représentait 13 % des cas. Le succès thérapeutique était de 90,5 %. Le taux de létalité était de 5,2 % (24/465). Parmi les 24 patients décédés, trois présentaient l'association TB­VIH.

Tuberculose Pulmonar , Tuberculose da Coluna Vertebral , Adulto , Feminino , Hospitais , Humanos , Masculino , Níger/epidemiologia , Estudos Retrospectivos
Artigo em Francês | AIM (África) | ID: biblio-1264309


Nous rapportons une observation d'un homme âgé de 25 ans, mélanoderme sans antécédent médico-chirurgical connu, qui a consulté pour douleur oculaire,larmoiement, baisse de l'acuité visuelle, photophobie évoluant depuis environ huit mois, l'examen ophtalmologique note une hyperhémie conjonctivale, une ulcération cornéenne marginale compliquée de perforation cornéenne avec hernie de l'iris rongeant la moitié de la cornée, une excavation papillaire asymétrique.Le diagnostic d'ulcère de Mooren bilatéral est fortement suspecté, puis retenu sur la base d'argument épidémiologique ; clinique ophtalmologique (kératite ulcéreuse chronique inflammatoire qui affecte initialement la périphérie de la cornée, avec progression circonférentielle et centrale, puis perforation) ; paraclinique (la négativité de tous les examens complémentaires : les facteurs rhumatoïdes, les sérologies de l'hépatite B, C, VIH et de la syphilis, l'examen parasitologique des selles, la protéinurie de 24 h …) mais aussi après avoir exclu un certain nombre de diagnostics,notamment les maladies systémiques, les maladies infectieuses, les atteintes traumatiques des yeux.La collaboration entre ophtalmologiste et interniste a abouti à la mise en route immédiate d'un traitement à base de corticothérapie locale, d'antibiothérapie et des topiques locaux. L'évolution a été favorable avec récupération progressive de l'acuité visuelle au niveau des deux yeux deux semaines après la mise en route du traitement

Úlcera da Córnea , Ceratite , Oftalmologia