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Mol Cytogenet ; 6(1): 36, 2013 Sep 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24020961


BACKGROUND: Jumping translocations are a rare type of mosaicism in which the same portion of one donor chromosome is translocated to several recipient chromosomes. Constitutional forms of jumping translocations are rare, and the 48 cases reported to date have been associated with both normal and abnormal phenotypes. Concurrence of isochromosome (i) of one arm and translocation of the other is also rare, with seven reported cases. We describe a unique case involving concurrence of i(Yp) and a jumping translocation of Yq to the telomere of chromosomes 12q and 17q, which resulted in five cell lines. CASE PRESENTATION: The patient, an otherwise healthy 35-year-old man, was referred for cytogenetic studies because of absolute azoospermia. He had elevated levels of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, consistent with abnormal spermatogenesis, and decreased levels of free testosterone and inhibin B. G-banded chromosome analysis revealed a mosaic male karyotype involving five abnormal cell lines. One of the cell lines showed loss of chromosome Y and presence of i(Yp) as the sole abnormality. Three cell lines exhibited jumping translocation: two involved 17qter, and the other involved 12qter as the recipient and Yq as the common donor chromosome. One of the cell lines with der(17) additionally showed i(Yp). The other der(17) and der(12) cell lines had a missing Y chromosome. All five cell lines were confirmed by FISH. Subtelomric FISH study demonstrated no loss of chromosome material from the recipient chromosomes at the translocation junctions. CONCLUSIONS: We postulate that a postzygotic pericentromeric break of the Y chromosome led to formation of isochromosome Yp, whereas Yq formed a jumping translocation through recombination between its internal telomere repeats and telomeric repeats of recipient chromosomes. This in turn led to either pairing or an exchange at the complimentary sequences. Such translocation junctions appear to be unstable and to result in a jumping translocation. Cryptic deletion or disruption of AZF (azoospermic factor) genes at Yq11 during translocation or defective pairing of X and Y chromosomes during meiosis, with abnormal sex vesicle formation and consequent spermatogenetic arrest, might be the main cause of the azoospermia in our patient.

Mol Cytogenet ; 6(1): 17, 2013 May 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23639048


BACKGROUND: Recombinant chromosome 4, a rare constitutional rearrangement arising from pericentric inversion, comprises a duplicated segment of 4p13~p15→4pter and a deleted segment of 4q35→4qter. To date, 10 cases of recombinant chromosome 4 have been reported. RESULT: We describe the second case in which array-CGH was used to characterize recombinant chromosome 4 syndrome. The patient was a one-year old boy with consistent clinical features. Conventional cytogenetics and FISH documented a recombinant chromosome 4, derived from a paternal pericentric inversion, leading to partial trisomy 4p and partial monosomy of 4q. Array-CGH, performed to further characterize the rearranged chromosome 4 and delineate the breakpoints, documented a small (4.36 Mb) 4q35.1 terminal deletion and a large (23.81 Mb) 4p15.1 terminal duplication. Genotype-phenotype analysis of 10 previously reported cases and the present case indicated relatively consistent clinical features and breakpoints. This consistency was more evident in our case and another characterized by array-CGH, where both showed the common breakpoints of p15.1 and q35.1. A genotype-phenotype correlation study between rec(4), dup(4p), and del(4q) syndromes revealed that urogenital and cardiac defects are probably due to the deletion of 4q whereas the other clinical features are likely due to 4p duplication. CONCLUSION: Our findings support that the clinical features of patients with rec(4) are relatively consistent and specific to the regions of duplication or deletion. Recombinant chromosome 4 syndrome thus appears to be a discrete entity that can be suspected on the basis of clinical features or specific deleted and duplicated chromosomal regions.