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Arch Public Health ; 75: 64, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29090094


Elaborating from the European One Health/Ecohealth (OH/EH) workshop that took place in fall 2016 and aimed to bring together different communities and explore collaborative potential, the creation of European networks focusing on the development of important OH/EH perspectives was a direct output from discussions at the end of some sessions, in particular: - A network on transdisciplinary One Health education. - A network integrating inputs from social sciences in One Health/EcoHealth actions and networks. - A network aiming at translating research findings on the Environment-Microbiome-Health axis into policy making, with a view to make healthy ecosystems a cost-effective disease prevention healthcare strategy. It was also suggested that a European Community of Practice could be initiated in order to support these several concrete networking initiatives, and to help to promote the building of other emerging initiatives.

Cochabamba; COMPAS;AGRUCO; junio 2000. 267 p. ilus.
Monografia em Espanhol | LIBOCS, LIBOSP | ID: biblio-1333432


Comida para el alma presenta nuevas reflexiones sobre el conocimiento de la gente rural. En muchas sociedades, las buenas cosechas y la buena salud sólo pueden obtenerse si las leyes de la naturaleza, las regulaciones de la comunidad y las reglas impuestas por los seres espirituales se siguen apropiadamente. Este libro espera estimular a las agencias de desarrollo para que tomen en serio el conocimiento tradicional.

Agricultura Sustentável , Comportamento Ritualístico , Cosmovisão , Espiritualidade , Saúde