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J Chem Phys ; 155(2): 024122, 2021 Jul 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34266246


Often, a single correlation function is used to measure the kinetics of a complex system. In contrast, a large set of k-vector modes and their correlation functions are commonly defined for motion in free space. This set can be transformed to the van Hove correlation function, which is the Green's function for molecular diffusion. Here, these ideas are generalized to other observables. A set of correlation functions of nonlinear functions of an observable is used to extract the corresponding Green's function. Although this paper focuses on nonlinear correlation functions of an equilibrium time series, the results are directly connected to other types of nonlinear kinetics, including perturbation-response experiments with strong fields. Generalized modes are defined as the orthogonal polynomials associated with the equilibrium distribution. A matrix of mode-correlation functions can be transformed to the complete, single-time-interval (1D) Green's function. Diagonalizing this matrix finds the eigendecays. To understand the advantages and limitation of this approach, Green's functions are calculated for a number of models of complex dynamics within a Gaussian probability distribution. Examples of non-diffusive motion, rate heterogeneity, and range heterogeneity are examined. General arguments are made that a full set of nonlinear 1D measurements is necessary to extract all the information available in a time series. However, when a process is neither dynamically Gaussian nor Markovian, they are not sufficient. In those cases, additional multidimensional measurements are needed.

J Chem Phys ; 155(2): 024123, 2021 Jul 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34266263


Solvation dynamics in ionic liquids show features that are often associated with supercooled liquids, including "stretched" nonexponential relaxation. To better understand the mechanism behind the stretching, the nonlinear mode-correlation methods proposed in Paper I [S. R. Hodge and M. A. Berg, J. Chem. Phys. 155, 024122 (2021)] are applied to a simulation of a prototypical ionic liquid. A full Green's function is recovered. In addition, specific tests for non-Gaussian dynamics are made. No deviations from Gaussian dynamics are found. This finding is incompatible with rate heterogeneity as a cause of the nonexponential relaxation and appears to be in conflict with an earlier multidimensional analysis of the same data. Although this conflict is not resolved here, this work does demonstrate the practicality of mode-correlation analysis in the face of finite datasets and calculations.