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ACS Photonics ; 11(7): 2745-2756, 2024 Jul 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39036062


Interferometric scattering microscopy is a powerful technique that enables various applications, such as mass photometry and particle tracking. Here, we present a numerical toolbox to simulate images obtained in interferometric scattering, coherent bright-field, and dark-field microscopies. The scattered fields are calculated using a boundary element method, facilitating the simulation of arbitrary sample geometries and substrate layer structures. A fully vectorial model is used for simulating the imaging setup. We demonstrate excellent agreement between our simulations and experiments for different shapes of scatterers and excitation angles. Notably, for angles near the Brewster angle, we observe a contrast enhancement which may be beneficial for nanosensing applications. The software is available as a matlab toolbox.

Anal Chem ; 96(21): 8291-8299, 2024 May 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38743800


Nanoparticles are produced at accelerating rates, are increasingly integrated into scientific and industrial applications, and are widely discharged into the environment. Analytical techniques are required to characterize parameters such as particle number concentrations, mass and size distributions, molecular and elemental compositions, and particle stability. This is not only relevant to investigate their utility for various industrial or medical applications and for controlling the manufacturing processes but also to assess toxicity and environmental fate. Different analytical strategies aim to characterize certain facets of particles but are difficult to combine to retrieve relevant parameters coherently and to provide a more comprehensive picture. In this work, we demonstrate the first online hyphenation of optofluidic force induction (OF2i) with Raman spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma-time-of-flight-mass spectrometry (ICP-TOFMS) to harness their complementary technology-specific advantages and to promote comprehensive particle characterizations. We optically trapped individual particles on a weakly focused vortex laser beam by aligning a microfluidic flow antiparallelly to the laser propagation direction. The position of particles in this optical trap depended on the hydrodynamic diameter and therefore enabled size calibration as well as matrix elimination. Additionally, laser light scattered on particles was analyzed in a single particle (SP) Raman spectroscopy setup for the identification of particulate species and phases. Finally, particles were characterized regarding elemental composition and their distributions in mass and size using SP ICP-TOFMS. In a proof of concept, we analyzed polystyrene-based microplastic and TiO2 nanoparticles and demonstrated the opportunities provided through the coupling of OF2i with SP Raman and SP ICP-TOFMS.

Anal Bioanal Chem ; 415(21): 5181-5191, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37392213


Manufacturers of nanoparticle-based products rely on detailed information about critical process parameters, such as particle size and size distributions, concentration, and material composition, which directly reflect the quality of the final product. These process parameters are often obtained using offline characterization techniques that cannot provide the temporal resolution to detect dynamic changes in particle ensembles during a production process. To overcome this deficiency, we have recently introduced Optofluidic Force Induction (OF2i) for optical real-time counting with single particle sensitivity and high throughput. In this paper, we apply OF2i to highly polydisperse and multi modal particle systems, where we also monitor evolutionary processes over large time scales. For oil-in-water emulsions we detect in real time the transition between high-pressure homogenization states. For silicon carbide nanoparticles, we exploit the dynamic OF2i measurement capabilities to introduce a novel process feedback parameter based on the dissociation of particle agglomerates. Our results demonstrate that OF2i provides a versatile workbench for process feedback in a wide range of applications.

ACS Photonics ; 10(1): 185-196, 2023 Jan 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36691424


We theoretically investigate the tomographic reconstruction of the three-dimensional photonic environment of nanoparticles. As input for our reconstruction we use electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) maps for different rotation angles. We perform the tomographic reconstruction of surface polariton fields for smooth and rough nanorods and compare the reconstructed and simulated photonic local density of states, which are shown to be in very good agreement. Using these results, we critically examine the potential of our tomography scheme and discuss limitations and directions for future developments.

Science ; 371(6536): 1364-1367, 2021 03 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33766884


Surface phonon polaritons (SPhPs) are coupled photon-phonon excitations that emerge at the surfaces of nanostructured materials. Although they strongly influence the optical and thermal behavior of nanomaterials, no technique has been able to reveal the complete three-dimensional (3D) vectorial picture of their electromagnetic density of states. Using a highly monochromated electron beam in a scanning transmission electron microscope, we could visualize varying SPhP signatures from nanoscale MgO cubes as a function of the beam position, energy loss, and tilt angle. The SPhPs' response was described in terms of eigenmodes and used to tomographically reconstruct the phononic surface electromagnetic fields of the object. Such 3D information promises insights in nanoscale physical phenomena and is invaluable to the design and optimization of nanostructures for fascinating new uses.

Nano Lett ; 21(1): 590-596, 2021 Jan 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33336569


We use cathodoluminescence (CL) spectroscopy in a transmission electron microscope to probe the radial breathing mode of plasmonic silver nanodisks. A two-mirror detection system sandwiching the sample collects the CL emission in both directions, that is, backward and forward with respect to the electron beam trajectory. We unambiguously identify a spectral shift of about 8 nm in the CL spectra acquired from both sides and show that this asymmetry is induced by the electron beam itself. By numerical simulations, we confirm the observations and identify the underlying physical effect due to the interference of the CL emission patterns of an electron-beam-induced dipole and the breathing mode. This effect can ultimately limit the achievable fidelity in CL measurements on any system involving multiple excitations and should therefore be considered with care in high-precision experiments.

ACS Photonics ; 5(12): 4823-4827, 2018 Dec 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30591924


We show that the plasmon modes of vertically stacked Ag-SiO2-Ag nanodisks can be understood and classified as hybridized surface and edge modes. We describe their universal dispersion relations and demonstrate that coupling-induced spectral shifts are significantly stronger for surface modes than for edge modes. The experimental data correspond well to numerical simulations. In addition, we estimate optical intensity enhancements of the stacked nanodisks in the range of 1000.

Microscopy (Oxf) ; 67(suppl_1): i3-i13, 2018 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29370423


Using spatially resolved Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy, we investigate the excitation of long-wavelength surface optical vibrational modes in elementary types of nanostructures: an amorphous SiO2 slab, an MgO cube, and in the composite cube/slab system. We find rich sets of optical vibrational modes strongly constrained by the nanoscale size and geometry. For slabs, we find two surface resonances resulting from the excitation of surface phonon polariton modes. For cubes, we obtain three main highly localized corner, edge, and face resonances. The response of those surface phonon resonances can be described in terms of eigenmodes of the cube and we show that the corresponding mode pattern is recovered in the spatially resolved EELS maps. For the composite cube/substrate system we find that interactions between the two basic structures are weak, producing minor spectral shifts and intensity variations (transparency behaviour), particularly for the MgO-derived modes.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(24): 246802, 2018 Dec 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30608724


The concept of resonances and modes for the description of particle plasmons has recently received great interest, both in the context of efficient simulations as well as for an intuitive interpretation in physical terms. While resonance modes have been successfully employed for geometries whose optical response is governed by a few modes only, the resonance mode description exhibits considerable difficulties for larger nanoparticles with their richer mode spectra. We analyze the problem using a boundary element method approach together with a Mie solution for spherical particles, and identify the fixed link between the electric and magnetic components of the resonance modes as the main source for this shortcoming. We suggest a novel modal approximation scheme that allows us in principle to overcome this problem.

Nano Lett ; 17(11): 6773-6777, 2017 11 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28981295


Plasmonic gap modes provide the ultimate confinement of optical fields. Demanding high spatial resolution, the direct imaging of these modes was only recently achieved by electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) in a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM). However, conventional 2D STEM-EELS is only sensitive to components of the photonic local density of states (LDOS) parallel to the electron trajectory. It is thus insensitive to specific gap modes, a restriction that was lifted with the introduction of tomographic 3D EELS imaging. Here, we show that by 3D EELS tomography the gap mode LDOS of a vertically stacked nanotriangle dimer can be fully imaged. Besides probing the complete mode spectrum, we demonstrate that the tomographic approach allows disentangling the signal contributions from the two nanotriangles that superimpose in a single measurement with a fixed electron trajectory. Generally, vertically coupled nanoparticles enable the tailoring of 3D plasmonic fields, and their full characterization will thus aid the development of complex nanophotonic devices.

Nat Commun ; 8(1): 37, 2017 06 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28652567


The photonic local density of states (LDOS) governs the enhancement of light-matter interaction at the nanoscale, but despite its importance for nanophotonics and plasmonics experimental local density of states imaging remains extremely challenging. Here we introduce a tomography scheme based on electron microscopy that allows retrieval of the three-dimensional local density of states of plasmonic nanoparticles with nanometre spatial and sub-eV energy resolution. From conventional electron tomography experiments we obtain the three-dimensional morphology of the nanostructure, and use this information to compute an expansion basis for the photonic environment. The expansion coefficients are obtained through solution of an inverse problem using as input electron-energy loss spectroscopy images. We demonstrate the applicability of our scheme for silver nanocuboids and coupled nanodisks, and resolve local density of states enhancements with extreme sub-wavelength dimensions in hot spots located at roughness features or in gaps of coupled nanoparticles.Imaging the photonic local density of states of plasmonic nanoparticles remains extremely challenging. Here, the authors introduce a tomography scheme based on electron microscopy that allows retrieval of the three-dimensional local density of states with nanometre spatial and sub-eV energy resolution.

Nature ; 543(7646): 529-532, 2017 03 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28332537


Imaging of vibrational excitations in and near nanostructures is essential for developing low-loss infrared nanophotonics, controlling heat transport in thermal nanodevices, inventing new thermoelectric materials and understanding nanoscale energy transport. Spatially resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy has previously been used to image plasmonic behaviour in nanostructures in an electron microscope, but hitherto it has not been possible to map vibrational modes directly in a single nanostructure, limiting our understanding of phonon coupling with photons and plasmons. Here we present spatial mapping of optical and acoustic, bulk and surface vibrational modes in magnesium oxide nanocubes using an atom-wide electron beam. We find that the energy and the symmetry of the surface polariton phonon modes depend on the size of the nanocubes, and that they are localized to the surfaces of the nanocube. We also observe a limiting of bulk phonon scattering in the presence of surface phonon modes. Most phonon spectroscopies are selectively sensitive to either surface or bulk excitations; therefore, by demonstrating the excitation of both bulk and surface vibrational modes using a single probe, our work represents advances in the detection and visualization of spatially confined surface and bulk phonons in nanostructures.

Nanoscale ; 8(36): 16449-54, 2016 Sep 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27603414


We probe the local sensitivity of an optically excited plasmonic nanoparticle by changing the local dielectric environment through a scanning glass fiber tip. Recording the particle plasmon scattering spectrum for each tip position allows us to observe spectral resonance shifts concurrent with changes in scattering intensity and plasmon damping. For the tip-induced spectral shifts we find the strongest sensitivity at the particle edges, in accordance with the spatial plasmonic field profile. In contrast, the strongest sensitivity occurs at the center of the particle if the scattering intensity is probed at the short wavelength slope of the plasmon resonance instead of the resonance position. This bears important implications for plasmonic sensing, in particular when done at a single light wavelength.

Nano Lett ; 16(8): 5152-5, 2016 08 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27427962


The coupling of plasmonic nanoparticles can strongly modify their optical properties. Here, we show that the coupling of the edges within a single rectangular particle leads to mode splitting and the formation of bonding and antibonding edge modes. We are able to unambiguously designate the modes due to the high spatial resolution of electron microscopy-based electron energy loss spectroscopy and the comparison with numerical simulations. Our results provide simple guidelines for the interpretation and the design of plasmonic mode spectra.

Nat Commun ; 7: 11010, 2016 Mar 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26984281


Graphene nanoribbons display extraordinary optical properties due to one-dimensional quantum-confinement, such as width-dependent bandgap and strong electron-hole interactions, responsible for the formation of excitons with extremely high binding energies. Here we use femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy to explore the ultrafast optical properties of ultranarrow, structurally well-defined graphene nanoribbons as a function of the excitation fluence, and the impact of enhanced Coulomb interaction on their excited states dynamics. We show that in the high-excitation regime biexcitons are formed by nonlinear exciton-exciton annihilation, and that they radiatively recombine via stimulated emission. We obtain a biexciton binding energy of ≈ 250 meV, in very good agreement with theoretical results from quantum Monte Carlo simulations. These observations pave the way for the application of graphene nanoribbons in photonics and optoelectronics.

Opt Lett ; 40(23): 5670-3, 2015 Dec 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26625078


By focusing propagating surface plasmons, electromagnetic energy can be delivered to nanoscale volumes. In this context, we employ electron energy loss spectroscopy in a scanning transmission electron microscope to characterize the full plasmonic mode spectrum of a silver thin film tapered to a sharp tip. We show that the plasmon modes can be ordered in film and edge modes and corroborate our assignment through supplementary numerical simulations. In particular, we find that the focused plasmon field at the taper tip is fueled by edge modes.

ACS Photonics ; 2(10): 1429-1435, 2015 Oct 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26523284


Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) has emerged as a powerful tool for the investigation of plasmonic nanoparticles, but the interpretation of EELS results in terms of optical quantities, such as the photonic local density of states, remains challenging. Recent work has demonstrated that, under restrictive assumptions, including the applicability of the quasistatic approximation and a plasmonic response governed by a single mode, one can rephrase EELS as a tomography scheme for the reconstruction of plasmonic eigenmodes. In this paper we lift these restrictions by formulating EELS as an inverse problem and show that the complete dyadic Green tensor can be reconstructed for plasmonic particles of arbitrary shape. The key steps underlying our approach are a generic singular value decomposition of the dyadic Green tensor and a compressed sensing optimization for the determination of the expansion coefficients. We demonstrate the applicability of our scheme for prototypical nanorod, bowtie, and cube geometries.

Nano Lett ; 15(11): 7726-30, 2015 Nov 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26495933


Electron tomography in combination with electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) experiments and simulations was used to unravel the interplay between structure and plasmonic properties of a silver nanocuboid dimer. The precise 3D geometry of the particles fabricated by means of electron beam lithography was reconstructed through electron tomography, and the full three-dimensional information was used as an input for simulations of energy-loss spectra and plasmon resonance maps. Excellent agreement between experiment and theory was found throughout, bringing the comparison between EELS imaging and simulations to a quantitative and correlative level. In addition, interface mode patterns, normally masked by the projection nature of a transmission microscopy investigation, could be unambiguously identified through tomographic reconstruction. This work overcomes the need for geometrical assumptions or symmetry restrictions of the sample in simulations and paves the way for detailed investigations of realistic and complex plasmonic nanostructures.

Opt Express ; 23(8): 10293-300, 2015 Apr 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25969071


We experimentally investigate the local refractive index sensitivity of plasmonic gold nanodisks by applying small polymer dots to selected disk sites by means of two-step lithography. Measured sensitivity profiles obtained from tracking the polymer-induced spectral shift of the plasmon modes are in excellent agreement with numerical simulation of both spectral sensitivity and the electric near field of the nanodisks. Based on the nanodisk sensitivity profile we tailor a sensitive and spatially uniform plasmonic sensor by capping the disk with a dielectric layer, thus restricting analyte access to the disk rim.

Opt Express ; 22(13): 16048-60, 2014 Jun 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24977859


In this study the applicability of an interface procedure for combined ray-tracing and finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulations of optical systems which contain two diffractive gratings is discussed. The simulation of suchlike systems requires multiple FDTD↔RT steps. In order to minimize the error due to the loss of the phase information in an FDTD→RT step, we derive an equation for a maximal coherence correlation function (MCCF) which describes the maximum degree of impact of phase effects between these two different diffraction gratings and which depends on: the spatial distance between the gratings, the degree of spatial coherence of the light source and the diffraction angle of the first grating for the wavelength of light used. This MCCF builds an envelope of the oscillations caused by the distance dependent coupling effects between the two diffractive optical elements. Furthermore, by comparing the far field projections of pure FDTD simulations with the results of an RT→FDTD→RT→FDTD→RT interface procedure simulation we show that this function strongly correlates with the error caused by the interface procedure.