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Sci Rep ; 12(1): 7715, 2022 May 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35546598


One of the main difficulties of efficiently generating high-order harmonics in long neutral-gas targets is to reach the phase-matching conditions. The issue is that the medium cannot be sufficiently ionized by the driving laser due to plasma defocusing. We propose a method to improve the phase-matching by pre-ionizing the gas using a weak capillary discharge. We have demonstrated this mechanism, for the first time, in absorption-limited XUV generation by an 800 nm femtosecond laser in argon and krypton. The ability to control phase-mismatch is confirmed by an analytical model and numerical simulations of the entire generation process. Our method allows to increase the efficiency of the harmonic generation significantly, paving the way towards photon-hungry applications of these compact short-wavelength sources.

Opt Express ; 29(4): 5982-5992, 2021 Feb 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33726129


Extreme ultraviolet (XUV) radiation finds numerous applications in spectroscopy. When the XUV light is generated via high-order harmonic generation (HHG), it may be produced in the form of attosecond pulses, allowing access to unprecedented ultrafast phenomena. However, the HHG efficiency remains limited. Here we present an observation of a new regime of coherent XUV emission which has a potential to provide higher XUV intensity, vital for applications. We explain the process by high-order parametric generation, involving the combined emission of THz and XUV photons, where the phase matching is very robust against ionization. This introduces a way to use higher-energy driving pulses, thus generating more XUV photons.

Opt Express ; 27(6): 8871-8883, 2019 Mar 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31052698


We present experimental results obtained at a user-oriented XUV beamline implemented at the ELI Beamlines facility. The coherent XUV radiation is produced via high harmonic generation in gases in a loose focusing geometry. The beamline is designed to be driven by 1 kHz, 100 mJ, 20 fs pulses centered at a wavelength of 830 nm. Results such as XUV spectra, beam wavefront and pulse energy obtained during the beamline commissioning with a commercial 1 kHz, 5 mJ, 40 fs laser system are presented. A unique XUV spectrometer for source characterization designed to reach a very high sensitivity is described in detail, and we demonstrate a novel technique for single-shot and every-shot XUV pulse energy measurement.

Sci Adv ; 5(4): eaau7175, 2019 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30972360


By experimentally studying high-order harmonic beams generated in gases, we show how the spatial characteristics of these ultrashort extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) beams can be finely controlled when a single fundamental beam generates harmonics in a thin gas medium. We demonstrate that these XUV beams can be emitted as converging beams and thereby get focused after generation. We study this optics-less focusing using a spatially chirped beam that acts as a probe located inside the harmonic generation medium. We analyze the XUV beam evolution with an analytical model and obtain very good agreement with experimental measurements. The XUV foci sizes and positions vary strongly with the harmonic order, and the XUV waist can be located at arbitrarily large distances from the generating medium. We discuss how intense XUV fields can be obtained with optics-less focusing and how the order-dependent XUV beam characteristics are compatible with broadband XUV irradiation and attosecond science.

Nat Commun ; 5: 4637, 2014 Aug 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25115933


A large international effort is nowadays devoted to increase the energy of the extreme ultraviolet pulses by using high-peak power ultrashort fundamental pulses (Terawatt level). Using such fundamental pulses brings specific constraints that need to be addressed. Here we study high-order harmonic generation in gases with 10 fs pulses at Terawatt peak power and demonstrate that extreme ultraviolet beams can be highly structured and complex in various conditions. We use a single-shot spatially resolved spectral detection and demonstrate direct observation of the spatio-temporal coupling occurring in the generating medium. Clear and reproducible complex spatio-spectral structures are observed in the far field. Similar structures are reproduced with simulations and we show that they are intimately associated to the high nonlinearity of high-order harmonic generation. Those findings are of prime importance for the generation of high-energy attosecond pulses and reveal important issues for their applications.