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Water Environ Res ; 93(11): 2648-2669, 2021 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34346118


This paper presents the Green Stormwater Infrastructure Social Spatial Adoption (G-SSA) model, a cellular automata agent-based model that simulates the behavior of private property owners responding to incentives to adopt on-site green stormwater infrastructure (GSI). Concepts such as small-world social networks, opinion dissemination, and diffusion of innovation are used to capture dynamic social, spatial, and temporal aspects of green stormwater infrastructure adoption. Demographic information, site constraints, GSI practice type and costs, and financial incentive information are integrated into modeling rules that influence adoption dynamics. A methodology is presented that describes how these concepts have been translated into an agent-based modeling platform that provides the opportunity to explore modeling dynamics and output. Model output confirms the viability of the methodology and produces results that inform future efforts to explore the G-SSA model. PRACTITIONER POINTS: Agent-based modeling (ABM) can evaluate the expected impact of market-based approaches for green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) adoption and O&M services. ABM can simulate years of implementation of GSI program incentives, which vary from stormwater fee reduction to subsidy payments to tradable credits revenues generated. Publicly available demographic data combined with behavioral economic relationships can build models to evaluate how municipalities can meet regulatory goals for urban retrofits using market-based approaches to encourage GSI adoption.

Chuva , Análise de Sistemas , Cidades
J Interpers Violence ; 36(5-6): 2478-2497, 2021 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29514551


Unlike the overt nature of physical aggression, which lends itself to simpler and more direct methods of investigation, the often-masked nature of relational aggression has led to difficulties and debate regarding the most effective tools of study. Given concerns with the accuracy of third-party relational aggression reports, especially as individuals age, self-report measures may be particularly useful when assessing experiences with relational aggression. However, it is important to recognize validity concerns-in particular, the potential effects of item order presentation-associated with self-report of relational aggression perpetration and victimization. To investigate this issue, surveys were administered and completed by 179 young adults randomly assigned to one of four survey conditions reflecting manipulation of item order. Survey conditions included presentation of (a) perpetration items only, (b) victimization items only, (c) perpetration items followed by victimization items, and (d) victimization items followed by perpetration items. Results revealed that participants reported perpetrating relational aggression significantly more often when asked only about perpetration or when asked about perpetration before victimization, compared with participants who were asked about victimization before perpetration. Item order manipulation did not result in significant differences in self-reported victimization experiences. Results of this study indicate a need for greater consideration of item order when conducting research using self-report data and the importance of additional investigation into which form of item presentation elicits the most accurate self-report information.

Bullying , Vítimas de Crime , Agressão , Humanos , Autorrelato , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto Jovem
Rev. crim ; 57(1): 27-43, ene.-abr. 2015. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-771743


Introducción: La producción de investigación sobre riesgo de violencia muestra gran heterogeneidad internacional y, especialmente, escasez y lenta difusión en Latinoamérica. Objetivos: Obtener una visión configurativa de los tópicos pertinentes al riesgo y prevención secundaria de la violencia, que son focos actuales de la investigación internacional. Método: Revisión de artículos científicos publicados en inglés durante agosto-octubre del 2013 y de artículos en español que se publicaron durante el 2013-2014. La selección se realizó con base en los trabajos en inglés detectados por la "Alliance for International Risk Research", y en los publicados en español hallados con búsqueda en LILACS y SciELO con las palabras clave "riesgo" y "violencia", además de consulta a red de expertos. Resultados: 45 artículos en inglés y siete en español resultaron pertinentes para los objetivos del estudio. Se verificó amplia preocupación por la sistematización de la evaluación del riesgo de violencia y por la planificación y el monitoreo de las intervenciones de prevención secundaria. Predominaron los tópicos relacionados con la confiabilidad, validez y utilidad práctica de los instrumentos de evaluación de riesgo de violencia.

Introduction: The production of research dealing with the violence risk shows significant international heterogeneity and, particularly, scarce results and a slow dissemination in Latin America. Objectives: To obtain a configurative vision of topics that are relevant to risk assessment and secondary prevention of violence that are the present matters on which international research is focused. Method: The review of scientific articles published in English during August-October 2013 and in Spanish through 2013-2014. The selection made was based on the works written in English as found by the "Alliance for International Risk Research", and on those published in Spanish observed through searches in LILACS and SciELO with the Key Words "riesgo" y "violencia" ("risk and violence"), apart from expert-network consultations. Results: 45 articles in English and seven in Spanish were found relevant for the study purposes. Widespread concern was confirmed with respect to the systematization of violence risk assessment and the planning and monitoring of secondary prevention interventions. Topics relating to reliability, validity and practical usefulness of violence-risk assessment instruments prevailed.

Introdução: A produção da investigação sobre o risco da violência mostra a grande heterogeneidade internacional e, especialmente, escassez e a difusão lenta em América Latina. Objetivos: Para obter uma visão configurativa dos temas pertinentes ao risco e à prevenção secundária da violência, que são focos atuais da investigação internacional. Método: Revisão de artigos científicos publicada em inglês durante agosto-outubro do 2013 e de artigos no espanhol que foram publicados durante 2013-2014. A seleção foi feita com base nos trabalhos em inglês detectados pela "Alliance for International Risk Research", e nos publicadas no espanhol encontrados com busca em LILACS e SciELO com as palavras chaves "risco" e "violência", além da consulta à rede dos especialistas. Resultados: 45 artigos em inglês e sete em espanhol resultaram pertinentes para os objetivos do estudo. Verificou-se ampla preocupação pela sistematização da avaliação do risco da violência e pelo planejamento e pelo monitoramento das intervenções da prevenção secundária. Predominaram os temas relacionados à confiança, à validez e à utilidade prática dos instrumentos da avaliação do risco da violência.

Pesquisa , Crime , Responsabilidade pela Informação , Violência